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Achieving A Societal Balance In South Korea Research Proposal

Developmentalism oftentimes takes to the extreme the old adage that 'voters vote their pocketbook'. In other words, voters will vote for the person most likely to help them achieve their financial goals. Developmentalism is a theory often used to show how a third world country gains acceptance through the tacit approval by its own society by granting the State and its local leaders the opportunity to work together in developing internal market with external means. A good example of developmentalism could be Korea, a country that associates itself with capitalistic development (with the ongoing aid of the United States) but is a self-contained market that advance the national interest through internal marketplaces. Developmentalists however often blame the problems stemming from internal markets on the very international capitalization needed to maintain and grow that internal marketplace. Dirlik (2014) writes that developmentalism "has rendered development into a horse race between nations and corporations regardless of its consequences for human welfare" (p. 31). If it is true that developmentalism careens headlong into a human welfare abyss, then such disaster is likely easily recognized by studying the effects of developmentalism on the countries that have experienced it. South Korea is one of the countries said to have prospered through developmentalism from the...

Suh and Kwon (2014) espoused the belief that a successful transformation has taken place in South Korea; from the early 1990s' until today a manufacturing-based economy was transformed into a knowledge and technology-based society. Additionally Suh and Kwon wrote that there has been (in South Korea) the establishment of a more democratic election system, along with liberalization of the media, improvements in human rights, and the establishment of a welfare system. All four items go against the grain when discussing a headlong approach to rampant developmentalism.

The seeming contradiction between developmentalism being a system that rarely considers human welfare, and the results in South Korea lends itself to further research. It is proposed that further study be completed on the effects (negative and positive) of developmentalism in South Korean society. Many developmentalists believe that…

Sources used in this document:

Dirlik, A.; (2014) Developmentalism, Interventions: The International Journal of Postcolonial Studies, 16(1), p. 30-48

Suh, C-S. & Kwon, S-H; (2014) Whither the developmental state in South Korea?

Balancing welfare and Neoliberalism, Asian Studies Review, 38(4) p. 676-692
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