Youth Crime Essays Prompts

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There are a number of programs that showcase the criminal justice system on cable TV. As opposed to Law and Order, CSI, and the like, t...hese programs purport to be fact-based. (Television dramas (e.g., Law and Order, CSI, Dexter) are not acceptable.

For this assignment, you may choose any two segments from the following television programs. Note: The following are examples??"instructors are encouraged to choose programs that meet their requirements.

American Justice
City Confidential

Critique Requirements and Formatting

Papers must be a minimum of three (3), double-spaced, typed pages, and must include the following:

Cover page with your name, project title, course and date of submission.
Section 1: Introduction, purpose, brief synopsis of each episode or program selected.
Section 2: Which area(s) of the criminal justice system (police, courts, corrections) is highlighted? How is this segment(s) of the system portrayed? How is the "criminal" portrayed (if applicable)? Which theory would explain the criminal behavior (if applicable)? How is the "victim" portrayed (if applicable)? How is the victim treated by the system (if applicable)? Does the victim receive justice (if applicable)?
Conclusion: If you choose American Justice , there is usually a question asked toward the end of the episode. What is that question and how would you answer it? With American Justice and other shows that may be reviewed, what message do you feel the public receives about the criminal justice system as a result of watching these programs? What do you feel is the value of these shows in either making the public more aware of crime and justice in American or de-sensitizing them to the seriousness of crime in America ?

evaluate the self control theory of crime. one of the criticism of self control theory is that it minimizes the effects of race and economics and appear to target parenting as the source of low self control. Prepare a paper that evaluates this criticism and whether too much blame is placed on individual parents not enough responsibility on societal factors such as race and economics to create equal opportunities and avenues for all children

Innocents Project Exoneration

Each student will be required to pick person who has been exonerated (Innocents Project) and write a five (5) page paper detailing the exoneration (title page and biography do not count towards total).

Answer the following questions in your paper:
What was the original crime and how did the investigation lead to the suspects arrest and conviction.
Once in prison detail how the suspect went about seeking his exoneration.
How did the exoneration occur, or what evidence exonerated the suspect.
What errors occurred on the part of the criminal justice system?

All papers are in APA format. Paper will have a title page, bibliography and should follow the APA example paper format (does NOT need abstract).


Current events and opinion on empirical data should be included also...

There has been a increasing knowledge and awareness in violent and non violent crime of children, those below the legal age of 18. DISTINGUISH and DISCUSS the types of crime as well as the causes and reasons for the CHARACTERISTICS of violent and nonviolent crime among the very young, those considered as minors. Also REFLECT upon the concept of charging minors as adults.

I need to choose a current liability issue from the list below and write an essay of at least 1500 words that examines the issues in relationship to my school.
1. Safety at school--- I was more l...eaning towards this- I work in a rough inner city district in Trenton ,NJ-- My school could be referred to as school 1 The make up off my school in mainly made up of Hispanic and African American students. My school lies in the middle of a poverty stricken neighborhood with high crime and gang related issues which usually flow into our school. Many of the students lack parental support. Id have to say that many of our students especially the Hispanic students dont feel safe- Sometimes faculty members also dont feel safe- we have 7 security guards and metal detectors in the school-- ( Just some background)

2. Intentional and unintentional torts
3. Liability and negligence
4. Supervision duties
6. Student record confidentiality
Construct your essay as follows:
1. Provide a real or hypothetical (an incident that could happen in your school) example of one of the liability topics listed above. Introduce the topic by discussing how it is or could be a legitimate issue in your school or district. Create a thesis statement that establishes a stance with regard to the issue in relationship to statutes, case law, and district policies (e.g., ____ should have been ___ or ___ was handled appropriately because ___).
2. Provide details with regard to the situation. Be sure to author your description as if you are telling the story to someone who knows nothing about your district and the situation. Discuss how school personnel, administrators, and/or district administrators addressed the issue.
3. Compare how the case was handled against district policy/procedures and how the courts may have ruled in this situation. Specifically, discuss whether the way in which the situation was handled could be defended in court. Cite specific case law examples to defend your position.

