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Action Research And Its Key Working Principles

Action Research and Its Key Working Principles Examine the most salient challenges and advantages of the Internal AR person.

Based on my readings, action research is a methodological approach to research that provides a useful framework in which effective solutions to seemingly intractable problems can be identified. In sharp contrast to other social science research approaches, one of the main advantages of action research is that it seeks to identify generalizable solutions that are applicable in all situations (Coghlan, 2003). By using a holistic view of a given situation, action research can help AR practitioners better understand the competitive environment in which companies operate and determine optimal courses of action that can help improve their performance (Coghlan, 2003). An especially advantage of the AR approach is its emphasis on including the subjects of research into the analysis (Coghlan, 2003). These same advantages, though, introduce some challenges because action research can be a complex process that requires taking a wide range of variables, including social, cultural, interactional, and emotional factors into account (Coghlan, 2003).

2. Identify strategies to deal with challenges and to capitalize on the advantages.

The "look, think, act" approach used in action research is not linear, but rather iterative in nature and can help address the challenges that are encountered during the...

Explore additional considerations not addressed in the Coghlan article.
Interestingly, Coghlan (2003) does not include the overarching purpose of action research which is to identify a solution to a problem and actually place the solution into action (Neuman, 2003).


Coghlan, D. (2003). Practitioner research for organizational knowledge: Mechanistic and organistic-oriented approaches to insider action research. Management Learning, 34(4), 451-463.

Neuman, W.L. (2003). Social research methods: Qualitative and quantitative approaches, 5th ed. New York: Allyn & Bacon.

1. Evaluate key Working Principles that enable the action researcher to expand their cultural literacy when building relationships locally or globally.

Based on my readings, there are a number of key working principles that facilitate the expansion of action research into cultural literacy. According to Stringer (2007), "In action research, the role of the researcher is not that of an expert who does research but that of a resource person" (emphasis author's) (p. 24). In this capacity, action researchers must serve as a facilitator who coordinates rather than directs which is an especially important feature when building relationships locally or globally. The key Working…

Sources used in this document:

Stringer, E.T. (2007). Action research (3rd ed.). Los Angeles: Sage Publications
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