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Communist Party And Generation Essay

GDR Communism The main problem with GDR Communism was that it was essentially full of itself -- completely idealistic and pretentiously embracing a "newfound" optimism and faith in a youthful spirit. Everything was supposedly new -- all the old institutions were influx -- and corruption was on its way out, as though it was something that could be eradicated simply by adopting the right policy, by implementing the right socialist or communist agenda. There was nothing really logical about any of it: corruption is a staple of the human condition -- always has been and always will be. Human nature does not change just because the manifesto changes. Human nature is constantly being pulled in two directions at once. With its idealistic goggles on, the GDR simply spoon fed optimism and pride in itself to young generation, insisting that they reject what came before -- the sacred institutions, the sacred temples, the old beliefs. All of that was rotten: the Communists would light the torches to a better tomorrow. It was doomed from the start: it simply was not rooted in reality.

The problem was it was a lie. The era was not young. No era ever is. Every generation stands in the shadow of what came before. The GDR Communists pretended that everything that came before was irrelevant -- that the new generation had no parents -- that they were orphans cast off by the corrupt old world and kindly taken in and raised by the Communist leaders. It appealed to youthful vanity, that spirit that looks at itself and admires its beauty, energy, charm and charisma -- but that it is typically woefully uneducated and in need of guidance. The old generation is what typically provides this guidance, even if much of what goes on is corrupted. Sometimes the good lessons get through. The GDR Communists were not interested in letting the good lessons through: they wanted to build a utopian society that was based not on the solid ground of reality but rather on ideals that were enforced rather than freely pursued -- ideals that the young generation was supposed to move towards . . . but did not. The young generation, it turns out, was really no different in nature,…

Sources used in this document:

The Director of the Youth Institute Comments. (1988). GHDI.

The New Youth Program of the Communist Party. (1963). GHDI. Retrieved from
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