Random assignment is one of the hallmarks of a classical experimental design. Visit William Trochim's Knowledge Base website to help you to understand and summarize the difference between random assig...nment and random sampling. Here Trochim also describes building blocks as elements of design, which ". . . provides the glue that holds the research project together." Click on the link, "Types of Designs" at the website below, read what's presented on the page, then click on "The nonequivalent Groups Design" link. You will find examples of possible outcomes from nonequivalent groups designs.
In one paragraph each, describe criminal justice examples for two possible outcomes presented. (Assignment1)

Over the last 12-15 years, many criminal justice researchers have promoted increased use of experimental designs. This can be largely traced to the publication of Preventing Crime: What Works, What Doesn't, What's Promising (Sherman et al., 1997). One of the most interesting features of that report is a measure of the strength of research methods used by various crime prevention studies. Go to the report's website and review Chapter 2, "Thinking About Crime Prevention," by Lawrence Sherman. Also read the appendix on research methods by Sherman and Denise Gottfredson. Pay particular attention to the "scale of evidentiary strength for cause and effect." Write two paragraphs that compare how these two sections of the report use the language of research design and validity threats from this chapter of your text.
In the years since that report was published, two related organizations have been established to compile experimental studies in criminology, and publish research articles using experimental and quasi-experimental designs. The Academy of Experimental Criminology publishes the Journal of Experimental Criminology. Information about the Academy together with links to its journal and newsletter are on the Academy web page.
After browsing articles published in the journal, briefly describe two that are of interest to you. Why do you find them interesting? (Assignment2)

Snowball sampling is a type of nonprobability sampling strategy commonly used in field research. The University of Surrey Social Research Update website presents some very useful guidelines on using snowball approaches to find hard-to-reach populations.
After reading the Update from the link below, write a couple of paragraphs to describe how you would go about selecting a snowball sample of one of the following groups: illegal street racers; marijuana dealers; graffiti artists; members of a youth gang.
See Update #33. (Assignment3)

The Rice Virtual Lab in Statistics presents the equivalent of an online course in basic statistics. Go to the site and click on Chapter VII. Sampling Distributions. Then click on "C. Sample Size Demo." After reading the instructions, set the sample size in the middle pane to 2; then set the sample size in the bottom pane to 10. Click the "5 Samples" button near the top of your screen. Write a sentence that describes what happens to each distribution. Then click "5 Samples" 10 more times; write a sentence or two that describes what happens after 10 clicks. Click the "Reset" button near the top; then click the "10,000 Samples" button. What happens to the two distributions?
Then briefly summarize how sample size affects the distribution of sample means. (Assignment4)

The National Archive of Criminal Justice Data (NACJD) contains criminal justice data files from numerous sources. Each data set has extensive documentation listing the source of the data, the sampling frame, the sample, and so on. You can learn more about samples, target populations, and sampling strategy by reading descriptions of data archived at NACJD.
From the website's home page, select the "Search/Browse Holdings" link near the top of the web page. Choices on the next page are inexplicably presented as "Browse BJS-funded studies" or "Browse NIJ-funded studies." You'll find greater variety in the NIJ lists, but more uniform descriptions for BJS studies. Other browse and search options are available, so start with one that seems sensible.
Scroll down the list of studies, and click on "description" for at least two. After reading the description, list the following: the population (universe), the sampling frame, the study population, the observation unit, and the sampling method that wa used to gather the sample. (Assignment5)

Please keep the wordings in simple form for my classmates to understands.
Customer is requesting that (Writergrrl101) completes this order.

Life of Dennis Rader

Research his life from the beginning from when he was a child until now & should discuss the type of serial killer, timeline, victims, details of crimes, how they were caught and current outcome of case.

A two (2) page paper that discusses the function of corrections in the United states. The paper should be in APA style. The title of the book used is "Introduction to Corrections" by R.P. Seiter (2008), the paper covers Chapter 1 ( History of Crime and Corrections). Number of sources at least 2.

Then consider how Matza and Sykes Neutralization theory factors into juveniles "from good homes" who commit crimes. Together, what policies do the three theories suggest to prevent crime or create interventions that will reduce the crime rate? Identify at least 2 policies, programs, or procedures for the criminal justice system based on the theories.

