Counter Terrorism
Describe the strategy, tactics, and tools that are available to agencies within the U.S. To perform counter-terrorism operations
The basic strategy for agencies within the U.S. is to focus on coordinating with states and local officials. This means that between the different levels of government, there will be increased amounts of intelligence sharing. At the same time, there is a concentrated effort in working with first responders to effectively prevent and mitigate the effects of a terrorist attack. This is accomplished by having threat level alerts that will let everyone know when to be vigilant. (Alexander, 2007, pp. 559 -- 597)
Some of the tools that are utilized during this process include: facial recognition technology, bomb / explosive detectors, dogs, surveillance cameras and laws that give officials greater powers. A good example of this can be seen with the passage and renewal of the U.S.A. Patriot Act. After September 11th, these laws made it easier for the police to monitor the electronic and telephone related activities of terrorists without having to obtain a search warrant. When this tool was used in correlation with other assets, officials were more effective at catching terrorists during the process of planning an attack. (Alexander, 2007, pp. 559 -- 597)
Moreover, the U.S.A. Patriot Act went directly after the financing and support that terrorists were receiving (by requiring banks to report large transactions). This helped to provide any early warning sign of illicit activities. While it is providing a more complete picture of how the cell is operating and where they are receiving their support. The combination of these factors has allowed law enforcement to successfully prevent terrorist attacks. (Alexander, 2007, pp. 559 -- 597)
Describe the strategy, tactics, and tools that are available to U.S. agencies and the military to perform counter-terrorism operations abroad
The basic strategy that the U.S. is using abroad is to directly target Al Qaeda operatives wherever they are located in the world. In most cases, this will involve working with allies and other nations to go after these individuals. However, there are situations where they have been hiding out in remote regions that are supported by unfriendly regimes. (Kagely, 2011, pp. 217 -- 222)
In this case, the U.S. strategy is to directly or indirectly send forces in an area to create stable governments (which are friendlier). They would work with the military and other agencies in establishing a security presence and directly going after terrorists. In Afghanistan, this approach involved sending in military troops. While at other times, the basic strategy may require local forces or a contingent of allies going into the region. (Kagely, 2011, pp. 217 -- 222)
To achieve these objectives, the U.S. will use a number of different tools in conjunction with each other. To include: the use of military forces / assets, electronic communication, unmanned aerial drones, computer virus and monitoring Al Qaeda-based chat rooms / websites. A good example of how the U.S. will use these tactics in correlation with one another can be seen with drone strikes occurring inside Pakistan. Despite working with U.S. officials, Pakistan was unable to root out key elements in the Northwest tribal region. (Kagely, 2011, pp. 217 -- 222)
To prevent this from becoming a safe haven, the U.S. has been conducting aerial drone strikes. This is designed to disrupt the activities of Al Qaeda by targeting their top leadership. The fact that Pakistan could not go after these people is a sign that the U.S. will use any of its resources to locate and kill these individuals. This is illustrating how this kind of approach will target the terrorists where ever they are located. In those situations when there is good cooperation, the U.S. will work exclusively with local officials. While in instances where there could be a potential safe haven, the military will use it resources to after these groups. (Kagely, 2011, pp. 217 -- 222)
Terrorism There have been various definitions and views of terrorism that have beenfronted over the years. It has been described as a strategy and at other levels as a tactic, some have called it a crime and yet other refer to it as a holy/noble duty; some consider it an inexcusable abomination yet others consider it a systematic reaction to oppression. Obviously, a lot depends on whose point-of-view is being represented,
Some rates had even decreased. Maritime shipping rates grew by 5 to 10% on average in the two weeks after the attack, but that rise was soon reversed. Airfreight rates, however, were about 10% higher in late 2001 than before the attacks. Due to the abrupt slowing of cumulative demand starting in 2000 and the decline in fuel costs after the terrorism, there should have been a steeper falling
In the first instance an attack of this nature usually serves a symbolic purpose from the terrorist's point-of-view in that he or she is seen to be attacking the bastion of global Western commerce. Secondly, many business concerns are more vulnerable to attack as they are usually not as heavily secured as military or energy installations. There is also the factor that American financial institutions are invariably identified with
It is reported that there are two typical organizational structures that terrorist groups use: (1) networked; and (2) hierarchical. (Joint Chiefs of Staff, 2005) the hierarchical structure organizations are those with a "well defined vertical chain of command and responsibility. Information flows up and down organizational channels that correspond to these vertical chains, but may not move horizontally." (Joint Chiefs of Staff, 2005) a network structure is a "variation
Terrorism is at this point one of the main threats that decision makers in the field of national security have to deal with especially in the United States. The issue has been raised mainly after the events from 9/11 2001, but have been a constant concern for the law enforcement agencies since the beginning of the 90s and even before. The United States have a particular way in which it
The foolishness of this reversal of priorities would be clearly demonstrated in the contrast between the results of intelligence efforts on 9/11 and those just two years prior. After the resignation of Tenet, who submitted as his official reason for departure the desire to spend more time with his family, his spokesman noted that "no one in the U.S. government was more aggressive in calling attention to and dealing with
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