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Behavior Management Discussion Questions On Behavior Management Reaction Paper

Behavior Management Discussion Questions on Behavior Management

Managing a group of people requires managers have to understand the people very well. Appreciating the psychological differences like perceptions, aspirations, and motivations of people whether at the workplace or a classroom is a recipe for successful group management. Failure to understand these aspects can cause problems in the whole management process. The same concept is very applicable to a school set up. The head teacher has to understand the psychology of the children for him to administer them well. The ability to monitor the progress of students, especially the young ones requires that the teacher in charge understands each one of them at individual level.

Question 1

Disruptive behaviors are those behaviors that children have that make them turn against systems and go against the standard norm. Disruptive behaviors make children rebellious and go against the authorities placed before them. Disruptive behaviors also make children turn against their parents. Consequently, it becomes difficult to contain children who are the level of undergoing disruptive behaviors within them (IRIS, 2015). In most instances, those children who face neglect while young end up showing these behaviors. Consequently, teachers need to establish a comprehensive behavior management before school starts. During this stage, they need to update themselves about the various kinds of students that they have. Each teacher is given the chance to conduct a historical background analysis of every student using the records held by the school. When this is coupled with experiences from their interaction with the students, it forms the basis of how they are going to handle the young ones. This plan is essential, as it will give the teachers a chance to establish an appropriate teaching program that puts the students' personalities and temperaments into consideration.

Children from different backgrounds behave differently. Cultural upbringing affects the way people relate to issues. Those children who are brought up in conservative cultures will always be conservative in the way they respond to what is presented to them. The way culture influences the attitude is very significant in the development of personality (IRIS, 2015). It also affects the interactive styles among people. One most notable interactive style is the assertive style. In this interactive style, the players are so much aggressive and argumentative. They shout and aggress as they exercise their authority. This makes them bossy and can end up causing unnecessary fights. For the case of children, they become unmanageable and are hard to contain. This way, the children often become rebellious, can drop out of school, or even fight their teachers. This interaction style requires one of the players to tone down to prevent the possibility of a fight.
The other interaction style is the indifferent style. At this point, the players are more laid back and do not want to communicate their intentions. Their unresponsive communication is an act of defiance. They refuse to cooperate with whoever is in charge. Children of this type are very difficult to deal with, even more badly than the aggressive ones. Both cases call for the teachers' understanding to deal with them (IRIS, 2015).

Question 3

Surface behaviors are those behaviors that are evident from the first interaction with an individual. These are the visible acts that represent the thoughts and feelings that a person has. Children are most likely to show surface behaviors. They do so by being outrageous when something disturbs them. One strategy used to manage the surface behaviors is by employing open communication. This wins the heart of the depressed person and makes…

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IRIS, (2015). The IRIS Center: Classroom Management Part 1. Retrieved January 28, 2015 from
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