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Communication Skill And Learning Case Study

¶ … Learner in Monitoring His/Her Own Learning Progress The following are various ways I use to make learning effective by helping the pupil to monitor their own learning. These approaches encourage positive relationships in the class environment and enhance the emotional well-being of the learners. They also encourage learners to participate in the class activity. Effective application of these qualities depends on how well I have combined them with pedagogical skills and other appropriate behavior management strategies that are tailored for the learners in focus. This section describes a number of these pedagogical skills (Cooper & Cefai, 2013).

Pedagogical skills

As an effective teacher I take my time to plan lessons in detail. This planning ensures that the learning needs of a diverse class are taken into consideration. The details include auditory and visual approaches to the delivery of content. It also aims at encouraging learners to actively participate in the learning activities.

ii. By managing the physical environment in class

The physical environment has a tremendous effect on teaching and learning outcomes.

b. Based on the learning goal and the focus learner's IEP goals, respond to the prompts below.

Explain how the learning goal and the planned supports align with the IEP goal.

The primary IEP goals for the focus learner are twofold: firstly, he must attain at least 50 % of the 7 grade ELA Standards as marked by his teacher based on the teacher's observation, assessment, student's work and overall attendance; secondly, the learner is expected to sequence and form answers based on textual content by the end of the year. All of the planned supports that I implemented are directly linked with the second IEP goal which can be seen through the use of Socratic seminars as well as the regular encouragement given by me to the learner. The first goal of the IEP which is related to the student's performance is also indirectly related to all the planned supports that I use especially the open ended questions that I design for the learner within the classroom as well as in the Socratic seminars.

c. List any special accommodations or modifications in the learning environment, instruction, or assessment required by the IEP and relevant to the learning goal.

1. If a learner shows behavior that interrupts the learning process, it is incumbent upon the IEP team to consider possible behavioral interventions, support strategies and deal with such a problem as it arises (Mary Magee, David, Cynthia, Tom, & Dehaven, 2000). Some of the approaches I use to handle such a case include

i. Functional behavior assessment

ii. I set clear expectations of the behavior that is expected iii. I assist the learner to succeed.

2. I utilize and manage space in a way that helps me to discourage disruptive behavior. Some practical ways I do it are listed below (Mary Magee, David, Cynthia, Tom, & Dehaven, 2000).

a. I delineate spaces. Some learners naturally pick up cues that outline the uses for the various classroom spaces while others have to be explicitly directed and informed of such purposes and how they should move around.

b. I regulate the level of stimulation. As a teacher I can control the level of auditory and visual stimulation that is exposed to the learner. For Some learners who can easily be distracted, I expose them to lower amount of stimulation.

d. Explain how the lesson objectives, learning tasks, materials, and planned supports are sequenced to - move the focus learner toward achievement of the IEP goals, standards (as appropriate), and the learning goal.

The use of Socratic seminars, focus on interaction amongst peers, engaging the learner in one-on-one text-based sessions, encouraging to think outside the box, encouraging the application of theory in real life circumstances are all efforts and supports that are directed towards moving the learner towards the achievement of the aforementioned IEP and learning goals. Helping the learner main hain a daily task organizer also helps him.mange to stay focused and apt encouragement for attainment of small daily tasks increases his motivation levels to work hard and continue working hard. Regular call back of text content and it's application in practical settings also helps the learner sefl-reflect and formulate opinions.

-build connections between the focus learner's prior learning and experiences and new learning for the learning goal.

The prior learning experience was minimal for the learner in the field of ELA hence there can be no connection made between previous learning and new learning. Prior experience of the learner in the social setting can be related to the new learning goals as the new learning goals, when achieved, can improve communication skills of the learner and hence decrease his frustrations...

