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Congressional Ethics Lobbying Has Been Term Paper

In traditional terms lobbying represents a democratic means of expressing the legitimate interest in a certain affair that is the matter of debate on the legislative forum. Groups of interests and businessmen have the right to support their interests and people with experience in Washington are more indicated to promote their cause. Still, there should be a stricter law of the lobbying activity, in which transparence and fairness should be a prerequisite condition for the activity of lobby.

Ralph Reed is an important figure in the scandal, as he is an influential man in Georgia. According to reports, "His expertise as a campaign strategist is widely credited with helping in the election of Sen. Saxby Chambliss, putting Sonny Perdue in the governor's mansion, and allowing the Republicans to win control of the state senate for the first time since the days of Reconstruction." He even used his organization, the Christian Coalition, to gather party votes and support. Therefore, his influence in Washington was essential for the lobbying scandal. This comes to prove the fact that the lobbying activity must necessarily be practiced by people with increased influence, an element which plays a vital point in the establishment of a transparent system because most of the time politics do not represent a transparent process but rather a world of compromise and negotiation....

Thus, it has often been said that politics is not an ethical affair, nor a moral one.
Both the Indian lobbying scandal, as well as the issue of sweatshop legislation in the island of Marianas comes to point out the fact that the lobbying affair can become a risky business for the client and the lobbyist as well. However, in order to prevent cases such as these from happening, the U.S. legislature is in need of a stronger lobby regulation law, one that would ensure more transparency concerning the administration of funds and their provenience, the contacts senators have with different interest groups, and most importantly, a transparency in terms of decision making relating to important issues such as gambling or immigrant policies.


American Atheists. Abramoff Cops, Washington Shakes -- Will Trail of Corruption & Influence Peddling Lead to Ralph Reed, Evangelicals. 2006. 14 December 2007

Birnbaum, Jeffrey "H. Going Left on K. Street. More Democrats Hired to Lobby Despite GOP Efforts to Shut Them Out." Washington Post. July 2, 2004. 14 December 2007.

United States Senate. Lobbying. 2007 14 December 2007.

Sources used in this document:

American Atheists. Abramoff Cops, Washington Shakes -- Will Trail of Corruption & Influence Peddling Lead to Ralph Reed, Evangelicals. 2006. 14 December 2007

Birnbaum, Jeffrey "H. Going Left on K. Street. More Democrats Hired to Lobby Despite GOP Efforts to Shut Them Out." Washington Post. July 2, 2004. 14 December 2007.

United States Senate. Lobbying. 2007 14 December 2007.
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