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Acquisition Of Numbers And Subjecting Case Study

The fourth basic orientation is on holistic treatment of phenomena. Where quantitative research emphasizes very specific study to determine correlations between specific variables under specific conditions, qualitative research emphasizes the ability to understand broad-based phenomena, and how different phenomena may interact in a complex environment. 5. In a business situation, prior to conducting confirmatory research, the orientation to holistic treatment is the most valuable. The business world does not exist in laboratory conditions, and this fact emphasizes the need to gain broad-based theoretical understanding of the world before focused research can be conducted. In business, research is expensive, so companies want to ensure that the testable hypotheses in any confirmatory research have been derived from an appropriate holistic understanding. They will need to structure the confirmatory research to isolate the dependent variable, and only holistic qualitative research can help them to understand what independent variables may be contributing to the observed phenomena. Thus, the quality of confirmatory research design depends heavily on the holistic understanding of real world phenomena.

6. a. A focus group would be appropriate, so that prototypes of the product can be tested.

b. A focus group is valuable here as well, because the different names should be tested for market response. The focus group could also be asked for projective impressions to help researchers understand what underlies the opinions expressed about the brands.

c. This type of research would be best done with conversations and semi-structured interviews. The HR manager needs to talk to a number of stakeholders to gather opinions, interpret them...

This type of research would be conducted using semi-structured interviews, with a number of subjects, to see what symbols were cited most frequently.
7. A focus group interview is conducted in a group setting, so there are multiple subjects simultaneously. Some voices will contribute more to the discussion, but in general the discussion will be a little thin. An in-depth interview will have fewer subjects, and they will be interviewed individually and in far more detail. The objective of a focus group interview is to quickly find a mode answer to a question, but the objective of a depth interview is to uncover deeper answers, perhaps about motivations, experiences, and subliminal findings. The two different interviews have completely different methodologies and objectives. They will both have structure but the importance of any one respondent in a focus group is limited, whereas in a depth interview all respondents are given significant time to express their thoughts and ideas. Both styles require interpretation on the part of the researcher, though arguably the depth interview requires ore interpretation because subtext plays a greater role in that form of communication and also is likely more important to the researcher as well.

Works Cited:

Keele,. (no date). Quantitative vs. qualitative research, or both? Jones & Barlett Learning, LLC. Retrieved November 10, 2012 from

Zikmund. (no date) Chapter 7.

No author. (2012). The nature of qualitative research. University of Illinois. Retrieved November 10, 2012 from

Sources used in this document:
Works Cited:

Keele,. (no date). Quantitative vs. qualitative research, or both? Jones & Barlett Learning, LLC. Retrieved November 10, 2012 from

Zikmund. (no date) Chapter 7.

No author. (2012). The nature of qualitative research. University of Illinois. Retrieved November 10, 2012 from
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