Birth control which is also known as fertility control and contraception, describes the devices or methods that are used to prevent an egg from getting fertilized by the sperm and thus preventing pregnancy[footnoteRef:2]. Provision of birth control and planning a pregnancy is referred to as family planning. Safe sex implies the use of condoms; both male and female, does not only prevent unwanted pregnancies, but also prevent the spread of sexually transmitted diseases through the use of condoms. In the contemporary world, the use of contraceptives has increased in the developing countries and therefore the number of maternal deaths has decreased by about 44%. However, this figure can be decreased by 73% if the demands for birth control are met completely. Teenage pregnancies have the tendency to result in complications including low birth weight, preterm birth and infant mortality. Therefore, many health specialists believe that adolescents should be given complete sex education including methods of contraception. When the time between two pregnancies is increased, the delivery outcomes of the adult woman as well as the survival of the newborn children can be improved by birth control[footnoteRef:3]. [2: Cleland, J.; Conde-Agudelo, A.; Peterson, H.; Ross, J.; Tsui, 2012] [3: Ahmed, S.; Li, Q.; Liu, L.; Tsui, A.O., 2012]
Even though. birth control methods are in use since ancient times, the effective as well safe methods of contraception were only devised during the 20th century. There are many cultures and groups of people in the world who believe that birth control is not a morally correct action. Therefore, in these societies, most of the people do not have access to methods of birth control. According to statistics, there are about 222 million women who do not want to conceive in developing countries but are not making use of any modern contraception methods. It has been established that birth control leads to improved economic growth because when there are fewer children, there would be fewer number of dependent people that would give the women the chance to participate in the workforce. It has been reported that the women who have access to improved methods of contraception, their body mass index as well as that of the child, the schooling of the children, earnings and assets of the women, all of them improve substantially.
In this paper, we shall discuss the methods of birth control that were used by people of Rome and Greece and its effectiveness.
Birth Control in Ancient Times
The first issue that we would like to start with is whether or not birth control was allowed for ancient women of Greece and Rome and whether or not they went for abortions, once they conceived the child. The answer to this question is yes these women had access to methods of contraception and they could control births of multiple children. It should be noted here that most of the books that were written about the Gynecology were written by Soranus and around the time period of 98 CE. Other writings are attributed to Hippocrates who wrote the Hippocratic writings between the years 430-330 BCE. Moreover, Dioscorides wrote De MateriaMedica around the years 30-40 CE. All of these writers provided various methods of abortion and birth control in their writings. The method contraception and birth control that were adopted by the Roman Empire during the apostolic age were the ones that were being practiced in Egypt since the 1900 BCE. We also find out through another source that birth control was a common practice since the Greek botanist Theophrastus did extensive research on the plant silphium. This is sometimes referred to as a "wonder drug" since it had excellent abortive qualities. Some kind of anecdotal evidence is also provided to us by Catullus. He was a Roman poet who explained silphium in a way as he mentioned in his writings that he could enjoy as many kisses...
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