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Corporate Social Responsibility Business Term Paper

Corporate Social Responsibility Business Corporate social responsibility

Corporate social responsibility involves a set of principles promoting the idea that business in general should be directed at assisting social progress through putting across ethical attitudes. Ethics has come to play an important role in the business environment in recent years and this influenced many to get actively engaged in considering this concept whenever doing business. Corporate social responsibility is meant to influence individuals to employ more sympathetic view with regard to their peers while doing business. As business institutions, firm have the obligation to put across attitudes that have a positive effect on stakeholders.

Corporate social responsibility is meant to strengthen the connection between society and the business industry. By emphasizing a series of beliefs, this concept is intended to have businessmen better acquainted with what is expected from them. It largely deals with the relationship between the social order and the business world in an attempt to reach common ground and in order to prevent significant issues from appearing as a result of individuals abandoning ethics in their struggle to earn profits.

Businesses are often subjected to social pressures and businessmen thus need to be prepared to deal with these respective pressures while also trying to keep their businesses afloat. Corporate...

A business institution thus needs to be able to adapt to the business environment as it evolves. This involves being able to examine information in the business world and act in agreement with this respective information.
Owning a business can be especially stressing, as one needs to be able to understand the constantly-changing business environment. "This environment can be unchanged for decades, if not centuries, and then it falls apart and is reformed like a kaleidoscope with increasing rapidity." (Hopkins, 2012) This makes it possible for someone to understand how businessmen have to avoid failing in their line of work as a consequence of being unable to keep up with the rest of the world.

There are three primary lines of thinking that businessmen need to consider when conducting their business. Legitimacy represents one of the most important concepts when it comes to business and it is largely a way of better understanding the connection between the business world and society. Public Responsibility relates to how a company and all actions associated with it having to be in accordance with a strict set of principles. Managerial discretion involves managers and supervisors in general having to concentrate on…

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Works cited:

Hopkins, M. (2012). "Corporate Social Responsibility and International Development: Is Business the Solution?." Routledge.

Horrigan, B. (2010). "Corporate Social Responsibility in the 21st Century: Debates, Models and Practices Across Government, Law and Business." Edward Elgar Publishing.

Sims, R.R. (2003). "Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility: Why Giants Fall." Greenwood Publishing Group.
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