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Credible Sources In The Context Of Online Term Paper

¶ … Credible Sources In the context of online research and analysis, it is important to determine the credibility of sources whether they are scholarly or not. This is especially important when research is compiled and synthesized into new studies or academic, scholarly, or philosophic proposals or insights. It is important to recognize the validity of sources, especially when so many online sources and sites claim to be able to provide insight, and sometimes complete assignments, into ongoing discussions among students and professors at an undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral level.

One of the sites most frequently cited for a lack of credibility is While Wikipedia may attract students due to its ease of use and the information contained on the site, it is often not considered a credible source due to its aggregate nature and because many of its entries are written, edited, and submitted by its users. While many educators do not consider Wikipedia itself a credible source, scholarly studies conducted provide insight into the site's credibility. In "An empirical examination of Wikipedia's credibility"...

Chesney (2006) found, "No difference was found between the two group in terms of their perceived credibility of Wikipedia or of the articles' authors, but a difference was found in the credibility of the articles -- the experts found Wikipedia's articles to be more credible than the non-experts. This suggests that the accuracy of Wikipedia is high."
On the other hand, Lisa Spiro (2008) provides equally compelling insight into Wikipedia's credibility from a non-academic perspective. Spiro is the "director of NITLE Labs, Program Manager of Anvil Academic, Communications Officer for the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO), and founder of the DiRT wiki (now Bamboo DiRT)" (Digital Scholarship in the Humanities, n.d.). In "Is Wikipedia Becoming a Respectable…

Sources used in this document:

***** (n.d.). Accessed 21 July 2013, from http://*****/.

Chesney, T. (November 2006). An empirical examination of Wikipedia's credibility.

First Monday, volume 11, number 11. Accessed 21 July 2013, from

Spiro, L. (2008, Sept 1). Is Wikipedia becoming a reliable source? Digital Scholarship in the Humanities: Exploring the Digital Humanities. Accessed 21 July 2013, from
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