The death that occurs at the end of the Cherry Orchard -- that of the serf-turned-servant, Fiers -- is far more comic than the death of Konstantin, however, and that is why this death occurs onstage rather than out of sight of the audience. Much of the Cherry Orchard is focused on the inability of many of the characters to see beyond the ends of their own noses and immediate interests; with better foresight and acknowledgement of others, many of the bad things that befall the characters could have been averted. This is definitely a dark form of comedy, but the repeated nature of this trope throughout the play makes it ultimately comedic. The idea that Fiers decides to curl up on a couch in an old house and die, having been forgotten by his family and former masters, is the final punch-line of the play and must be seen onstage.
Other examples of what is seen and what is unseen as elements of both forestalling true tragedy and embracing full comedy can be seen in both plays. The actual chopping down of the cherry orchard in the Cherry Orchard takes place offstage because, like Konstantin's death, this would become the full focus of the audience's experience if it were actually shown rather than merely suggested through offstage action and sounds. Nina's brief and largely inexplicable appearance in the final act of the Seagull actually allows her breakdown and degradation to become more comedic, as it is seen to be more nonsensical than a truly tragic loss -- she is flighty, disconnected, and an ultimately comedic character because the tragedies in her life occur offstage, while her brief triumphs are directly exposed to the audience as empty and meaningless to everyone except her. The fact that Nina isn't in on the joke again makes this very dark yet very humorous comedy.
Gaps in Time
Putting Chekov's plays in a context that includes more literary and dramatic history, there is another striking element in the narrative development and the progression of action in the Seagull and the Cherry...
In other words, his transformation was not based on any kind of moral or ethical epiphany regarding the sinfulness of deceit and adultery, but rather on the simple fact that he happened to fall in love with one woman. Gurov had always pursued his desires with a vengeance; it was just that up until this point in time, he had never really experienced true love. He ultimately did not
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