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Acid Rain Should Acid Rain Be Made Thesis

Acid Rain Should Acid Rain Be Made a Political Issue?

After studying several researches on how acid rain can cause economic losses, I chose a thesis proposal. I collected information from researches conducted in different countries and analyzed data using Microsoft Excel.

Acid rain is a problem that does not respect political barriers, thus, making it a global issue.

The world's population is currently around 7 billion and is still dramatically increasing. This increase is accompanied with an increase in land usage, deforestation and industrialization, contributing to environmental pollution. A major environmental hazard is sulphur dioxide. Urban areas are major contributors to this particularly harmful pollutant. It is released as a result of poorly controlled combustion, which maybe from factories, coal power plants or even from domestic use of sulphur containing fuel. Volcanoes are the natural cause of increased sulphur content in the environment. (Acid Rain, 2011)

Sulphur dioxide and nitrous oxide emissions and its presence in air causes acid rain. Wind can carry these chemicals for miles, which are eventually converted to sulphuric acid and nitric acid when dissolved in water. Wet deposition occurs when these chemicals fall in rain, hail or snow, however, detrimental effects to one's health and the ecosystem at large can occur with these chemicals in any state of matter. (Acid Rain, 2011)

The comparatively more humid coastal areas are at a greater risk of acid rain's more detrimental affects. Deforested lands have thin surface soils, greater run off and lesser buffering capacity. Deforestation occurring side by side with industrialization is also another contributing factor to the intensity of acid rain. Countries with lesser forested areas are also at a higher risk of acid rain. Asia is major contributor of sulphur dioxide in the air. This isn't surprising since eighty percent of Asia's energy consumption is derived from fossil fuels, particularly coal. Global emissions of sulphur dioxide peaked in 1970s, with a decrease until the year 2000. (Shah et al., 2000) The recent increase has been attributed to Asia (mainly the human health. The Journal of American Medical Association has found an association between sulphur dioxide levels in the atmosphere and elevated mortality rates. Acid rain has also proven to indirectly affect humans by affecting the ecosystem. When human lives are in danger, an ethical problem tends to arise. With two major wars since the year 2000 and volcanic eruptions, global levels of sulphur dioxide have risen. Laws need to be passed and this increase needs to be bought into check.

With an increasing degree of poverty in Africa and in most parts of Asia, this matter has brought little concern to the issue in these countries. Researches show that if current trends in Asia continue, its emissions may equal that of North America and the whole of Europe combined. (Shah et al., 2000) An international regulating body, like the WHO, needs to be formed which should maintain updated statistics on the matter and should motivate countries to a lot a portion of the country's budget to increase forestation and decrease sulphur dioxide concentration from the environment.

In a study conducted by the WHO, Iran, India, Pakistan and the capital of Mongolia rank the worst globally for air pollution, while those in the U.S. And Canada…

Sources used in this document:

Acid Rain. (2011). In Encyclopedia. Today's Science. Retrieved from Facts On File, Inc. database.

Shah, J., Streets, D., Li, J., Pu, Y., Nagpal, T., Johnson, T., & #8230;Green C. (2000). Integrated analysis for acid rain in Asia: Policy implication and results of rain-Asia model. Annual Review of the Energy & the Environment, 25(1), 339-375. Retrieved from EBSCO database.

Smith, S.J., Aardene, J.V., & Andres, R.J. (2010). Anthropogenic sulphur dioxide emissions: 1850-2005. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 11, 1101-1116. Retrieved from

State Environmental Protection Administration. (2002, March 20). China to reduce sulphur dioxide emissions. People's Daily Online, Retrieved from
WHO. (2011, September). Air quality and health - fact sheet n"313. Retrieved from
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