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Criminal Justice Theory And Policy Discussion Chapter

To have an appropriate policy outcome, an investigation is necessary to determine the basis of their relationship. This is necessary since both the attorney and the public will be in a position to justify if he shot his wife unknowingly. On the third website there is a case concerning a murderous ex-cop who faces cases of murder and hopes to get another chance. In such a case, there has to be evidence on the charges laid against the ex-cop and they are applicable in the case to establish the significant policy outcome. In lack of concrete evidence then it is unnecessary to charge the ex-cop against a series of murder, which is a callous act. The jury has to get proper information and then establish the kind of justice that will prevail on the case.

The three above proposals are similar in a way that they entail an important part before deciding on the kind of justice. The similarity on the three proposals is the fact that there is need to conduct an investigation before charging the accused. The difference is the fact the final policy outcome will differ in accordance to the case. Some cases will have evidences that are not reliable enough to charge the accused.

Looking Forward

One area on the criminal justice system that needs reforming is the corrections system that has had an augmented rate of corruption cases. The system apparently faces serious allegations for having their officers...

The best way to ensure that there is a successful reform within the system is to have gradual transfers at least thrice a year in that it gives the officers very minimal time to relate with the inmates and encourage the illegal dealings within the systems (Neubauer, 2011). In addition to officers gradual shuffling, there is necessity of an improved security system that monitors the inmates as well as the officers to distinguish the ones encouraging corruption on the systems.
By implementing this policy, the other criminal justice systems will face positive impacts since the level of corruption will be at a minimal perspective. The results in terms of performance will be at a heightened degree since every individual officer will be working hard to ensure that he maintains a clean profile at all times limiting the engagement of officers in the criminal justice department in criminal activities.


Kraska, P., & Brent, J. (2011).Theorizing Criminal Justice: Eight Essential Orientations (2nd

Edition). Long Grove,

Hancock, B., & Sharp, P. (2004).Criminal Justice in America (3rd Edition).Upper Saddle River,

NY: Prentice

Neubauer, D.W. (2011). America's courts and the criminal justice system. Belmont, CA:

Wadsworth Cengage Learning.

Sources used in this document:

Kraska, P., & Brent, J. (2011).Theorizing Criminal Justice: Eight Essential Orientations (2nd

Edition). Long Grove,

Hancock, B., & Sharp, P. (2004).Criminal Justice in America (3rd Edition).Upper Saddle River,

NY: Prentice
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