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Aristotle's Nichomacean Ethics And Thomas Hobbes Leviathan Term Paper

Nicomachean Ethics and Leviathan In every society, there are tens of hundreds of individuals whose personal value system leads them to leading a life based on principles of honesty, trust, fairness and compassion. To that extent, justice, as a concept can and does exist quite separate from any system of government given any number of citizens who ensure that justice is done in their dealings with their fellow humans. However, viewed from the perspective that not all members of human society necessarily adhere to similar principles, justice in a society is largely dependent on a government that upholds and enforces it. Without government and a legal system, it is more than probable that social anarchy would prevail with many humans resorting to pure self-indulgence, committing unjust and criminal acts purely for their own personal gain, with little or no regard to concepts such as the welfare of fellow citizens. Such a situation would naturally lead to the absence of justice.

A strong and good government is also needed to achieve justice since it is a concept that is multidimensional and all...

This is evident given that government and legal systems focus on achieving justice through providing each individual the right to life, liberty and equal opportunities to pursue happiness. This is done through governmental regulation of the production, utilization and conservation of natural resources, economic growth and ruling against all types of discriminatory practices. Justice, therefore, is a concept, the practice of which goes beyond just legal actions taken to punish various types of criminal behavior. Indeed, legal systems exist more in order to prevent crime and other unjust acts through holding out the threat of reprisal.
Thomas Hobbes was of the view that justice could not exist without government, based on his belief that humans, by nature, were materialistic and to that extent, worked only towards the preservation and promotion of self-interests. Given such a state, conflict inevitably arises as judgment of right and wrong is left to each individual. Hobbes therefore advocated that…

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Aristotle. "Nicomachean Ethics." Translated by Ross, W.D. Retrieved Nov. 14, 2003:

Hobbes, Thomas. "Leviathan: Or, the Matter, Forme & Power of a Commonwealth, Ecclesiasticall and Civill." Cambridge University Press, 1904.
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