Financial Statement AnalysisFinancial statement analysis refers to developing and analyzing a particular company�s financial statements to help with the decision-making processes. It is also essential since it helps external stakeholders such as investors understand its overall condition and evaluate the business value and financial performance. Internally, it is used as a tool to monitor and manage the organization�s finances. A company�s financial statements record essential financial data on all organization�s
Case Analysis of Chipotle Introduction This case analysis of Chipotle (CMG) examines the industry in which the restaurant has risen and looks at the company’s background and core values. The problem that the company has encountered in the last five years is really one of the financial markets and not so much a matter of image, brand, or poor business decisions—at least in terms of what the business was doing prior to
57 Spillover Effect on the Stock Market and Bond Prices in Relation with GARCH Abstract This study examines the spillover effect between bond and stock markets in the U.S. using GARCH. The finding of a unidirectional spillover flow from bonds to stocks in the U.S. is discussed in the light of new marketplace variables that have been introduced into the markets in the previous decade. These variables include the rise of HFT, algorithm-driven
……South African Municipalities Municipal Revenue Loss Reduction through Improved Municipal Valuation Methodologies:Balance Sheet Enhancement of South African Municipalities to Improve Rates and Taxes Revenue GenerationAbstractThis study examines the property valuation process of Municipalities in South Africa and develops a strategy for strengthening that process in order to more efficiently value properties and ultimately to enhance municipal balance sheets and increase revenue streams. This study proposes an innovative valuation method based
Securities AnalysisSummary of the articleIn the article, Marc Pilkington examines the aspect of the dollar-based international monetary system. The fundamental conception of a theory of money ought to be the unit of account. The procedure whereby money is generated in credit-based economies is basic and simple. Every time a bank makes a loan, there is the formation of new bank credit with new deposits, and therefore brand new money is
Logistical Support and Distribution Strategies Distribution strategies refer to techniques of services/goods dissemination to end customers. Adoption of the ideal distribution technique for one’s organization forms the key when it comes to generating revenue and ensuring client loyalty. Several organizations opt for several distribution techniques to cater to diverse end-customer bases. Logistical aspects have always contributed strategically to the organizational business. Within the context of wholesalers and retailers, such organizations go
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