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Benedict Park Urban Design And Ed Benedict Essay

Benedict Park Urban Design and Ed Benedict Park

The story of Ed Benedict Park in Portland, Oregon, is indicative of many of the principles of urban design and the importance of gardening as a discipline, a knowledge area, and a matter of aesthetics. Named for the citizen that dedicated the last years of his life to claiming this publicly acquired space, the land that now contains a skateboard park, a public garden, playground structures and equipment for children, grassy areas for sports play and other recreation, and paved paths lined with trees for joggers and those simply out for a casual stroll. Each of these elements is integrated into the park as part of a cohesive design that takes up the entirety of a large block, and fits into the larger surroundings of Portland, Oregon and the specific area in which the park is isolated as both a well-integrated part of the landscape and a noticeable spot of green escape within a somewhat crowded urban area.

The many different purposes of Ed Benedict park suggest a philosophy similar to that espoused by John Evelyn in his description...

The skate park is very specifically purposed towards one set of activities, and the public garden is utilized for specific community projects at times, but other than this the mixed-purposed nature of the park and most of its elements is quite clearly embedded in the design of the park. There are facilities and structures supporting all manner of outdoor activities for a variety of ages and physical capabilities, and the overall aesthetic of the park itself gives the entire area a recreational and botanical purpose within the setting of the city. In this way, the park clearly demonstrates the pride Portland takes in its public spaces.
One of the potential flaws that could be raised regarding the park -- or one of the positive elements of its design, in another perspective -- is the fact that it does not really have a sense of "direction" or of leading visitors through the space. Though the different sections and elements of the park are well-integrated in the overall design aesthetic and sense of utility with which Ed Benedict Park as a whole is imbued, there is not exactly a sense of "flow" between these elements, and visitors to the park are not simply free to use whichever element or elements of the park they desire but are not at all encouraged to use any element over another or to approach the park with any externally created focus. This lack of direction makes the space appear less planned, which can be seen as a negative from a strict urban planning perspective but which is actually conducive…

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