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Alternative Energy Source Alternative Energy Alternative Energy Essay

Alternative Energy Source Alternative energy

Alternative energy refers to the energy sources that have no undesired impact and they are renewable since they are generated by fuel sources and they restore themselves over a short period of time and do not diminish and are not derived from fossil fuels. They include solar energy, wind energy, geothermal, biomass, biogas and hydro electric power. These types of energy have a significant potential to reduce emission of carbon dioxide which raises the amount of warmth in the atmosphere hence leading to global warming (Alternative Energy, 2011).

The demand that America as a whole has is quite large and consequently the consumption is proportionate to the demand, making it an environmental concern for the people of America as a whole. There is need therefore to find an alternative to the commonly used fossil fuel, one that can effectively keep the economy moving.

One alternative that if invested upon significantly then...

Among other companies and organizations involved in research on biofuels is Joule biotechnologies. Joule indicated in 2009 that it is able to produce a substantial 20,000 gallons of the biofuels per acre per year (Kevin Bullis, 2009). It also indicated that this biofuel could be sold at prices that were equally competitive with the fossil fuels. If this is invested on, then it can effectively replace all the fossil fuels that are used in the transportation in the American transport industry.
Joule Biotechnologies is noted to grow microorganisms that are genetically engineered in some specially designed photobioreactors, these microorganisms utilize the solar energy to convert the carbon dioxide and water into ethanol or hydrocarbon fuels like the gasoline components or diesel. The organism will then excrete the fuel which is then harvested by the use of the usual technologies utilized in chemical-separation. If this…

Sources used in this document:

Alternative Energy, (2011). Alternative Energy. Retrieved October 09, 2011 from

Kevin Bullis, (2009). A Biofuel Process to Replace All Fossil Fuels. Retrieved October 16, 2011 from
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