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Challenges Europe Faced After WWII Essay

¶ … Europe Faced After World War II The objective of this work in writing is to examine the challenges that Europe faced following World War II. This work will examine the fall of communism in 1991 and answer the question of how Europe has managed to transition away from communism.

World War II ending in Europe officially in May 1945 and although the war did come to an end the challenges faced by millions of individuals who were homeless "who had been displaced as a result of military action, deportation into labor or concentration camps, local racism and discriminiation or the relocation of national borders, were large ones indeed. (Gale Cengage Learning, nd, p.1) It is reported that the Allied governments and Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) relief groups were stretched to the limit in their "attempts to administer, feed and house a moving people searching for their lost families and a permanent home." (Gale Cengage Learning, nd, p.1)

Displaced Persons Rapid Repatriation Program

It is reported that a rapid repatriation program for Displaced Persons (DPs) was organized however many of these individuals either could not or alternatively would not return home. (Gale Cengage Learning, p.1) Another source states that following World War II that Europe had serious problems because "the populace was decimated, possible civil wars and rebellions were feared, economies were shattered, cities lay in ruins and famine loomed." (DeLong, 1997, p.1) In addition, the people of the European continent had been severely divided...

aid policy following World War II provided encouragement to European governments to seek investment-friendly policies. The result is that productivity is reported to have "…soared in the wake of financial stabilization and the advent of the Marshall Plan. The advantages of the cooperative equilibrium were suddenly clear. Within the group of reconstructing nations, those where the United States had most leverage had the fastest-growing economies." (DeLong, 1997, p.1)
II. 1991 -- Fall of Communism and Europe's Transition Away from Communism

Brown ( ) writes that the transition of Europe from Communism "has to be distinguished from transition to democracy. McFaul writes…

Sources used in this document:

Brown, Archie (2000) Transnational Influences in the Transition from Communism. Working Paper #273. April 2000. Kellogg Institute. Apr 2000. Retrieved from:

DeLong, J. Bradford (1997) Slouching Towards Utopia?: The Economic History of the Twentieth Century XIX. Present at the Creation. Feb 1997. University of California at Berkeley and NBER. Retrieved from:

McFaul, Michael (2002) The Fourth Wave of Democracy and Dictatorship: NOncooperative Transition in the Postcommunist World. World Politics. Jan 2002. Retrieved from:

Stone, Dan (nd) Post-War Europe: Refugees, Exile and Resettlement 1945-1950. Gale Cengage Learning. Retrieved from:
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