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Bacteria And Viruses Essay

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What are Bacteria and Viruses?

The most palpable variance between bacteria and viruses is their size. Whereas both bacteria and viruses are too tiny to notice with the naked eye, most bacteria are about one micrometer in length and can be perceived with a good optical microscope. On the other hand, viruses are smaller than the wavelength of visible light, which implies that they can be solely perceived by using an electron microscope (Nursing Times, 2006). Infection, every so often the initial phase, takes place when bacteria, viruses or other microbes that cause disease enter the human body and start to proliferate. Disease comes about and ensues when the cells in the human body are damaged, as a result of the infection, and signs and symptoms of a disease appear.


Bacterial and viral infections are contaminations caused by bacteria and viruses. Bacteria release toxins into the blood stream whereas viruses damage body cells. Bacteria cause diseases such as strep throat, tuberculosis, and urinary tract infections. On the other hand, Viruses are liable for causing numerous diseases, encompassing AIDS, common cold, Ebola hemorrhagic fever, genital herpes, influenza, measles, chickenpox and shingles. It is imperative to note that antibiotics do not have any effect on viruses (Mayo Clinic, 2016).

How are they Spread?

Bacteria and viruses are spread through different forms. These include the following:

1. By being in close contact with someone who is sneezing and coughing.

2. By being in contact with an infected person, particularly through sexual contact and also kissing.

3. By coming into contact with surfaces or areas that are contaminated, for instance food and water.

4. Bacterial and viral infections can arise from being in contact with infected creatures, such as pets, livestock and insects, for instance ticks and fleas...
Acute infections: These are transitory and last for a couple of days to a week or so.
2. Chronic infections: These are infections that can last for several weeks, months or even a lifespan.

3. Latent infections: These are infections that may not indicate any signs or symptoms in the initial stages, but can reactivate over a period of months and even years.

An important element to take note is that these infections caused by bacteria and viruses can bring about mild, moderate and severe illnesses (Web MD, 2016).

Patient and Community Awareness and Safety

Viral and bacterial infections can be easily evaded and stopped. These aspects are important for the patients and the community at large to be aware of. One of the ways of prevention encompasses hand-washing. This happens to be the easiest and most efficacious means to protect oneself from bacteria and viruses. It is imperative to wash hands meticulously prior to eating or preparing food, subsequent to sneezing or coughing, after changing a child's diaper, and before coming out of the toilet. In the same manner, alcohol-centered hand- washing gels can give safety. Secondly, vaccination is another effective way of preventing certain diseases. Several vaccines are provided in childhood, however grownups still need to be regularly vaccinated to avoid some ailments, for instance influenza and tetanus. Last resort is medication to evade some diseases such as malaria (Mayo Clinic, 2016). As pointed out earlier, viruses are also spread through kissing and sex. Therefore, it is imperative to avoid unsafe sex. It is recommended that individuals make use of condoms. Diseases such as HIV and AIDS are transmitted from unsafe sex and oral sex. The viruses can be transmitted through oral means…

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