Knowledge of Focus Learner to Inform Teaching of the Learning Segment
For each of the categories listed below (2a -- d), describe what you know about the focus learner's strengths and challenges as related to the lesson objectives of the learning segment. Cite evidence of what the learner knows, what he can do, and what he is learning to do in relation to the learning goal

Refer to baseline data obtained prior to the beginning of the learning segment.

a. Prior learning and experiences, including prerequisite knowledge and skills related to the lesson objectives

The learner has minimal experience of ELA prior to the exposure in this session. He has practical experience of being unable to communicate clearly in English and thus facing frustration and discouragement.

b. Social and emotional development (e.g., impulse control, ability to interact and express him/herself and his/her feelings in constructive ways, ability to engage and persist in individual and collaborative learning, social connectedness)

The learner displays minimal problems in interaction with his peers outside of the ELA setting during his regular interactions in the gym or the cafeteria or any other social setting. The learner is generally a calm individual and responds brilliantly to positivity and encourgament. The learner responds better in an individual setting of instruction but adjusts well in a classroom setting or a peer discussion as well.

c. Personal, family, community, and cultural assets (e.g., the focus learner's interests and strengths, relevant lived experiences, and self-management skills; family supports or resources; cultural expectations; community supports or resources)

The learner is very easily distracted and thus has minimal attention span. The learner is also disorganized and forgetful but is comfortable in a social setting and is generally well mannered in his interactions with his peers and teachers, in the special ed class as well as outside of it. The learner is usually late to get to school which shows either negligence on the part of the family or lack of interest. The learner has to make personal efforts and be given reminders to complete his tasks daily which shows yet another lacklustre interest from the family of the learner.

d. If relevant, any other information about the focus learner that will influence your instructional planning (e.g., other needs and strengths in areas such as motor skills or communication)

The learner faces difficulty in understanding complex text so most work has to be broken down in simpler terms. This also suggests a strong attention deficit problem in the learner.

3. Supporting Learning

Refer to the instructional materials and lesson plans you have included to support your justifications, as needed.

a. Describe how the learning tasks, materials, and planned supports address your focus learner's needs and capitalize on his/her strengths and interests.

Planned supports can include the learning environment, instructional strategies, learning tasks, materials, accommodations, modifications, assistive technology, prompts, and/or scaffolding that are deliberately selected or designed to facilitate learning of the targeted knowledge and skills.

The peer group is of critical importance in shaping a learner's behavior. I harness it and redirect it appropriately to make it beneficial to the learner's needs (Cooper & Cefai, 2013). I encourage the following

i. Positive Reporting by Peers: I develop a reward system for learners who report on the positive and negative behaviors of their own peers. The reward system can include both the reporters and those who have been cited as being in good standing behavior wise.

ii. Buddying: This approach involves pairing learners up with one of the learners being a guide. I employ the strategy when they have a new class entrant as part of taking them through familiarization of the class culture and general environment.

iii. Peer Tutoring: I tailor it in various forms. It may involve one learner tutoring the rest. It may also involve, learners taking turns to offer lessons they have mastered to the rest of the group, or one learner being on the receiving end while a nominated tutor offers assistance.

b. Explain how the learning tasks, materials, and/or planned supports will provide challenge to your focus learner.

The focus learner will be challenged to move out of his comfort zone And interact openly and confidently with his peers with minimal input from me. What this will do is that it will develop a sense of self-confidence and independence in the learner to engage in a healthy discussion without looking for encouragement from me. It will also help the learner to distinguish the norms of a…

Sources used in this document:

Afasic. (2016). Language Disorder - Receptive Language Disorder. London: Helplines Partnership.

Cooper, P., & Cefai, C. (2013). Understanding and Supporting Students with Social, Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties. Malta: European Centre for Educational Resilience and Socio-Emotional Health.

Mary Magee, Q., David, O., Cynthia, W., Tom, H., & Dehaven, B. (2000). Teaching and Working with Children Who Have Emotional and Behavioral Challenges. . Washington, DC: American Institutes for Research - Center for Effective Collaboration and Practice.

Ministry of Education - Province of British Colomb. (2011). A Guide for Teachers - Supporting Students with Learning Disabilities. Ministry of Education.
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