Homosexual Activity as a Function of Biochemistry
Homosexuality is one of the most controversial topics among people today precisely because so few actually understand it and what prompts some to pursue a homosexual lifestyle. Some view it as sinful, others are very accepting of it because they view it as natural even if it deviates from traditional sexual norms. There are various reasons for why individuals engage in homosexual activity and many of them are personal or environmental, though some are distinctly biological. In fact, while not everyone may be born gay and may come to adopting a homosexual lifestyle as a result of some experience in their younger life (such as rape or negative experiences with the opposite sex), researchers like Dr. Wesley Muhammad, Dr. Marc Breedlove and Dr. Gunter Dorner have shown that the biology of homosexuality is in fact established during fetal development. Thus, in some cases, people actually are born gay. This paper will show that people can be born gay, not because of God or genetics, but that they can also engage in a homosexual lifestyle by choice.
Personal Experience and Environment
Coming from a position of personal experience, which many people can attest to no matter what sort of background they have, one is likely to be able to identify numerous acquaintances, friends, or family members who have “become” gay by choice or by some environmental or experiential impact that has shaped their sexual orientation. For example, I have people in my family who were raped and are currently gay. A coworker of mine once told me how his older brother started raping him when he was 7 and that lasted for three whole years until it finally stopped and he told me he’s gay today because of what his brother did to him. These kinds of situations are environmental issues that impact the individual experientially and end up orienting the individual’s sexuality in a way that might not have occurred had the environment or experiences been different. Many readers are likely to confirm that this type of behavior occurs: some people were raped and molested as children and that lead to them living a homosexual lifestyle.
Some people have become gay just from propaganda and its normalization in recent years. I have heard girls in high school and even from my family members who once dated men say things such as, “It’s just easier being with a woman,” or, “Men are no good,” thus indicating that homosexual activity can stem from an individual making a choice to try something different. This choice is made easier in today’s day and age because homosexuality is promoted in the mainstream media and by celebrities as being a positive experience and part of the natural course and function of human sexuality (Ayoub & Garretson, 2017; Halperin, 2003; Seidman, Meeks & Traschen, 1999).
Environment plays a huge role in how one’s sexuality is shaped. For example, heterosexual men in prison may engage in homosexual behavior, but that does not mean that they are homosexual because, given a choice, they would choose to have sexual relations with the opposite sex. Given their circumstances, however, they are limited in terms of choosing a partner: their environment...
Ayoub, P. M., & Garretson, J. (2017). Getting the message out: Media context and global changes in attitudes toward homosexuality. Comparative Political Studies, 50(8), 1055-1085.
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Comment on Kishida and Rahman (2015). Archives of sexual behavior, 44(7), 1755.
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Gavrilets, S., Friberg, U., & Rice, W. R. (2018). Understanding Homosexuality: Moving on from Patterns to Mechanisms. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 47(1), 27-31.
Halperin, D. M. (2003). The normalization of queer theory. Journal of Homosexuality, 45(2-4), 339-343.
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139). When she is "taken for a man," she is "not fat," because of the different gendered social norms related to body size (Bergman, 2009, p. 139). Thinness is also a type of privilege, as is external or socially acceptable beauty. Beauty ideals and norms are also tied in with race, culture, and class. Economic class and social class often determine access to healthy food, which is why low-income
However, society's consciousness matured and grew in understanding of what a loving community is, and came to realize that to exclude other human beings based on prejudice is not God's love, but rather fear and ignorance (Conan). According to Kohut, 14% of the general population in American society believes that homosexuality is due to upbringing, 42% believe it is a matter of lifestyle, and 30% believe people are born homosexual
D., para. 8). While homosexuality is not the primary focus of a person's identity that counselors fixate on during these sessions, it is important that counselors take the fact that their client is a homosexual into consideration. By doing this, the counselor can determine whether or not there may be issues associated with their sexual orientation or coming out process that may be affecting other areas of their lives. Thus, the
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