Colonialism & Resistance
There is a scene in the documentary film Jane Goodall's Path in which an elder living on Pine Ridge reservation in South Dakota is interviewed. Looking directly at the camera, the elder tells how he lost his sixteen-year-old son to suicide. His bewilderment apparent, he tells how many other young people living in Pine Ridge have killed themselves, too. He reveals that the rate of alcoholism is 90%. The elder explains that he brought Jane to the reservation because he believes she can help the young people living on the reservation find hope. And then he cries.
The absence of hope. This is the penultimate insult of colonialism -- second only to rape. I don't argue that a lack of hope is second to death, because a lack of hope is death -- a different brand of death, but death all the same. It is a slower kind of death than dying by alcoholism. It is a preamble to suicide. If an absence of hope is the harbinger of colonialism, then perhaps an abundance of hope is necessary for decolonization.
We, the People.
At the core of colonialism is a belief that it is necessary to subjugate a people, on the one hand, in order for exploitation to occur, and on the other, for their own good. The manner of life, their degree of economic development, their religious beliefs, and any number of other attributes of a people -- whose land and lives have been invaded -- are used to excuse the subjugation and imposed sovereignty that turns the wheels of colonialism. Decolonization is much more than just restoring things back to what they once were. One reason for that is because it can't be done. Some damage can't be undone. People can't be refurbished the way that a painting is restored -- by a careful scraping off of the old paint followed by applications of new paint. A toggle that reads colonize / decolonize doesn't exist.
The Pouch in the Wall, the Whisper in My Ear
There are issues of memory and generation, as well. Lena Coulter experiences directly the impact of memory...
Moreover, some, like the former Italian Somaliland, are written off as failed states where terrorism flourishes (Johnson pp). Uganda and Kenya, that were once considered paradises are now increasingly poor and dangerous (Johnson pp). Black majority rule has failed virtually everywhere, and rapid population growth, indebtedness, and diseases such as AIDS, have brought additional misery, however, the main failure has been political (Johnson pp). Many of these countries, such as
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