" This theory purports that if a medium can only communicate limited social cues, communication partners do not experience each other's social presence. In turn, they will likely not pay as much attention to each other in the interaction as they would if the interaction took place in a face-to-face setting. In light of this contention, Media Richness Theory (Daft & Lengel, 1984, 1986; cited by Van Den Hooff, Groot & De Jonge, 2005) proposes that not all communication media uniformly suit information requirements various tasks generate. Daft and Lengel (1984; cited by Van Den Hooff, Groot & De Jonge, 2005), differentiate two different information requirements:
uncertainty, the lack of information, which creates the need for more information, and equivocality, the absence of clear definitions of situations."
Equivocality does not mandate that more information be communicated, but that richer, more relevant information be related. Daft and Lengel (1986, p. 560; cited by Van Den Hooff, Groot & De Jonge, 2005) explain that richer information possess a higher capacity "to change understanding within a time interval." Daft and Lengel (Ibid.) further contend that "communication transactions that can overcome different frames of reference or clarify ambiguous issues to change understanding in a timely interval are considered rich." Media prove more appropriate for equivocal information tasks, or possess a greater measure of media richness, if/when they score higher on the following four criteria:
the possibility of instant feedback, the medium's ability to convey multiple cues, such as body language, facial expressions, tone of voice, and so on, the use of natural language to convey subtleties and nuances, and the personal focus of the medium.
Daft and Lengel (Ibid.) argue that the best possible fit between task and medium may be achieved and that individuals whose media choice corresponds with this optimum perform better. Richer media better suits for tasks which possess a high degree of equivocality.
When a low degree of equivocality exits, albeit, a lean medium will likely prove more effective. In light of these contentions, communication technologies such as e-mail generally denote relatively "lean" media. Consequently, according to contingency theories, these types' media serve best for delivering noncomplex, information lean tasks. (Van Den Hooff, Groot & De Jonge, 2005) Media richness theory spawned a number of studies investigating its central premises. McGrath and Hollingshead (1993; cited by Van Den Hooff, Groot & De Jonge, 2005), for example, "proposed explicit task media fit hypotheses and found support for the importance of the fit between task and medium for communication performance." From their study, Rice, Hughes, and Love (1987; cited by Van Den Hooff, Groot & De Jonge, 2005) determined parallel results. Rice, Grant, Schmitz, and Torobin (1990; cited by Van Den Hooff, Groot & De Jonge, 2005), also confirmed the degree a person perceives a medium to be appropriate to his/her task consequently impacts his/her evaluation of that particular medium and, in turn, his/her adoption and use of it.
Consistent with media richness theory, Kraut, Rice, Cool, and Fish (1998; cited by Van Den Hooff, Groot & De Jonge, 2005) purported that people completing work deficient in routine utilized video telephony more than individuals performing more routine tasks. Contrary to media richness theory, however these researchers found that managers, filling "people management" positions utilized lean media more frequently than they used rich media.
At best, the exploration of existing research reveals only partial support for the central premises of media richness theory. Hollingshead, McGrath, and O'Connor (1993; cited by Van Den Hooff, Groot & De Jonge, 2005) discovered that for negotiation and intellective tasks, face-to-face groups outperformed computer-mediated groups. They did not find, albeit any significant differences on generative and decision-making tasks. Each of the laboratory experiments by a number of researchers (e.g. Kinney and Watson (1992; Kinney and Dennis 1994; Valacich, Mennecke, Wachter, and Wheeler, 1994; cited by Van Den Hooff, Groot & De Jonge, 2005) conducted failed to support assumptions relating to task equivocality's influence and media richness of a variety of communication and decision-making tasks' completion. When Suh (1999; cited by Van Den Hooff, Groot & De Jonge, 2005) conducted a similar experiment, he noted that none of the considered task-medium interaction revealed any effects on decision time or decision quality. The media richness theory's primary premise purports an optimal possible fit exists between task and medium and that users aim to achieve this goal. Trevino, Daft,...
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