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Boundaries Issues In The Therapeutic System Essay

Boundaries Issues

Professional boundaries are elements within the therapeutic system that define the limits or "edge" of proper behavior on the part of a psychotherapist within therapeutic settings. The basic idea here is: emphasis on the key elements of the client-therapist relationships professional nature cultivates an environment of predictability and safety, facilitating the clients ability to make the most of treatment received (Gabbard, 2005). Professional boundaries constitute structural facets of the therapeutic relationship which enable therapist interactions with spontaneity, compassion, and understanding, and within particular conditions which generate a safe clinical environment.

Flexibility during the conceptualization and implementation of professional boundaries results in effective differentiation between crossing boundaries and violating them. Violation of boundaries entails non-sexual or sexual transgressions which potentially harm or abuse patients. They are generally repetitive, with the therapist normally discouraging their exploration (Gabbard, 2005). On the other hand, boundaries are said to be crossed when therapists engage in nonthreatening, non-egregious, and probably helpful breaches. These can usually be discussed in therapy and are normally carried out in isolation. A few boundary issues, together with appropriate intervention approaches for addressing them, have been outlined below.


Boundary Concern

Intervention Strategy

Meeting Location

Psychotherapy is normally carried out within a clinical setting (be it a hospital or the therapists independent office). Arranging to conduct a session someplace other than the aforementioned locations might cause the client to question the...

…to mostly be patient-initiated extraordinary events during psychotherapy sessions. Its meaning ought to be discussed and care ought to be taken to not repeat it.

Social networking with a client

Usually, befriending a therapist on social networking sites implies a secondary professional or social relationship, besides the therapeutic relationship. If therapists accept a clients friend request and permit them to be in the know on certain details of their personal life or to post personal comments, this gives rise to a complex social relationship (Gabbard, 2005)

Therapists ought to avoid multiple relationships as they might prove detrimental or impair the therapy's efficacy. The therapeutic context doesnt primarily determine whether or not a dual relationship is ethically correct or clinically…

Sources used in this document:


Gabbard, G. (2005). Patient-Therapist Boundary Issues | Psychiatric Times. Retrieved 12 February 2018, from Zur, O. (2007). Boundaries in psychotherapy. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

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