Council of Arles
During the early history of the Christian Church, the ancient Roman city of Arles, now in France, hosted a number of synods (councils) that would have a profound effect on the evolution and development of Christianity. We must remember that Christianity began as a Jewish sect in the mid-1st century, originating in the eastern Mediterranean Coast. As an offshoot to Judaism it became popular and grew to Syria, o, Asia Minor and Egypt, and by the 4th century A.D. had become the dominant religion within the Roman Empire (Rivers, 2008).
In general, of course, Christians believe that Jesus was the messiah prophesized in the Hebrew Bible, the "Old Testament." The foundation of Christian theology is based on early ecumenical "creeds" that contain claims the form the foundation of the faith. These state in general that Jesus suffered, died, was buried and was resurrected, then ascended into heaven where he rules and reigns with God. Jesus forms part of the Trinity, with God the Father, and the Holy Ghost. Christians believe that...
Donatist Heresy An Analysis of the Problems Posed by the Donatists in the Early Catholic Church Introduction Donatus Magnus represents a kind of Puritanism that has always existed in the Church. The Donatist movement of the early fourth century was a response to perceived laxity on the part of Church officials concerning Catholics who had lapsed out of fear under the persecutions of Diocletian. That was one side of the argument, at least.
The two documents agree with each other in preserving monasteries from episcopal interference, and thus are in sympathy with the Benedictine spirit (Bettenson, 1972). Chapter III of the Council is sweeping in its prohibition: 'That no bishop shall in any way interfere with any monasteries dedicated to God nor take away forcibly any part of their property'. Canons of the penitential grant to the monastic community the right of
Inquisitions have played a major role in the Catholic Church since early in the Church's history.[footnoteRef:1]. They are considered one of the most shameful part of the history of the Catholic Church and part of the darkest periods in Jewish history. One of the great Catholic theologians, St. Augustine, offered support for the Inquisition process by citing from the Book of Luke, 14:23. Then the master told his servant, "Go
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