Do the "Indian Act" and another factor discriminate against Inuit people?
In the application of the Indian Act, persons of the Inuit races are not party (Canada, 2014: 4). The act had been a center point of wealth distribution and management of resources for decades. This means that the people of Inuit have been missing in terms of opportunities for development. Although new regulations and policies are in place to cater for those inadequacies, most previous legislation still exists. The Act concentrated at provision of loans to Indians, education and other healthcare needs. With such arrangements, Indians for decades have been able to acquire arable land. Their children have been able to attend schools, unlike Inuit children. Progressive governments have neglected the plight of the Aboriginal people. This has led to their slow progress in terms of physical, social, and economical development; therefore, led to discrimination.
In Canadian cities, there is rampant discrimination against the aboriginal people. This incidence leads persons of Aboriginal descent having low self-esteem. Discrimination exists in the healthcare, criminal justice, housing, employment, and education (Mccaskil, 2012: 3-15). Without a proper educational certificate, a person from Inuit group is unlikely to secure an employment in the city. This would mean that the individual would not be able to afford healthcare, housing, and other facilities. Such eventualities affect the elderly, homeless, as well as their families. It is evident that Aboriginal people in urban cities suffer from poverty and other social problems. Therefore, the government needs to prioritize policies for the Aboriginal people this can also reduce the stereotypes against the Aboriginal people.
Do Canadian cities have better Healthcare systems?
More people of the aboriginal race in Canada live in towns than in reserves. Most of these people reside in the western part of Canada. Although a majority of Inuit people stays in towns, policies seem to concentrate on reserves. Policy makers need to concentrate more on city populations of the aboriginal people. For years, neglect has led to poor service delivery to Inuit and other aboriginal groups. Members of the Inuit race in cities suffer from lack of employment, low purchasing power and an inability to access healthcare services. In Canada, one can say that healthcare facilities are better in reserves for the Inuit populations. Aboriginals in cities are more likely to be single parents as compared to other groups. Lone parents are at a higher risk of poverty and less likely engaging in activities that build capital. Such eventuality affects their healthcare needs (Shah, Gunraj & Hux, and 2003: 3).
On the other hand, Inuit group of the Aboriginal people of Canada are more likely to have lower educational standards. This phenomenon makes them
This therefore, means that the population is more likely to receive poor healthcare services. With this in mind, life expectancy rates of Aboriginal people are less by five years as compared to other urban citizens of Canada. This rate relates to an increase in suicide rates, higher disease incidences, and
diseases caused by poor dieting (Shah et al. 2003: 1-2). From studies, it comes out clear that the Aboriginal people in cities have a higher risk of contracting tuberculosis and other respiratory diseases.
Higher rates of tuberculosis incidences among Inuit in the city relates to their living standards. Some of these citizens live in deplorable housing; adult male population smokes more than their Canadian counterparts do. They smoke and participate in more risky behaviors (Hanselmann. 2001 7-12). Even though the Inuit group have high incidences of diseases and other conditions, they are better off than their brothers in rural areas. In cities, there are well-developed healthcare facilities as compared to the rural regions. One can say that finances have a huge impact on health and lifestyles of Aboriginal people in cities. (Shah et al. 2003: 4).
The Aboriginal population of Canada consists of three broad nations. These nations are Inuit, First Nation, and Metis. These groups of people represent a part of the
history of Canada. Just like other nations of people, the aboriginal people encounter various challenges. These challenges relate to their economic conditions, social and political interests. However, healthcare is the most crucial element for any human race. From the details, one can understand the challenges Inuit people undergo in terms of healthcare. The government seems to have ignored the healthcare needs of Inuit people. It is evident that the Inuit people of Canada need better healthcare services. These individuals need a policy that looks at their plight. Moreover, the government of Canada needs to consider providing of better healthcare services to the Inuit people.
Appendix: Life expectancy rates of the Inuit people in the four regions
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