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College Students Search For A Social Identity Need Advice And Support Research Paper

Student Social Identity Development A Speech Covering the Project

When it comes to university students and their need for advice and leadership, there are important principles and key strategies that an incoming academic advisor should be familiar with and should be eager to put into practice. First of all it is vitally important for an incoming academic advisor to understand that many students aren't involved in higher education just obtain a degree, although of course that is an important part of the experience. For many students, they are in universities and colleges in order to develop a strong social identity and to achieve a higher level of intellectual competencies, which they believe will help them rise to another social level, perhaps greater than they had after high school

The new student, especially, should be viewed by academic advisors as being involved in a dramatic transition from one developmental stage -- young adulthood -- into their next development phase -- adulthood. Coming into the university the student already has an identity, but that identity may be something the student is trying to escape from. He may be trying to shed the skin of his old identity. And so, he...

That group will represent a higher socioeconomic level than he has come from and hence, he will strive to become part of that campus group. Identifying with that group may help his self-concept (which was likely confused or not fully developed after getting out of high school), but his participation with that particular group depends on whether the existing group sees him as a worthy member.
An advisor discussing academics with a student should dig deeper into the student's campus experience than just his career goals. The advisor should seek to know what motivates the student to seek a certain social identity, and the advisor should be comfortable with discussing the tension or pressure that the student may be experiencing while seeking a revised or altogether new social identity. Some students will experience emotional instability that may be related to difficult coursework, but it may also be due to their struggle to deal with their emerging social identity. Becoming scholarly at the same time he is developing a more mature personality and a social identity is not easy for all students, hence, the importance for academic…

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