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Buddha Module Learnings And Takeaways Creative Writing

What concepts or ideas in this Module did you find interesting? Think about the life of the Buddha, the teachings he espoused, the various schools of Buddhism, Wheel of life and death. Please list them using numbers and give an in-depth explanation of why you found an aspect interesting and how it fits in your cannon of knowledge.

1. The first idea that I learned from the module was related to austerity. Here, Buddha emphasized the ability to keep elements of life simply. This is a very interesting concept considering how complex the world is today. This complexity, although improving the quality of life for society, often brings with it new challenges and further complexities. The module however emphasized simplicity in all things and its ability to derive peace from it. I found this interesting as society often emphasized the exact opposite approach as it relates to life and enjoyment. Particularly in America, society often emphasizes the purchase of an ever-increasing amount of goods and services. However, many individuals even with these items are often not happy.

2. The second idea that I found from the model is that many of the elements of Buddhas life have not been fully substantiated and are often conflicting. Here, when conducting my own personal research on the elements of Buddha life, I found that the information was often conflicting or without any proof. This was interesting to me as I found it very similar to other mythical figures in religion. When reading some of the accounts of Buddha, I occasionally wondered if these accounts were substantiated or simply embellished to fit a particular narrative. I found this interesting as it forced me to challenge my thinking as it relates to the content within the model.

3. Finally, I also found it interest that women are as capable of enlightenment as men. This was interesting given that time, the rights of women were very limited as compared to men. During this period, women were often looked at as property and were expected to be subservient to the man. The ability to recognize the power of women and their ability to reach enlightenment during a period with low womens rights, I found interesting.

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