Described Travis Hirschi's "bonding" theory of the etiology of crime. 15
Briefly describe Gottfredson's and Hirschi's general theory of crime highlighting the differences from original bonding theory. 15
Briefly summarize Matza and Sykes Neutralization theory. 15
Identify 2 policies, programs OR procedures in the criminal justice system based on the congruencies of the three theories 15
Developed a two page paper appropriately using APA citation and reference format. 10
Total: 70

Assign this paper to an American writer only. This paper should be based on the readings I sent. When writing, make sure you think about what the authors are saying (do not rely solely on someones fin...dings or what they say someone else found). If you use a direct quote from a reading, you must provide me with the name of the author and the page number where the quote was taken from. If you borrow or use materials that are not sent for this paper, you need to provide me with full citations (author, date, location of article, etc.) for these works. Please make the paper respond to the question being asked and you MUST use the readings sent. Do not just summarize each of the sent readings. Integrate the readings while developing your answers. You do not need to use materials that are not provided. Your answer must be in your own words. DO NOT use lengthy quotes from the materials sent. I would expect that the paper be in propper APA format. All work should be saved in RTF format. Opinions are okay. But ONLY IF YOU SUPPORT YOUR OPINIONS with materials sent or elsewhere. This does not mean you may forget about the readings. You should first use the readings and then you may want to add your opinions/experiences to say whether you agree or do not agree with the readings. Paragraphs should be a minimum of 3 sentences and no more than 8. In the first paragraph of any paper you should state what the paper is about, briefly, and then use the following paragraphs to make your points. You should end you papers with a concluding paragraph in which you review what you stated in the previous paragraphs and why it is relevant. Flow is important. You must always use citations to develop and defend your arguments in the empirical findings of the assigned readings. You should base your arguments on the evidence you find in as many of the empirical readings as you can. Please remember, failure to use appropriate citation constitutes plagiarism. Work from an outline. If you use an outline (no matter how basic), your thoughts will be better
organized and your arguments will be more coherent. Also, make sure to include all of the readings in the paper that I send. Use subheadings in your papers where appropriate ??" it will keep you organized.

Here are a few examples of what your citations should look like:

Citing 1 author - (Smith, 2002).
Citing 2 authors - (Smith & Smith, 2002).
Citing 3 or more authors - (Smith et al., 2002).

Please use APA style in your papers. A great resource if youre not familiar with this citation style is:(

With all that said, here is the question you must answer in the paper:

Walker concludes that lock em up strategies will not reduce serious crime. Do you agree and why?

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Justice Brief

hi writer, this essay should be 500 words maximum,i will uploud an example that the teacher show us and i want main to be similar, plz choose a title for it . in the first paragraph it could be simila...r to what she wrote so, plz follow the instruction i want and you use the references she used in her sample and if its ok to find others if you think its not enough.
more important thing that i want to be done in maximum 6 hours, but i dont know how to make the time right coz im in Australia , therefore, finish it in 6 hours and if you need more money just et me know ok, just finish it in 6 hours please

please i dont have muce time to ask for rewriting so please make i worth it and follow the instruction and if you have any quistion please ask me i will be waitin for your responce
this is waht you should follow:
use the Sydney Morning Herald opinion piece by Nina Funnell as your starting point but you need not focus exclusively on the 'criminal offence' of 'sexting' but rather use it as a basis for discussion on consent issues; jurisdictional differences; sex offender registers; federal laws on crime; cybercrimes; draconian laws; deviancy. here is the SMH article link to the electronic version

however, three paragraphs would suffice: the first discuss the main points raised in the SMH piece; the second outline the key concept that you intend to focus on that is related to the issues raised by Funnell and describe in some detail;
and the third paragraph would be analytical where you could make an argument and draw on some empirical evidence to support it or a recommendation for law reform or changes to justice processes


Securing Facilities

Generally, the foundation of effective security management encompasses a variety of strategies to reduce vulnerabilities and to mitigate risks from potential threats. This laboratory assignment requires you to place yourself in the hypothetical situation of being a security manager for a retail shopping mall that has been plagued by vandalism.


How would classify the perimeter security?
Would you prefer contract or proprietary security guard forces? Please state the reasons for your choice.
How would you implement Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) strategies to reduce the risk posed by vandalism?
In addition to the dollar amount caused by property damage due to vandalism, what other forms of harm to businesses can vandalism cause?
Summarize your activities, including any issues or difficulties you encountered while performing the tasks above.

