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Business: Theories Of Organizational Development And Employee Motivation Essay

Mexico Despite the fact that extreme poverty exists in many areas, Mexico's rising middle class is increasingly seeking out the trappings of American success. "The middle class in Mexico includes 39.2% (44 million people) of the country's total population. Mexico's middle class increased 11.4% during between 2000 and 2010" and these consumers are seeking out cellular phones and flat screen TVs in record numbers (Flannery 2013). Unfortunately, an increasingly affluent culture has brought forth one of the problems of industrialized prosperity, namely a rise in obesity. To take advantage of this concern, one possible product to market to the population coping with more sedentary jobs and a taste for highly caloric foods is that of gym memberships. Introducing a chain of low-cost gyms modeled on popular chains such as WOW and Planet Fitness, particularly in cities with high concentrations of white collar office workers would be an ideal way to capitalize upon a growing, affluent demographic within the population.

In the past, entrepreneurs (including Madonna) in the fitness industry have been deterred by Mexico's notorious government bureaucracy in opening up new businesses, including a "long ride of permits, stamps, and waits faced by business owners in Mexico" (Llana 2013). However, the relative lack of competition faced by gym owners in Mexico vs. The United States argues for its success, once it has navigated the initial rocky opening. The desire to embrace a more affluent lifestyle includes a corresponding desire to look the part which includes slenderness and the appearance of good health.


Flannery, N. (2013). What's the real story with Mexico's middle class. Forbes. Retrieved from:

Llana, S. (2013). Madonna tastes Mexican bureaucracy in opening Hard Candy Fitness gym.

CS Monitor. Retrieved from:

A product's SWOT may be different for each and every market; on the other hand, however international businesses have the capacity to grow and take advantage of untapped markets in a manner which purely domestic organizations do not.
A good example of this is Pret-A-Manger, a British chain that offers healthy, affordable sandwiches, coffee, and other breakfast and lunch food 'ready to eat.' The chain has had notable success in Great Britain and has since begun its expansion in the U.S., Paris, Hong Kong and elsewhere. The menu is very different from the typical burgers and fries of most fast food chains in the U.S. Offerings include falafel, hummus, baguette sandwiches, and wraps. However, although there is a consistency in terms of its freshness, the menu must be tweaked to suit the needs of the different cities where it has a presence. Pret-A-Manger strategically chose New York as its first site of expansion, given the similarities between London and New York's rushed eating culture. It was forced to change some of its menu names (calling lettuce 'arugula' rather than 'rocket' as is customary in the UK) and some of its core menu items. "Rather than crayfish and rocket sandwich on sale in the UK, Pret has a Maryland spiced shrimp and spinach sandwich in the U.S.…Pret has also learned that there is a distinctive difference in the coffee tastes in the U.S. In the UK Pret sells more cappuccinos and lattes than the U.S., the U.S. customers prefer filter - or drip - coffee" (Morris 2013). Food preferences are highly individualized and localized and thus a tailored strategy is required.


Morris, K. (2013). Fresh and…

Sources used in this document:

Theory X and Theory Y (2015). Mind Tools. Retrieved from:
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