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Administration Legal And Ethical Considerations Essay

Businesses are a huge element of American society. They're very influential and drive many decisions (Susca, 2006). Business ethics is a device that companies use to make sure managers, directors, or executive officers act correctly in a variety of business situations. Ethical decision making is an effort to encourage the company as a whole, rather than letting one person profit from the business decisions that are being made. People who constantly make decisions based on their personal benefit may produce legal liabilities for a company that can lead to bankruptcy. Generating an ethical business atmosphere does not happen suddenly. Companies often need to spend time and money training and promoting business ethics amongst managers and workers. Companies may also find putting into practice an ethical decision-making process may lead to a pessimistic reaction from managers or workers. Combating this negative feedback may be a difficult part of putting into practice business ethics (Vitez, 2011).

The decisions that are made by individuals...

No matter how much individuals think that no one is watching, someone always is and things always come out in the end. Unethical decisions that are made within a company always lead to trouble in one form or another, which makes it so important for companies to have good ethical decision making practices in place for everyone to follow.

A Framework for Thinking Ethically. (2010). Retrieved from

Ethical leadership, decision-making, and organizations. (2010). Retrieved from

Susca, D. (2006). Making ethical business decisions. Retrieved from

Vitez, O. (2011). Decision Making in Business Ethics. Retreived from

Sources used in this document:

A Framework for Thinking Ethically. (2010). Retrieved from

Ethical leadership, decision-making, and organizations. (2010). Retrieved from

Susca, D. (2006). Making ethical business decisions. Retrieved from

Vitez, O. (2011). Decision Making in Business Ethics. Retreived from
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