Even when reprimanding students, stressing they always have a choice is essential: they can choose to do their homework, for example, four days a week and be rewarded by no homework for the weekend, or if they do not turn in their homework on time they do not get a reward of a free weekend, and a reduction in their grade because the paper is late. Creating an environment where it is 'easier' to be responsible is also helpful. For example, writing down all assignments that are due on a dry erase board, so students are constantly confronted with the deadlines for various projects makes it harder for them to forget. Having differently colored folders for certain subjects, mandating that students keep their work areas clean, and listing daily rules on posters such as 'pick up after yourself'...
Students crave structure and predictability (even though they may say they do not). Knowing what is expected of them makes students more willing to obey the rules. Teachers must be clear about what they expect of students, and that clarity is reinforced by routine. Teachers must also be fair when enforcing discipline. As every parent as well as every teacher knows, one of students' most common complaints is that something is 'unfair.' Showing favoritism in any way breeds resentment, and consistently enforcing clear expectations is one way to guard against the appearance of unfairness.Kiefer, K. (2007). Chapter 8: Do students lose more than they gain in online writing classes? In Joe Lockard and Mark Pegrum (Eds.), Brave New Classrooms: Democratic Education and the Internet (pp. 141-151). New York, NY: Peter Lang Publishing, Inc. Introduce the topic and introduce the author and essay. Then state your thesis. Writing courses in higher education are increasingly being offered in online environments, right along with many other academic coursework.
82). Both desktop and Web widgets have the same basic components. Fundamentally, they use Web compatible formats, even if intended to run in a desktop environment. This means that the core of the widget is HTML and CSS code which contains the actual content of the widget, namely text, linked images/video or content pulled from a server of Web service. Alternatively, the widget content can be created using Flash, although
It is important to recognize the many different areas within adult education, and what type of students these areas attract. Ultimately, for the adult education department to be successful, it must attract a wide variety of students, and keep at least some of those students coming back to continue their education in order to be successful. Adult education serves a vital role in the upper education system, and it
According to Montgomery (2003), "Higher floors of buildings tended to rent at a substantial discount, due to the need to climb several flights of stairs to reach one's workplace or residence. Otis's invention of the safety elevator at mid-century heralded the end of this constraint on vertical real estate development" (495). Likewise, Masden notes that the increasingly confident use of the relatively new ' elevators' also fueled demand for
Brain-Based Learning Theory Learning does not only bring enlightenment to the weary souls but it also helps us learn, grow and be what we are potentially able to become. Therefore education plays a vital role in inculcating a sense of responsibility in children and to assist them in learning other highly important social skills. Thus through adequate instructional framework and effective and logical application of the learning theories, both educators and
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