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Achievements, My Objectives Myself, My Term Paper

S. In fact, I took it as a challenge for me to learn and gain skill in the English language. Hence, I took up 2 months classes in English language in the U.S. This is to prepare me in my coming college study in the country. Currently, my main objective in the U.S. is to pursue and finish my college studies. Afterwards, perhaps, I also hope to further my studies by taking up a masteral degree. Aside from this, to be able to support my living in the U.S., I am also planning to take part-time jobs or perhaps full-time job that can meet my schedules during my college studies. I believe that this will not be a problem to me because I already have work experiences in Brazil. and, working to be able to support my living and my studies is a new challenge that I am eager to face because from now on I believe that I should be able to live independently - just as how this tradition is a normal practice in most of the U.S. families.

After completing my studies, I am planning to practice all the skills and knowledge that I have gained by taking a job in the U.S.,...

By sharing my skills and contributing to the U.S. industry is my one way of showing my gratitude to the country - for providing me with the opportunity to prepare myself in building my future by granting me with good education. Of course, while contributing to America, I plan to further more of my knowledge and skills by taking up further education. Because I find that the U.S. is a good country to live in, I hope I can bring my family here and return to them all the love and care that they have given me. And soon, while establishing my as a good citizen of America, I also hope to have a family of my own in the U.S.

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