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Confidentiality In Healthcare One Of Term Paper

Concomitantly, the patient should also be kept informed of such actions, as it directly affects his or her confidentiality status. The physician should then advise the patient regarding the necessary actions or allowance to be made for the destruction of the records. 6. As mentioned above, it is absolutely vital to identify individuals and organizations with access to the databases containing his or her medical records. The reason for this is again for the purpose of informed consent. The physician should also be informed of such individuals or organizations. The patient is then given full power to provide or withhold consent in concomitance with advice from the physician.

7. The AMA ethics opinion mentions encryption, along with several other measures, to ensure the security of medical records from unauthorized access. Other forms of access control include passwords and scannable badges. This ensures the confidentiality of patient records and protection from outside parties, including hackers or other entities without the informed consent of both the physician and the patient.

The AMA ethics opinion very strongly promotes the security of patient records, stating that the most stringent possible security procedures should be implemented to prevent unauthorized access. The ethics document also states that audit procedures should be in place to create records of any unauthorized disclosure or access to medical data. Furthermore, if employees working with the databases are terminated or leave the employer, their access to medical records should be terminated at once.

The release of authorized data to third parties is strictly prohibited by the AMA ethical guidelines. Indeed, confidential medical data is to be released only to individuals or agencies with legitimate requirements necessitating such release. Furthermore, released data is limited to only what is necessary for the specific identified use, and patient identifiers should be restricted if possible and as necessary. Time for the use of the data is also confined to the period for which the information is requested. The authorized release of data therefore does not authorize recipients to disclose the information to any other parties, or indeed to the subsequent use of the information for any other purpose.
In conclusion, the physician-patient confidentiality is one of the nearly sacred rights that a patient may rely upon. AMA guidelines in this regard should therefore never be disregarded or taken in anything but the most serious light.


American Medical Association (1995-2008). E-5.07 Confidentiality Computers.

American Medical Association (1995-2008). E-5.059 Privacy in the Context of Health Care.

American Medical Association (1995-2008). E-7.02 Records of Physicians Information and Patients.

American Medical Association (1995-2008). E-10.01 Fundamental Elements of the Patient-Physician Relationship.

Sources used in this document:

American Medical Association (1995-2008). E-5.07 Confidentiality Computers.

American Medical Association (1995-2008). E-5.059 Privacy in the Context of Health Care.

American Medical Association (1995-2008). E-7.02 Records of Physicians Information and Patients.

American Medical Association (1995-2008). E-10.01 Fundamental Elements of the Patient-Physician Relationship.
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