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Becoming A Gifted Education Partner School In Arizona Research Paper

Gifted Education - AZ Gifted Placement Procedures


Arizona State

GAP Analysis

Gifted Education Coordinator

The gifted education program does not have oversight by a gifted education coordinator

The state offers many professional development opportunities for staff engaged in gifted education to enhance their skills and knowledge -- and to work toward creating lead gifted education teachers or gifted education coordinators.

Coaching tools, summer institutes, and peer coaching can be used as resources to support the development of Gifted Education Coordinators in schools and districts.

Gifted Education Program Delivery

Gifted children are receive services in cluster classes

The delivery of a gifted education program to qualifying students is a complex process. It is not possible to meet the state code requirements in an ad hoc manner.

Cluster classes may not meet the level of specialized instruction stipulated by the Arizona state code for gifted education.

Teacher Gifted Ed. Endorsements

Gifted Education endorsements are not required of teachers for gifted classes

"Teachers who work with gifted learners must be provided with professional development support based on a plan outlined within a school district's Scope and Sequence for Gifted Education. Also, teachers whose primary...

Some of these tests offer distinct advantage to schools in rural or inner city settings. Of particular interest, are tests that are provided in languages other than Spanish and English. This feature is critical for the early identification of gifted children.

The CogAT may not be appropriate for students with limited educational experiences. This could result in under-identification of students who have not attended pre-school or whose families have been itinerant or are disadvantaged.

Approximately 8% of the K-12 public…

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