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Being An Instructor Online Essay

¶ … Online Class Being an online instructor

The current learning trends are becoming predominantly online based and many instructors find it more convenient adopting this mode of learning as opposed to the traditional classroom-based learning. It is not to say that the online-based learning should replace the traditional classroom setting, but there is need for adaptability of either modes where necessary. The following are the major areas that I will emphasize on in order to have an effective online class and effective interaction with the students as an instructor;

Assessing learning outcomes

One of the methods that I will use for assessing the learning outcomes will be the evaluation of the activeness of each student in the online class especially in terms of answering questions in the online forum. I will also post numerous assignments and use the frequency of reply...

There will also be marks for attendance of the online class and the more frequent one attends and participates in the discussions, the better the scores. I will also adopt the continuous assessment method by randomly giving assignments that have scores that count towards the final marks and in this way, it will be easier to know those who are attentive in the online class.
Criteria and procedures for grading

I will establish criteria for grading in good time and communicate the same to the students. My criteria will not only be based on the final exams, but there will be marks awarded for attendance of the online lessons and also there will be continuous assessment tests that the students will be taking on random occasions to increase the frequency of attendance in class. This criteria will be…

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