Critical Thinking in Humanities
Essential Characteristics of Critical Thinking in Humanities
We, the students of humanities, are aware that critical thinking and inquire are essential for our discipline. But what does it really mean? How do we understand and exercise critical thinking? The readings in this class taught me that critical thinking is learn best from real life experiences of people who have struggled and fought for freedom and liberation of the mind. In the writings of Levi, Haffner, Sartre, Woolf, and Delillo we see the recurring theme of struggle for freedom and liberation of humanity's mental world. Whether it is for struggle against patriarchy, or whether it is against Nazi tyranny or likewise against rampant consumerism, the authors continuously discuss or allude to the absolute importance of critically engaging with what is going on around us. In this paper, I plan to discuss these authors as critical thinkers by using a list of characteristics necessary for critical thinking from the page of the Manchester University Faculty of Humanities Study Skills Website.
Critical thinkers are honest with themselves. This is absolutely essential for critical thinking. Without being honest with oneself, one cannot point at hypocrisies of anyone. Without honesty, it is impossible to see one's weaknesses and vices as a human being. Critical thinking is more about self-reflection -- critiquing oneself, one's nation, one's culture, the society, etc. -- than about demonstrating an ability to critique others. As critical thinkers, we must be honest with ourselves and appreciate an outside criticism. Sebastian Haffner is brutally honest with himself. Throughout the book, he not only condemns the Nazi party and its collaborators but also those who ridicule the Nazis but do not do anything to stop it -- which, it may be argued, is an indirect criticism directed at himself, too. Haffner also critiques German national character, faulting it for the rise of Nazism on the one hand and for the appeasement of it by those who disagree with Nazism on the other.
Primo Levi is another author who exercises honesty in all of his analysis. Most importantly, Levi is honest about the nature of humanity. Levi discusses the unspeakable horrors of Auschwitz to raise disturbing questions about the human capacity for evil. Too often, people tend to blame the Nazi atrocities on Hitler alone or on the peculiarity of the Nazi ideology. But is that really so? Reading Levi makes it hard to answer this question in the affirmative. One of Levi's main arguments is that humans are capable of doing good and committing evil but the tendency to each of these actions are often shaped by historical events and our social environment. Germany in the 1930s was not a country of Nazis only; it was a country which led the Western world in sciences and humanities, produced works of fine arts and numerous Nobel Prize winners. His account is a reminder to those of us who have become complacent, uncritically assuming that we will always be different from the Nazis, but not realizing that without honest self-reflection we may also delve deeply into the inhumanity of the sorts the Nazis are known for.
Critical thinkers resist manipulation. Manipulation and propaganda are the two essential tools that tyrannies and oppressive ideologies, regimes, and groups use to stifle independent and critical thinking. It is therefore essential that critical thinkers resist manipulation. This characteristic can easily be observed in all of the readings we have had. Virginia Woolf resists manipulation by men and the larger patriarchal society whose assumptions have been internalized by many women as well. The patriarchal society tries to manipulate the mind -- both males' and females' -- into thinking that things are they way they should be. They try to block any exercise of critical thinking. Woolf resists this by asking hard questions. She rejects the idea of male superiority by arguing that women can achieve the same by having their "own room" -- the one that provides the same level of freedom and resources that men traditionally enjoy.
Haffner resists manipulation by the Nazis. He is German, an Aryan, and a law clerk under Nazi Germany. The lawyers did not necessarily agree with the Nazi ideology but the party bureaucracy employed many tools to co-opt jurists into the party line. The party leaders provided new interpretations of the law to convince lawyers of the rightfulness of Nazism. But Haffner resists the manipulation despite the complexity and power of the propaganda. He resists it even though many people around him have...
(Eljamal; Stark; Arnold; Sharp, 1999) To conclude, it be said that if we will not be able to master imparting the capability to think in a developed form, our profession, as well as perhaps our world, would be influenced and taken over by someone who would be able to outsmart us to find it out. We would in that case not only remain thinking as to what happened but would
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