CUNY Information Competency Tutorials are made up of eight different tutorials and quizzes. The topics covered in the tutorials include: Determine Your Information Needs, Define the Research Topic, Locate and Retrieve Relevant Information, Use the Technological Tools For Accessing Information, Take the Quiz, Evaluate Information, Communicate Using a Variety of Information Technologies, Understand the Ethical, Legal, and Socio-Political Issues Surrounding Information and Information Technology, and Use, Evaluate, and Treat Critically Information Received From the Mass Media (Information Competency Tutorials, n.d.). These eight tutorials will not only teach you how to become an A+ researcher but will develop your information literacy and critical thinking skills. The tutorials follow a set of CUNY information literacy learning goals and objectives that all students should achieve by the time they have completed 60 credits. The first tutorials are intended to prepare a student to use library and other information sources in order to do research. The third tutorial explores possible information resources and teaches how to search them. One will learn how to access information using various print and electronic finding aids. They will also see that some Reference sources are useful for background and others for data while still others have extensive information that help them focus or refine their research. The fourth tutorial is a lesson on how to use various electronic resources including: an overview of Databases including information on records, fields and indexing, search strategies, and an overview of the Web and how to use it. The fifth tutorial shows how to determine the usefulness and value of retrieved information. One will learn to ask...
In the seventh tutorial one will learn about the legal and social issues confronting information. The last tutorial has to do with the usefulness and credibility of information communicated through the media (Information Competency Tutorials, n.d.).Literacy & Its Influence on Business and Future Leaders The objective of this study is to explain how information literacy influences scholarship, practice, and leadership in a specific profession or discipline. For the purpose of this study, the legal profession will be chosen. Badke (2009) writes in the work entitled 'How We Failed the Net Generation' that the World Wide Web came upon most of us who encountered it in the
While Lauer and Yodanis (2008) point out that the weblog has many applications, such as a journal or other means or personal use, they state that it can be used as a tool for students to collaborate with each other and share their learning, in addition to a tool for research where students can record their notes, thoughts, and links to more source material. Furthermore, the authors suggest that
In an information age, developing discernment and discrimination when digesting sources of information is a critical skill. Information literacy is the critical skill of being able to recognize credible sources and become a critical consumer of data. As Head & Wihbey (2014) point out, “finding useful information and a sense of what to trust” are now considered essential job skills (p. 1). Therefore, information literacy needs to be approached in
Literacy in Education: Its Influence on Scholarship, Practice and Leadership It was said of Thomas Jefferson that he knew almost everything there was to know. Life was simpler 250 years ago, and the world was smaller. There were only a fraction of the books that there are today, which was not a great problem since most people could not read. For today's learner, however, there is an infinite amount of
CRAAP is a useful acronym to help all people develop information literacy and media literacy. The acronym asks the researcher to check source currency, source relevance, source authority, source accuracy, and source purpose. This exercise will apply the CRAAP test to a source I found related to my research question on criminal psychology. Specifically, I am looking for information on police interrogation tactics and false confessions. Source: Nesterak, E. (2014). Coerced
Literacy on Ethics Meta Ethics "Meta-ethics, Normative Ethics, and Applied Ethics. (20111). The website provides a brief explanation of the difference between the three types of ethics. This website defines metaethics as the nature of ethics and how people make determinations of moral reasoning. It questions whether ethical decisions are made by the individual or are reflective of societal norms. It is a form of ethics that actually questions how ethics are defined. Hare,
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