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Communication Essay

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What are the main communication channels you will apply in your business? JustifyCommunication channels are the ways through which individuals within an organization communicate. The communication channel or medium employed to convey a message influences how correctly the message will be received. One of the key communication channels that will be used in the business will be face-to-face communication. This is one of the richest communication channels and will be employed within the organization as it has staff of less than 30 people (Williams, 2016). In addition, this communication channel will facilitate interaction between the speaker and recipients and in elucidating any vagueness. Moreover, as a verbal form of communication, face-to-face communication channel is fitting with respect to obtaining immediate feedback and when there is urgency to communicate (Bauer and Erdogan, 2016). A second communication channel that will be used in the organization is mobile communication. This communication channel is beneficial in conveying more intricate messages to individuals or a small number of personnel. The justification for this channel is that it permits an interactive interchange and provides the recipient the additional advantage of construing the speaker's tone together with the message (Bauer and Erdogan, 2016).

The third communication channel will be electronic, which will take place through email, intranet and social media platforms....

The benefit of this channel within the organization is that it will facilitate conveying messages to individuals, groups and masses. In addition, despite the fact that it is less personal, this channel is more efficacious. Lastly, the business will utilize written communication. There are times when the personnel will not necessitate any interaction for them to be communicated to. Therefore, the business will employ different communication techniques such as memos, announcements, policies and letters (Williams, 2016).
Identify common barriers to effective communication in your business? What strategies will you apply to avoid each barrier?

There are several factors that can hinder effective communication within an organization. Taking this into account, it is imperative for the organization to make certain that there are strategies set in place to solve such barriers. One of the common barriers within the organization is gender differences. The personnel within the business comprise of both men and women, and the key hindrance in communication lies in the fact that they have different styles of communication which can at times work against them. For instance, in general, women prefer asking questions prior to commencing on a project whereas men tend to delve into projects right away. In turn, this can generate a perspective of lack of preparedness. The main strategy of avoiding this barrier is to be cognizant of gender differences and…

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