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Armed Forces And Training

¶ … Army Force Generation Model In order for the armed forces to fight effectively, they need to be manned, equipped, and trained properly. The proposed changes would have an impact on all three areas, and this might result in an armed force that is not prepared to fight effectively. The reduction in budget will definitely require there be changes in the structuring of the armed forces. Reduction in manpower will be inevitable, and this would lead to few soldiers being sent to the battleground. Equipment shortages would also occur since there will be a reduction in funding and only utterly necessary equipment would be serviced or purchased. Training is the area that will be highly impacted. This is because there will be few man-hours for the soldiers to train and prepare for any eventuality. The most modern equipment will require highly trained personnel to man and operate it. The shortage of enough training hours will result in the soldiers being less prepared and less knowledgeable on the equipment they have to use in battle. With the budget cuts, there is need to maintain an appropriate balance between these three dimensions and this would be quite difficult to do. According to Gen. Odierno time and time...

Military has been faced with reduced soldiers, and this has had a negative effect on the effectiveness of the armed forces.1 The future is always uncertain, and the lack of preparedness will result in an Army that is not able to meet the national security needs.
The proposed changes are not sufficient to provide the required manned, equipped, and trained Army forces as required in order to sustain the national security needs of the country. Restructuring the Army to a smaller force will mean there are fewer Soldiers to be deployed to

1 Congress, House. "Statement by Gen. Odierno before the House Armed Services Committee, First Session, 113th Congress on 18 September 2013." In Planning for Sequestration in Fiscal Year 2014 and Perspectives of the Military Services on the Strategic Choices and Management Review.

missions and this will result in the country relying heavily on Overseas Contingency Operations (OCO) for it to achieve its security needs. The few Armed forces deployed will have a hard time trying to achieve their objective, and they might have less equipment to work with in the difficult terrain or area deployed. Training is a huge requirement for the Armed…

Sources used in this document:

Congress, House. "Statement by Gen. Odierno before the House Armed Services Committee, First Session, 113th Congress on 18 September 2013." In Planning for Sequestration in Fiscal Year 2014 and Perspectives of the Military Services on the Strategic Choices and Management Review.

Department of Command, Leadership, and Management, United States Army War College. How the Army Runs: A Senior Leader Handbook, 2013-2014. Carlisle: PA: USAWC, 15 July 2013.
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