Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
In comparison with many different types of treatments that are available cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) has been used as a way to address a host of anxiety and depression disorders without the use of prescription medication. This is because; this approach is based on the fact that health care professionals are treating someone by: looking at how their thoughts are influencing the way that they are interacting with others. To fully understand the effectiveness of this kind of treatment requires examining the use of CBT to deal with: a variety of issues / disorders, discussing the implications for treatment planning, understanding what aspects should be implemented when conducting a treatment program and the different ways that you can ensure that the therapy is useful at dealing with the objectives for each patient. Once this takes place, it will provide specific insights about the underlying effectiveness of CBT in: treating a wide variety of individuals.
Evaluate the literature on the use of CBT and diversity issues including gender, sexuality, ethnicity, culture, age, socioeconomic class, disability, domestic...
According to Burns (1980), this is because it focuses on four basic principals including: rapid symptomatic improvement, understanding, self-control and prevention / personal growth. The rapid symptomatic improvement is when a person is able to experience quicker periods of relief from their underlying symptoms. While, understanding is when a patient sees the kinds of issues that are contributing to their moody states and what they can do effectively deal with them. Self-control is when the patient is
learning how to apply safe and effective coping strategies for a variety of situations. Prevention / personal growth is when a person is learning how to deal with the different moods and feelings they are experiencing. (Burns, 1980, pp. 10 -11) This is accomplished by understanding how to apply techniques that can ensure that someone is able to build upon the improvements they have made. These elements are important, because they are illustrating how regardless of: gender, sexuality, ethnicity, culture, age, socioeconomic class, disability, domestic violence, co-morbid disorders, or medical problems it is up to the individual to change how they feel. Once this takes place, it means that they can be able to overcome the various issues that they are wrestling with.
Discuss the implications for treatment planning with
respect to such considerations and the American Counseling Association (ACA) guidelines and
ethical standards.
The implications of these kinds of treatments are that they are taking into account a number of different factors that are relating to ACA guidelines to include:
confidentiality and evaluation / assessment / interpretation. Confidentiality is when the mental health professional is…