Scenario Summary

This activity places you in the roles of judge, prosecutor, and defense attorney as they negotiate a plea bargain in a particular case. You are asked to respond to spec...ific decision points in the plea negotiations involving Slick Martin?s case. Being charged with robbery, Slick?s case poses some challenges for all parties concerned. As part of your answers in this assignment, be sure to address the questions posed by the judge, prosecutor, and defense attorney. Your response should be between 350-500 words, doubled spaced, using 12-point font. Prior to starting your work on this assignment, you should review the grading rubrics carefully so that you include all graded items in your final product.

Your Role/Assignment

Currently, Slick Martin is charged with robbery. Slick was involved with robbing a grocery store with his buddy. His buddy indicated to the cashier that he had a gun while Slick stood beside him looking for others to come into the store. Neither the cashier nor any patrons were hurt during the robbery. Both Slick and his friend were apprehended by police only a few blocks away from the scene. Both were arrested without incident and admitted to police that they had, in fact, committed the crime. Slick is 19 years of age. He has been in and out of foster homes as a juvenile and has a juvenile record for shoplifting and car theft. This is his first time in adult court. Slick tells his attorney that he has a drug and alcohol problem. He also has no job and he never finished high school.

Robbery involving a gun has a penalty range of two to ten years in prison. At the felony level at which Slick is indicted, there is a presumption for prison to be imposed. There are also two lower forms of robbery that do not have such a presumption. The local jurisdiction has a community-based correctional facility (CBCF) that is used to divert offenders from prison. CBCF is a locked-down facility in which inmates work a six-to-nine-month program. Obtaining sobriety, an education, and job/life skills are the priorities in the program. Slick?s attorney has a good relationship with both the prosecutor and the judge.

Back in Judge Justice?s chambers, the parties convene to have a discussion about Slick?s case.


Based on this information, please write a report that contains your response to each question below and best answers the three decision points in this group?s discussion.

I. Questions Pertaining to Prosecutor?s Role

In your opinion, what is the role of the prosecutor in this process?
If you were the prosecutor, how would you recommend resolving the case, and why?
In your response, be sure to address some of the questions that the defense attorney and judge have posed.
II. Questions Pertaining to Defense Attorney?s Role

In your opinion, what is the role of the defense attorney in this process?
If you were the defense attorney, how would you recommend resolving the case, and why?
In your response, be sure to address some of the questions that the prosecutor and judge have posed.
III. Questions Pertaining to Judge?s Role

In your opinion, what is the role of the Judge in this process?
If you were the Judge, how would you recommend resolving the case, and why?
As judge, do you perceive risks in granting probation to Slick?
How would you respond to some of the comments by the prosecutor and the defense attorney?

Locate three articles on a subtopic related to deviant behavior (in a sociology study perspective) for example: labeling theory, conflict theory, structural strain theory, white collar crime, victimless crime, deviant identities.

Summarize these three articles. The summary should include the research questions being asked within the article, the data sources that the authors used and their research methods. Include a summary of the conclusions that the articles reached.

Please be sure that the sources are peer reviewed journal articles (please do not use dissertations other other essays as a source). If you need a particular journal article - send me the full citation - and I will most likely able to obtain it for you.

Juvenile Delinquent Sentencing

Juvenile Delinquent Sentencing

Is juvenile delinquency increasing, or do you just hear about it more often? It seems di...fficult to go even a week without hearing or reading about a juvenile involved in some sort of criminal activity. The public has become more aware of juvenile crime and, especially after several well-publicized school shootings, has demanded stricter juvenile sentencing.

Consider what you have learned about normal adolescent development and decision-making skills?do you think juveniles are capable of truly understanding their legal rights as well as the entire sentencing process? In addition, are most adolescents capable of effectively participating in their own defense? In this Discussion, you apply what you have learned about juvenile sentencing to a "real-life" case, as you evaluate the effectiveness of the juvenile sentencing process.

To prepare for this assignment:

? Review the Sanborn, Jr. (2009) article, focusing on case law that relates to a juvenile's competency to stand trial.

? Review the Sellers & Arrigo (2009) article. Note the case law related to developmental maturity and competency.

? Review the Stickle et al. (2008) article. Think about the pros and cons of the teen court process, and consider how it might be appropriate for some juvenile offenders.

? Review the Peterson (2009) article and consider the use of teen courts as a "positive alternative" to traditional juvenile justice sentencing.

? Focus on legal issues related to juvenile offenders.

? Think about juvenile justice sentencing practices and consider what works and what needs improvement.

