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Calculus The World Of Business Essay

Being able to "crunch the numbers" is an essential part of the manager's role. Too often managers feel uncomfortable working with numbers because of their limited mathematical background. This reduces their usefulness, however. Strong managers are not intimidated by the numbers, but rather view them as an essential component of the job. Therefore, part of the process of studying business management is to build the set of tools that will allow a manager to confidently approach all aspects of the job. At its heart, calculus is the study of change. The concept of change is a major part of the manager's role. The world of business is constantly shifting. Calculus provides the theoretical backdrop to understanding the myriad of changes faced by managers today. When managerial decision making relies on a manager to understand the impacts of several different change processes, this illustrates a reliance on the principles of calculus. These principles teach prospective managers who to approach the subject of change, and to make sense of sets of interrelated variables.

Furthermore, if the Business Management student desires to pursue further education in the subject, the student will find that the value of calculus increases. All manner of...

Much of the canon of business school literature requires a very strong mathematical background to understand. A master's degree or doctoral degree in Business Management can scarcely be obtained without an exemplary level of knowledge of calculus. So further pursuit of a managerial education demands that undergraduate students also acquire the basic skills upon which they will be required to build.
Prospective managers will be faced with a wide range of decisions that require mathematical modeling in an attempt to derive the ideal solution. This is at the core of what calculus brings a student of Business Management. Moreover, calculus does the same for economics, a field in which Business Management students should have a strong background. It is easy to think of business Management as a soft discipline - indeed it has many aspects of one. However, it is also a hard discipline that requires calculations, interpretations and other skills that come from calculus. Thus, it is essential that a Business Management student learn calculus. It is part of the canon of knowledge that will be called upon consistently in the course of Business Management studies and a professional career in management.

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