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Cardiovascular Diseases And Obesity Research Paper

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Mill's Canon mainly deals with induction, which is defined as the process of arriving at a causation. The methods of induction are agreement, difference, joint method, method, residues, and concountant variation. These methods are aimed at establishing what causes a certain phenomenon under investigation. Based on the methods established by Mill, it is possible to deduce a situation and establish the different possibilities or linkages. The main goal is to determine the relationship between a phenomenon like a disease and the likely causes or associations that cause the disease or triggers for the disease. Temporal sequence

Temporal sequence refers to how things happen within a given time period. Basically, what are the sequences that take place for a certain condition to occur? From the article, it has been established that there are underlying sequences that lead to obesity. Research has shown that with the changes in diet caused by urbanization and improvements in socioeconomic status is a cause of obesity. There has been an increase in the consumption of high energy foods, which increases the amount of sugars and saturated fats consumed. There has been a drop in the intake of fruits and vegetables, and people are not as active. The sequence of events does show that the rise of obesity has been caused by these events. Obesity does not just occur there have to be situations that take place in order for the disorder to demonstrate itself.

Dose Response

Dose response measures the relationship of a substance and its effect on a person. There has been a direct relationship established between the consumption of low energy...

People who consume high energy foods have a high likelihood of developing obesity when compared to individuals who consume low energy foods. In order to reduce the cases of obesity, people are encouraged to consume low energy foods. Therefore, we can establish that low energy foods have a direct causation of reducing obesity in adolescents and young adults. The association goes hand in hand with the argument that eating a balanced diet does reduce the chances of obesity.

Consistency indicates that a certain phenomenon does cause a condition without any contradiction. From the article, obesity has been demonstrated by various studies that it causes cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes, hepatic complications, and hypertension. There is consistency in the fact that obesity is a likely cause of the mentioned conditions. The study does demonstrate that a person who is obese is most likely to trigger the occurrence of either of these conditions. Other researchers have also backed up this theory, and this demonstrates there is consistency.

Biological Plausibility

Biological plausibility is a method of reasoning that establishes there is a cause and effect relationship between a condition and a biological factor. The authors have noted that there is a possibility that genetics does play…

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