? Find a case about a juvenile offender in local, state, or nationwide media. Note the sentencing for the offense and consider whether you think it was appropriate.

? Reflect on juveniles' ability to understand their constitutional rights, and their capacity to participate in their own defense.

With these thoughts in mind:

Write an analysis of two factors that should be considered when sentencing a juvenile offender. Then, using the example of your selected case, explain why these factors are important. Remember to cite your case, using correct APA style.

IMPORTANT - Be sure to support your response with specific references to the Resources provided.

discuss the many issues involved in the crimes of rape, child abuse, and abuse of the elderly. You should also be ready to discuss the crime of burglary and the examination of the burglary scene.

title is: Policing Functions

Write a 1,100-1,750-word paper in which you examine the various perspectives of the policing function from the local, state, and federal organizational levels. Be sure to identify and address possible future changes in laws and the overall impact these changes will have on the field of policing.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

All cited REF must have a quotation marks open and close to include (author, year and pg number at the end of quot please) these are some of the books below that will help. REF page should look like this for example,

Robinson, M. B. (2009). Justice blind? Ideals and realities of American criminal justice (3rd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ. Pearson/Prentice Hall.

Waller, B. N. (2009). You decide! Current debates in criminal justice. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Prentice Hall.

Muraskin, R., & Roberts. A.R. (2009). Visions for change: Crime and justice in the twenty-first century (5th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Prentice Hall.

Victor, J. L. & Naughton, J. (2010). Annual editions: Criminal justice. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.

Walker, S., & Katz, C.M. (2008). The police in America: An introduction (6th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.

Florida v. Tate This Bizarre

you're a criminal defense attorney, and you've been asked to consult on two high-profile murder cases. The first case is Florida v Tate and the second is Florida v King. These cases were covered on Co...urt TV and in the news. For this assignment, you should read the background and sentencing information on each case. Read about the Tate case at the following Web sites: Background:
Read about the King Brothers case at the following Web sites: Background:
Notice that these two cases each involve a homicide commited by juveniles. But the outcomes are vastly different. Lionel Tate was sentenced to life in prison, while the King brothers are serving less than ten years! Both cases occurred in the same state (Florida). (Note: The Tate case was recently reopened and Mr. Tate is getting out of jail soon.)
In addition to murder, do the facts support charging the defendants in each case with any other crimes.Explain
Based on the facts, what defenses were available to each of the defendants and why? When discussing the King case, you need only focus on the conduct of the youngest brother, Alex. Based on your knowledge of punishment do the punishments violate the "cruell and unusual" prohibition in the U.S. Constitution? Explain

Classification of Gangs

Using a classification schema from the text or one discovered in your current research for Module One (include example and citations), apply the classification of gangs to the information gathered in ...module one to explain and identify local gang types, activities and norms (3-4 pages with appropriate citations)

Purpose: To discover the issues and problems in creating classifications for gangs including a definition which delineates what constitutes a gang and differentiates it from other social and sports groups. What is the definition of a team? The text provides an overview of some research into these issues.

Read the Text, Chapters 7-13.

Using research studies from the text as a beginning point, going to one of the online resources such as the National Youth Gang Center or local sources, research classification approaches for Gangs. Also check library databases and External Links.

Compare at least three approaches to classify gang data acquired in Module One. What types of gangs are in evidence using each approach? How do you know that? Does this classification provide any specific insights or information about gangs in the Community?

What problems did you encounter in applying that classification to your data? How representative is that of other efforts?

Create your report (3-4 pages). Include a brief statement on your process (2-3 paragraphs) and appropriate citations (APA Style).
There are faxes for this order.

