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The 1920s The Old Problems And The New Era Article Review

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The New Era and The Old ProblemsThe 1920s

According to Reinhold Niebuhr, they visited some automobile factories, and to their surprise, things looked artificial that they felt like strangers. He argues that everyone is looking up to what comes out of the factories minus the consideration of how much the efficiency of modern factories costs in human value (Locke & Wright, 2019). Even though the church preserves spiritual amenities and cultivates graces within the society, it is not impacting the critical facts of current civilization even by an inch. Reinhold Niebuhr claimed that church morality is anachrostic.

Later on, the new Ford car was invented, and everyone in the town was talking about it, with its total cost estimated to be around one hundred million dollars. From Reinhold Niebuhrs arithmetics, he realized the car cost employees a minimum of fifty million within the past year as a form of wages lost (Locke & Wright, 2019).

While on the other hand, the number of homeless people due to unemployment is unknown; the number of school children who drop out due to lack of fees remains scanty. According to him, Mr. Ford made the mistake of coming up with the car model too late. Subsequently, no one seems to mind asking if such a company that can...

…Negro. Nevertheless, some of the prior immigrant communities that already occupied new immigration quotas stuck to their native faiths and cultures (Locke & Wright, 2019). It could not be considered normal because the 1920s was full of tension and conflict.

During his swearing-in speech later in 1929, Herbert Hoover told the Americans that the Republican party brought prosperity. However, his statement ignored that high poverty levels hit the country, increased the inequality gap, and created a scrawling economy. For instance, the economy was exposed to many risks due to heavy credit intake. Furthermore, American lives were hardened by wealth inequality, high tariffs, flailing European economies, the always flooded consumer market, and the construction…

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Locke, J. L., & Wright, B. (Eds.). (2019). The American Yawp: A Massively Collaborative Open US History Textbook, Vol. 1: To 1877. Stanford University Press (Chapter 22) ?

ML, Langston Hughes, Selected Writings (1920s)ML, Reinhold Niebuhr, Diary Entries (1925-1928)

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