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Criminal Justice And Justice Research Paper

International Criminal Justice Philosophies International criminal justice is a relatively new field in the criminal justice system since it deals with issues that go beyond the local or national level. This field of criminal justice examines several crimes and criminal justice responses from an international or global perspective. As a result of incorporating a global perspective in examining criminal justice issues and responses, this field is multidisciplinary in nature and relatively complex. In essence, the international criminal justice field can be described as a discipline that examines crimes and criminal justice responses to these issues from a global perspective (Kiriakova & Gross, 2005). Additionally, international criminal justice field focuses on how the international community and states react to atrocious international crimes like war crimes, human rights abuses, crimes against humanity, and genocide.

There are several aspects included in the field of international criminal justice including international crimes, transnational crimes, conventional crimes, international criminal law, and human rights issues. Examples of international crimes include terrorism, forcible transfer of population and torture whereas examples of transnational crimes include money laundering and theft of intellectual property. On the other hand, conventional crimes include criminal homicide, burglary,...

As a social science, international criminal justice field incorporates these concepts despite looking at criminal justice issues and responses from a global perspective. However, this field slightly differs from existing social sciences through incorporating law and ethics in examining criminal justice issues. International criminal justice field differs from existing social sciences through incorporating different disciplinary approaches. One of these approaches is victimology, which is a vital sociological and psychological element of this field. Unlike existing social sciences, international criminal justice examines victimhood in terms of the role and significance of victims, victim rights, and victim access to justice are examined from a global perspective (Boas, 2012). Secondly, this field incorporates psychology to help understand how the international community and individual nations can help victims become recover from international crimes. Psychology is also utilized to examine the various emotional and behavioral reactions that victims experience. Third, international criminal justice field includes history, which helps in determining criminal justice responses through evaluating past war crimes and other kinds of international crimes.
Given the slight difference…

Sources used in this document:

Boas, G.J. (2012). What is International Criminal Justice? Retrieved February 15, 2017, from

Henn, M., Weinstein, M., & Foard, N. (2009). Critical Social Research. In A critical introduction to social research (2nd ed.). Los Angeles, CA: SAGE Publications Ltd.

John Jay College of Criminal Justice. (n.d.). International Criminal Justice: A Research Guide. Retrieved from Lloyd Sealy Library website:

Weber, R. (2004). Editor's Comments: The Rhetoric of Positivism Versus Interpretivism: a Personal View. Management Information Systems Quarterly, 28(1), pp. iii -- xii
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