**Request username "sunandmike" if possible -if not still need fastest turnaround time the better. Earlies response the better even if that is at 1am or 12pm tomorrow. As I was called in for a gravyar...d shift as a 911 operator I am unable to but my thoughts & writings into a intelligent format given time constraints.
**APA format in writing, however no page #s or title in needed as this will be used as a portion of a group project.
***Content of paper is about the direct relationships law enforcement has with schools. Education awareness education inplace today specifically dealing with preventing violence and avoiding situations such as columbine. No details need to be given about Columbine. I would like the paper to concentrate on how public safety has taken a more aggressive stand in preventing these incidents. The paper could read something like "Since incidents like columbine law enforcement is forced to take a more aggressive & careful role in school safety. Making mention of a "lockdown" method staff should use during a crisis, where children are not able to leave their present location until law enforcement has deemed it safe. Even in the event of possible danger police dispatchers call schools to go into lockdown mode. An extra precaution when even the threat of danger is present. Secondly one of the most effective procedures would be the school resource officer, a sworn officer serving as somewhat of a police sub-station on campuses that are deemed prone to violence.Pointing out how these officers are trained in programs such as the "active shooter". In turn the officer is able to teach school staff more effective means when dealing with emergencies. Other interventions include programs such as "Red- Ribbon week",
"every 15 minutes, "dry 2K". Although geared toward anti-drug & alcohol awareness, the programs provide the opportunity for staff & officers to gain insight. Insight to patterns are at times the key to monitor those individuals that are straying into a direction of increased violence & destructive behavior. All the programs are set forth to maintain public safey in schools my taking an interest and active role in the lives of our youth.
**the last 2 paragraphs or so I would like to read something like "Preventive measures and educational tools are not the only methods of dealing with increased violence. Zero tolerance is also strictly adhered to. Students impaird in any fashion are immediately subject to suspension and/or penalties of law. The paper can go on to explain the idea of zero tolerance and how it is used in schools.
The only thing I would like mention of somewhere under zero tolerance is the shortcoming of the policy when it comes to special education students. Many instances those students displaying aggressive behavior are not subject to permanent suspension from school. The courses provided on campus to these students is regarded as the greater need than the disruption being caused. How this issue is a present & future issue schools face.
Thank you for your assistance as I have no time to put this all into proper format & research given the 1 hour block i have between class &work. I can check my e-mail at work thank you.

John Haigh: The Acid Bath

Family Structure
where he was from
his crime
prior criminal history
If locked up, how long did he spend in prison and how did he die?
marital status
did he have children? financial status
health and mental health record
any prior training?
physical, mental, verbal, sexual abuse?

Boys and Girls Club of America

Title: An Analysis of the Effectiveness of the Boys and Girls Club of America as a Resource to Aid in the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency

Ch 1 - Various problems facing juveniles in society today such as drugs, crime, violence, and a lack of education.

Ch 2 - How to combat such problems in society with federal programs that help youth. Programs such as the Boys and Girls Club of America, Big Brother/Big Sister program, and the Children Aid Society. This chapter will discuss how each program works and is run.

Ch 3 - Will focus on the Boys and Girls Club of America and how it is an effective deterrent showed through various case studies conducted on the program. Here is one study: (

Ch 4 - Recommendations, opinions, and ideas on how we can decrease juvenile crime by using these types of programs.

also need an abstract (1 page summary on the thesis), a table of contents and a header on each page.
please email me with any problems or questions. and email me with an estimated time of completion. THANKS.

A case study on volunteers in the UK communities, regarding safety and crime prevention or actions in the community.

using examples such as:



youth offenders officers,

prison visitors,

pcso's ( police community support officers )



Introduction to Criminal Justice 1010

Research Paper: Due Date (Closes) ........ May 3, 2010 @ 11:00 PM

1. 7 -9 page paper (including cover and reference page)
...> 2. APA format (see APA Manual / Supplement text required).

3. Topic must relate to any of the chapters assigned up to and

including the chapter during the week due period.

Properly formatted Cover Page (see APA Manual)
Clear paper (no copying and pasting artwork)
Engaging (keep it interested)
Focused (stay in tune with topic)
Content relevant to course of study
Proper in text citation of references (see APA Manual for content citing of references)
Properly formatted Reference page (see APA Manual)
Minimum 5 references(can be book, articles, newspapers, and web; but no more than 50% of the total sources can be from the web).
Important: Class textbook must be used as a reference for the paper ! ! !

Comments on Conducting Research Writing:

The foremost place is a library(s) to find scholarly information. Of course, other options exist

For example, you're doing your paper on "domestic violence," and you interview a police specialist who works domestic violence cases, a case worker who assists victims of domestic violence, or someone in the prosecutor's office who assists the police in prosecuting a case. You wouldn't have to use all of them, just select the one that goes in the direction your paper is going.

You can then add in statistical data and refer to the criminal statutes for the crime and punishment. Just the law involving the punishment would be enough to write a good paper since there is so much information on this topic. If you were interested in police departments who specialize in the investigation of domestic violence (or other offenses) you can go to for every police department in this country and abroad that have web sites. Departments list and provide information about their services and divisions.

