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Analyzing The Business Environment Chapter

Business Environment The business circle resonates with two major issues in the modern world, i.e. leadership and globalization.

The modern business world is continuously reshaped by globalization. It is a curious coincidence that a lot of business opportunities are emerging while the number of emerging talent that can make meaningful use of such talent is decreasing. In this scenario, therefore, it is only those who can act on the developments by recognizing the need for talent and take the front row in developing new useful talent today that are certainly tomorrow's winners. Effective and successful leaders in business make sure that their firms are flexible and adaptive. They also maintain a network and minimize the hierarchy ghosts. They generally seek better service delivery. Leaders should prioritize such matters as tapping talent, authenticity, business evolution and revolution and sustainability. Successful leadership clearly outlines quotients, gives its teams direction and what it takes to lead the teams and the organization to greater success (PricewaterhouseCoopers).

Price Waterhouse Coopers points out that the revolutions in strategy in the current business environment call for a fresh leadership framework. In order to maximize from the emerging trends and achieve success in the future, business organizations must strengthen their leadership capacities in the four quotients, i.e. sustainability, authenticity, agility and talent....

Technology is coming around strongly and hard. The effects of technology have a two prong effect. They can be greatly rewarding for some and extremely undesirable for others. Tomorrow's business winners will be today's leaders with agility, and those that harness, and expect the power inherent in change and keep ahead of the rest of the pack in the swiftly changing business world.
International Trade and Governments

Governments play an active role in international trade because they know that it can extensively affect their economies. Government authorities intervene and play an active role in international trade by way of policies, regulations and legislation. Some countries affect international trade, in fact, by way of subsidizing their exporters. They subsidize products for their export producers so that such producers get a competitive advantage over others from other countries. By lowering the cost of production, such products become more attractive on the international market because they are cheaper (Chand).

Restrictions on Imports: The price of imports is kept on the higher end if a country imposes taxes and tariffs on imported goods. Other ways that countries use to limit their imports is through imposing quotas (Chand).

Lack of Enforcement on Piracy: if a country fails to enforce piracy laws, it encourages locals to produce goods that are similar to the original. They sell such goods locally in place of the…

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Works Cited

Ashan, Jitu. IMPORTANCE OF ISO & WRAP IN APPAREL INDUSTRY. 18 September 2013. Web. 11 May 2016.

Chand, Smriti. 7 Most Influential Factors Affecting Foreign Trade. 2015. Web. 11 May 2016

Gittell, Ross, Magnusson, Matt and Merenda, Michael. "Government, Public Policy, and Sustainable Business." Ross Gittell, Matt Magnusson and Michael Merenda. Sustainable Business Cases. Flat World Knowledge, 2013. 99-140.

PricewaterhouseCoopers. "How leadership must change to meet the future." 2008 March. PricewaterhouseCoopers. Web. 12 May 2016.
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