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Algebra Like Many Other Languages And Sciences, Term Paper

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Like many other languages and sciences, Algebra can be useful in the explanation of real-world experiences. Linear algebra, in particular, holds a high level of relevancy in the solution of real world problems like physics equations. Since the key point of physics is to explain the world in proven observations, linear algebra is an ideal mode for discussion. Many real-world situations can be explained by algebra; for example, how does GPS work? The satellite-based Global Positioning System works by locking onto the system of three satellites and calculating a two-dimensional position from latitude and longitude, thus tracking movement. The location of objects can be determined by using linear equations to morph the data into identifiable locations, and with four or more satellites in view, altitude combines with latitude and longitude to determine the 3-D position.

A far more generic (but equally important) use of linear algebra in real world discussions is used to explain the law of motions as described by Keplar. Keplar's laws relate to the orbit of an object moving around another in space as elliptical, with the stationary object located at one of the focal points of the ellipse. Simply put, the Earth travels around the sun in an ellipse, and the sun is a focal point in that ellipse; likewise for a satellite traveling around the earth.

Using Algebra, Keplar understood:

Ra=a (1+e) and Rp=a (1-e)

Where a = semi-major axis of the ellipse e= eccentricity of the ellipse

So that the elliptical shape of the orbit is the result of the inverse square force of gravity.

For instance, the eccentricity for a circle is zero. Earth's eccentricity is only 0.0167, while Pluto, the planet with the largest eccentricity, is .25.

Visually, this is what Keplar sought to explain:

Mathematically, however, linear algebra makes the picture an easily understood, computable function.

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