Statistical information for all criminal offenses in Tennessee, for example, can be found under the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation. And there you will find the 95 counties listed and all the cities in the counties. Listed also are the sexual offenders who fall under the watchful eye of the State of Tennessee. All states have a similar system of tracking crimes and maintaining statistics.

The comments above are just to let you see how easy it is to arrange, or organize the material, and put into writing..... and affixing your references at the end (last page) of the paper. Remember, if references are listed, they must be cited within the text of paper.

Important: Most commonly made mistakes in APA Research Paper:

Student does not refer to the APA Manual, review sample papers that can be accessed via the home page (Library), and/or let a knowledgeable person proof-read paper which will prevent the commonly made mistakes that follow:

* reference page not properly APA formatted; which includes alphabetizing authors, double-spacing, indenting,and more.

* references used on reference page must be cited within the text of paper; this is done to prevent plagiarism; remember, the last page is called a reference page, not a works cited page;

* abstract, page 2 of paper is a stand-alone page, containing approximately 150 - 200 words, that tell the reader what to expect when they read the paper.

* cover sheet: follow the sample paper format that you access from the home page regarding APA writing;

* references (sources in which information came) in text of paper should contain author(s) last name and date of publication) e.g. (Jones, 2007).

* quotes in text of paper that are several sentences long must be indented and referenced;

* the paper is written in third person writing style; which means to avoid pronouns(remember, you are writing a paper from your research and informing the reader what you can compare your paper to textbook writing in which the authors do not use "I" or "we" in the textbook. (there are exceptions, but limited to scientific research, when the author is telling the reader what his and only his research showed).

* Avoid misspelled words: Microsoft WORD underlines misspelled words in red; there should be no spelling mistakes in paper ! ! ! And remember to submit your paper in Microsoft WORD only.

* Lastly: Refer to the "homepage" in which is mentioned how you can reference a sample APA paper. It's listed under the "Library"section, top right of page. It is importnat to do this. There you can download a paper so that you have as a visual guide. However, nothing is better the the APA Manual that you can probably find a used copy for a minimal charge. And something many don't know: it is absolutely permissible to have another person proof-read your paper. Just be sure they are qualified to give you guidance on what you have completed.....and they can not take part in the authoring of the paper. And there is a just published 6th Edition to the APA Manual that has changed some of the format from the previous editions.

There are faxes for this order.

Labeling Theory and Its Specific

For reference purposes only:
Paternoster, R. & Iovanni, L. (1989). The labeling perspective and delinquency: An elaboration of the theory and an assessment of the evidence. Justice Quarterly, 6, 359-394.

Issues to be explained in the term paper are as follows:

1. Why the labeling theory occurred in relevance to juvenile delinquency?

2. How this theory can be used to predict and prevent the likelihood of a similar crime occurrng in the future?

3. Suggestions that the theory would probably give on how to process the (juvenile delinquents) as offenders through the criminal justice system?

Require an abstract and bibliography with no less than 20 references all typed in Times New Roman 12 pt. font using APA format 300 words per page.

3 Pages

Criminal Justice as Portrayed in

Words: 930
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM AS ENTERTAINMENT CRITIQUE There are a number of programs that showcase the criminal justice system on cable TV. As opposed to Law and Order,…

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5 Pages
Research Paper

Self-Control Theory of Criminal Behavior

Words: 1436
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

evaluate the self control theory of crime. one of the criticism of self control theory is that it minimizes the effects of race and economics and appear to…

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5 Pages

Innocents Project Exoneration

Words: 1661
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Each student will be required to pick person who has been exonerated (Innocents Project) and write a five (5) page paper detailing the exoneration (title page and biography do…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

Criminal Justice There Has Been an Increasing

Words: 639
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

NO OUTSIDE SOURCES... Current events and opinion on empirical data should be included also... There has been a increasing knowledge and awareness in violent and non violent crime of children, those…

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5 Pages

Liability Issue in School According

Words: 1715
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

I need to choose a current liability issue from the list below and write an essay of at least 1500 words that examines the issues in relationship to my…

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3 Pages
Research Paper

Criminal Justice for Possible Outcome 2, Two

Words: 1421
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Random assignment is one of the hallmarks of a classical experimental design. Visit William Trochim's Knowledge Base website to help you to understand and summarize the difference between random…

