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Benefits Of Telehealth Programs In Mexico And France Term Paper

Community Health Change Proposal Summary Report: Catron County, New Mexico

Executive Summary

Today, the United States is experiencing an unprecedented increase in the percentage of its elderly population, driven largely by the aging of the baby boomer generation (Grinin et al., 2021). In this regard, Ahmed (2023) emphasizes that, More than 55 million people across the USA are aged 65 or older. With an increasing number of baby boomers reaching retirement age and older generations living longer, the US is graying drastically (para. 3). This profound demographic shift has significant implications for health care practitioners in general and nursing professionals in particular, prompting the need for innovative approaches to address the unique healthcare needs and challenges of older adults. To this end, a regional healthcare program in Catron County, New Mexico, which has one of the highest percentages of elderly in the country today at 43.3%, could focus on enhancing primary care services for older adults to promote healthy aging and prevent chronic diseases for the reasons discussed further below (Ahmed, 2023).

Proposed Change

Older adults frequently experience multiple age-related health care needs, including the management of multiple chronic conditions, medication management, and coordination of care across multiple providers (Kojima et al., 2020). At present, the Catron County Commission on Aging in partnership with the New Mexico Aging and Long-Term Services Department is working to meet the increasing health care needs of the countys aging population (New Mexico Aging and Long-Term Services Department, 2023). However, according to the survey report 100% Catron County Survey Report: Identifying Barriers to Vital Services, 2021, conducted by the Anna, Age Eight Institute (2021), respondents indicated some gaps in services for the elderly that still need to be addressed. These included a real need for hospice care and home nursing care in Catron County (p. 15) along with better access to healthcare overall (Anna, Age Eight Institute, 2021). 36% of respondents stated they could not find a nearby specialist, while another 36% cited distance as a barrier to care (Anna, Age Eight Institute, 2021).

By developing and implementing a telehealth program in Catron County, access to care could be greatly improved (Kobeissi & Hickey, 2023). Telehealth could also help to improve hospice and home care (Allen Watts et al., 2021). Telehealth is also noted as being a cost-effective way to address barriers to care (Zhang et al., 2023). Improving access to comprehensive primary care services through telehealth programs that are specifically tailored to the needs of older adults in a cost-effective fashion, health care programs in Catron County can help promote better health outcomes and quality of life for this population.

Desired Outcomes

Improve access: The new initiative will focus on leveraging telehealth technologies to provide elderly residents with better access to primary and specialized geriatric care. Through telehealth, patients will be able to consult with healthcare providers from the comfort of their homes, reducing the need for physical travel and making healthcare more accessible to those in remote areas. This approach is expected to be supported financially by Medicare, private insurance, and possibly state or local funding sources for individuals without adequate coverage (Allen Watts et al., 2021).

Care coordination: Enhancing care coordination for older adults in Catron County, especially those with multiple chronic conditions, is another critical outcome. Telehealth services will facilitate seamless communication and collaboration among different healthcare providers and patients (Talal et al., 2020). This virtual coordination can improve the management of care plans and medication, reduce the risk of hospital readmissions, and ensure a continuous care continuum (Fjellsa et al., 2022). The costs for these telehealth coordination efforts would likely be shared between Medicare, Medicaid (for those dually...

…telehealth technologies.

Financial and Health Implications

Initially, the transition to telehealth services might necessitate investments in digital infrastructure, including secure software platforms for virtual consultations, training for healthcare providers in telehealth delivery, and patient education initiatives to ensure technology adoption and usability (Chang et al., 2021). While these upfront costs may seem substantial, they are anticipated to be significantly lower than the expenses associated with establishing physical geriatric clinics and hiring specialized staff.

Importantly, telehealth offers the potential to leverage federal and state funding sources dedicated to expanding digital health services, especially in rural areas (Curtis et al., 2022). The health benefits of a telehealth initiative could be transformative, enhancing access to specialized care for the elderly, improving the management of chronic conditions through regular monitoring, and facilitating immediate medical consultations, which collectively contribute to a reduction in hospitalizations and emergency room visits (Kojima et al., 2020). The adoption of telehealth services can also lead to long-term cost savings by optimizing resource allocation and preventing costly health complications (Kojima et al., 2020).

Conversely, the absence of such an initiative would do nothing to address current needs as identified by Anna, Age Eight Institute (2021). The failure to adopt telehealth solutions risks perpetuating the gaps in care coordination and preventive measures, with potential negative impacts on the health and well-being of Catron County's elderly population.


The shift toward an aging population necessitates innovative solutions to meet the unique healthcare needs of this demographic. With the proposal to implement a telehealth program, Catron County embarks on a path to significantly improve the accessibility and quality of healthcare services for its elderly residents. This approach is not only aligned with modern healthcare trends but also addresses the practical limitations of providing in-person care in rural settings. In drawing on the lessons learned from successful eldercare models in countries like…

Sources used in this document:


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