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Alternative Medicines In Australia Background And Importance Essay

Alternative Medicines in Australia Background and Importance of the Issue

Healing wounds, making sick people healthy again, determining the exact condition of people who are ill, and keeping society as healthy as possible -- these are all goals of the healthcare industry in Australia. There are very few things as important to a nation as the good health of its people. There are always incidents and injuries in any society, and there are health problems due to the imperfection of the human body and the intervention of substances that can cause a person to be ill. Cancer is one of the leading causes of illness and death in Australia. According to the Cancer Council of Australia, on in five cancer deaths result from smoking cigarettes and 3% of cancers are due to alcohol consumption; moreover, in Australia in 2012 an estimated 534,000 "…new cases of cancer will be diagnosed" (

The Cancer Council of Australia also explains that more than 43,000 people died from cancer in Australia in 2010, and that one out of every two Australians will be diagnosed with some form of cancer by the age of 85. The leading cause of death in Australia is in fact cancer, not auto accidents or other diseases ( Hence, cancer and the other diseases that affect Australians must be treated well, and there are many who feel the traditional types of cancer treatments -- and treatments for other maladies -- are not always the right way to go about the healing process.

Thesis: There are many holistic / alternative / natural medicines that have been proven to help individuals resist disease and even help to cure diseases. Despite the criticisms by some in the country of using alternative medicines, Australians should embrace proven alternative medicines because in a society dominated by traditional medicine and healthcare, there is room for proven alternatives.

Outline -- Arguments For Alternative Medicines


Most users of CAM tend to be "…educated women with breast cancer" and moreover, patients who do use CAM are "more optimistic than others and the most common reason they chose to use CAM was the increase of hope" (Hechtman). This is not to say that these individuals using CAM are not also using more traditional medicines; in fact Hechtman reports that about 80% of Australians with cancer use CAM along with "conventional treatment."
Counter Argument to Argument #1

Hechtman reports that while traditional treatment of cancer includes "…surgery, radio-therapy and pharmaceuticals (chemotherapy)… overall medicine still has strong objections to any alternatives such as herbal medicines or nutritional supplements."

Refutation to the Counter Argument #1

The objections are frequently articulated in the traditional medical community notwithstanding the fact that there is "…increasing evidence that complementary medicines can significantly improve outcomes" (Hechtman). Hechtman also notes that some cancer patients do not use traditional medical interventions (like chemotherapy) and even though it is "daunting" to go against the traditional healthcare treatments, "…a small number do so with some success."

Controlling Idea / Argument #2

According to author Julia Twohig (writing in the book Understanding the Australian Health Care System) in Australia there is a "wide range of popular but diverse health care practices which exist parallel with, but are not regarded as part of, the mainstream biomedical system" (Twohig, 2008, p. 155). She…

Sources used in this document:

Cancer Council of Australia. 2009. 'What Causes Cancer?' Retrieved August 18, 2012, from

Hechtman, Leah. 2012. Clinical Naturopathic Medicine. Elsevier Australia: Chatswood, AU.

Maggie. 2012. 'More hollow legislation from the TGA,' Sceptics Book. Retrieved August 18, 2012, from

National Herbalists Association of Australia, 2010, 'Services,' Retrieved August 18, 2012, from
The Economist. 2012 'Medicine and its rivals The Believers: alternative therapies are increasingly mainstream. That means headaches for scientists -- and no cure in sight,' Retrieved August 17, 2012, from
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