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5 Pages

Life of Dennis Rader

Words: 1827
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Research his life from the beginning from when he was a child until now & should discuss the type of serial killer, timeline, victims, details of crimes, how they…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

Criminal Justice - Corrections the

Words: 668
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

A two (2) page paper that discusses the function of corrections in the United states. The paper should be in APA style. The title of the book used is…

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2 Pages

Travis H's Theories Controlling Chaos:

Words: 716
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Then consider how Matza and Sykes Neutralization theory factors into juveniles "from good homes" who commit crimes. Together, what policies do the three theories suggest to prevent crime or…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

Criminal Punishment Dating Back to

Words: 704
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Assign this paper to an American writer only. This paper should be based on the readings I sent. When writing, make sure you think about what the authors are…

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2 Pages

Justice Brief

Words: 669
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

hi writer, this essay should be 500 words maximum,i will uploud an example that the teacher show us and i want main to be similar, plz choose a title…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

Securing Facilities

Words: 794
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Introduction: Generally, the foundation of effective security management encompasses a variety of strategies to reduce vulnerabilities and to mitigate risks from potential threats. This laboratory assignment requires you to place…

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3 Pages

Instant Case Are Typical of Many Criminal

Words: 1106
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Scenario Summary This activity places you in the roles of judge, prosecutor, and defense attorney as they negotiate a plea bargain in a particular case. You are asked to…

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3 Pages
Research Paper

Deviance Chiricos, T., Barrick, K.,

Words: 975
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Locate three articles on a subtopic related to deviant behavior (in a sociology study perspective) for example: labeling theory, conflict theory, structural strain theory, white collar crime, victimless crime,…

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2 Pages

Juvenile Delinquent Sentencing

Words: 690
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

**IMPORTANT: NO DIRECT QUOTES. PLEASE USE EFFECTIVE PARAPHRASING.** Juvenile Delinquent Sentencing Is juvenile delinquency increasing, or do you just hear about it more often? It seems difficult to go even a…

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1 Pages
Research Paper

Physical Abuse Physical Violence and

Words: 362
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Research Paper

discuss the many issues involved in the crimes of rape, child abuse, and abuse of the elderly. You should also be ready to discuss the crime of burglary and…

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4 Pages

Police Function the Functions of Policing at

Words: 1068
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

title is: Policing Functions Write a 1,100-1,750-word paper in which you examine the various perspectives of the policing function from the local, state, and federal organizational levels. Be sure…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

Florida v. Tate This Bizarre

Words: 560
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

you're a criminal defense attorney, and you've been asked to consult on two high-profile murder cases. The first case is Florida v Tate and the second is Florida v…

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3 Pages

Classification of Gangs

Words: 915
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Using a classification schema from the text or one discovered in your current research for Module One (include example and citations), apply the classification of gangs to the information…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

School Violence Existed Before the

Words: 641
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

**Request username "sunandmike" if possible -if not still need fastest turnaround time the better. Earlies response the better even if that is at 1am or 12pm tomorrow. As I…

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6 Pages

John Haigh: The Acid Bath

Words: 1847
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Family Structure where he was from his crime convictions prior criminal history If locked up, how long did he spend in prison and how did he die? marital status did he have children? financial status health and…

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25 Pages
Research Paper

Boys and Girls Club of America

Words: 7471
Length: 25 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Title: An Analysis of the Effectiveness of the Boys and Girls Club of America as a Resource to Aid in the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency Ch 1 - Various problems…

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7 Pages

Volunteers in Community Safety the

Words: 1978
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Essay

A case study on volunteers in the UK communities, regarding safety and crime prevention or actions in the community. using examples such as: magistrates, politicians, youth offenders officers, prison visitors, pcso's ( police community…

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6 Pages
Research Paper

Juvenile Delinquency Is the Legal

Words: 1963
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Introduction to Criminal Justice 1010 Research Paper: Due Date (Closes) ........ May 3, 2010 @ 11:00 PM 1. 7 -9 page paper…

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16 Pages

Labeling Theory and Its Specific

Words: 5492
Length: 16 Pages
Type: Essay

For reference purposes only: Paternoster, R. & Iovanni, L. (1989). The labeling perspective and delinquency: An elaboration of the theory and an assessment of the evidence. Justice Quarterly, 6,…

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