Workplace Stress Essays Prompts

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Please answer the following questions:
1. What is workplace stress and how does stress impacts how people communicate?
3.What speciific skills or tool can be used to manage to workplace stress and how can conflict end with positive results.
4, How can leaders/managers behavior reduce role ambiguity?
There are faxes for this order.

Workplace Stress All Stressed Out

Topic is Workplace Stress

This is for a class Management and Supervision is in College of Business and Management of some university.

Part of Syllabus:

Texts and Supporting Resources (three items and needed at the first meeting of this course)

Management: Skills and Application (12th Ed.), Rue & Byars (I will provide part scanned pages of the book that talk about the workplace stress)

Type Talk at Work. New York: Dell Publishing, Kroeger, O., Thuesen, J.M. & Rutledge, H. (used as a reference supplement, edition may not be stated on text, that's okay)

Myers BriggsType Indicator (MBTI) Self-Scorable Form M (looks like a 81/2 X 11 pamphlet)

Course Goals and Expected Student Learning Outcomes

The student will be able to:

* Identify the roles and responsibilities of managers in today's changing and complex organizations
* Be able to identify managerial functional areas and describe how they support business strategy
* Analyze their managerial styles and be able to discuss how to adapt these styles to a multicultural, diverse workforce
* Describe current business practices that impact their managerial roles (e.g. restructuring, right-sizing, the impact of technology, gender issues)

Major topics:

* Management Roles and Functions
* Difference between a Manager and a Leader
* Manager as Decision Maker
* How to Motivate Employees
* Creating a High Performance Work Environment
* Global Management
* Assessment of Managerial Skills


This is to be Critical Reflection Paper. Students will research one of the topics covered in the class in greater detail and submit an at least 7 page paper (single spaced 14 pages double spaced) using at least 4 properly APA cited journal articles (retrievable by the online library databases). The goal is to explain your topic and relate it to your work place experiences. You will briefly present this paper at the last class meeting.

Topic is the Workplace Stress and it should be written from the perspective of manager (types, studies, how to avoid it and what to do in the organization to avoid it, preventions techniques etc.). This is to be single spaced (I figured this equals to about 14 double spaced pages = 4200 words)
Writer should tie in management perspective to it, how leader would handle this problem, you can also blend in workplace experience (Security supervisor managing 20 employees who are contractors in the office environment but this tie in to the workplace can be more general and show basic office business practices. We do have EAP program in place).

I need at least 4 properly cited journal articles APA style

Part of the book (Management: Skills and Application (12th Ed.), Rue & Byars ) covering this topic can be downloaded here as a PDF file. Please use this a starting point and definitely touch on and provide more research on each aspect mentioned there. Also definitely add other research that is available.
Workplace Stress from the textbook (copy and paste it in your browser)
If you cannot download this file please contact me so we can find another way of delivery. Writer must be aware of what is written in this text.

Please also take a look at the structure of the paper my professor would like to see. Here is the link to the sample report. I need a nice headings and equal lengths of paragraphs. This is just a reference of how visually this paper should look like. Pages 9 and 11 in this PDF (or page 5 and 7 of the sample report) should be mirrored as much as possible. I will personally take care of the header, cover page and table of content pages unless they are free. Reference page is a must and I believe it is free.
Formal Report sample (copy and paste it in your browser):

This critical reflection paper should fully cover this topic and should show the best writing possible (undergraduate university level) from the managers perspective.

I can be reached at [email protected] for any clarifications.

Thank you,

Topic of the paper is "Stress in the workplace; What is it? How do you cope with it?"


1. Define workplace stress.

2. Find great managers of stress in successful CEOs and find how they focus there energy and conquer stress while running a large publicly traded company with 1000s of employees.

3. Give examples of workplace stress and how employees cope in countries such as Japan, France, England, and the US.

4. What happens if workplace stress gets the best of you? What happens if you can learn to manage stress to your benefit.

5. What proven methods have aided in dealing with 21st century stress.

6. What does research show are the top 5 most stressful jobs? Is it the whole job itself or just a portion of the job, like travel abroad, speaking in front of large groups of stakeholders, etc?

7. What wellness strategies are available to the modern day employee?

Please feel free to add anything you may come across that you feel is interesting or has some shock value. Thank you!!

Research a company at which you would like to work (not your current employer) and write a six to eight (6-8) page paper in which you:
1. Create a brief job description for a position within the company you research that you would like to fill.
2. Discuss ways that goal setting could be used to motivate your performance after you fill the position.
3. Analyze your own reactions to stressful situations and discuss the steps you could take to manage the stress associated with your new position.
4. Imagining yourself in the position you have described, discuss how you would address nonverbal and cultural barriers to communication.
5. Include three (3) external peer-reviewed sources to support your position.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
? Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
? Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student?s name, the professor?s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required page length.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
? Explain the variety of motivational theories and job design considerations.
? Determine how workplace stress contributes to individual performance.
? Assess how the communication process impacts an organization.
? Use technology and information resources to research issues in organizational behavior.
? Write clearly and concisely about organizational behavior using proper writing mechanics.

Job Stress

My thesis is on Job Stress however, my instructor suggested that the paper should start off by talking about stress in the USA within the past 20 year; followed by stress across all age, stress in the workplace. stress in the Post Office, solutions and results.

If you cannot get data from the Post Office on stress, can you design a survey for postal employees to determine the stress levels?

If so, there should be no more than 20 questions.

There were no specific instructions given--just the basic format: Chapter I Introduction, Chapter 2 Literature Review, Chapter 3 Method, Chapter 4 Results in Finding, and Chapter 5 Conclusion.

The paper must also state the introduction to the problem, statement of the problem, background, hypothese, significance of study,research questions and definition of terms if any.

This paper must be written in APA style only.

This paper is due December 20,2002

You may include tables, charts, or figures in writing this scholar paper.

Number of pages:20

This paper is very important to me therefore when can I expect it?

I hope to hear from you soon.

Thank you,

describe the charactheristic of high performance workplaces and organizations, discuss how performance workplace and organizations differ from traditional organization in terms of operational effectiviness,workplace stress,and organizational dynamics,compile strategies for managing stress in the workplace and evalueate emerging trends in organizational behavior related to high performance workplace and stress management techniques.

Use the Internet to research a company for which you would like to work. (A project management or portfolio management company)

Write a six to eight (6-8) page paper in which you:
-Examine traditional, contemporary, and emerging leadership theories and interpersonal forms of power. Create a profile of the ideal leader for the company you researched in which you describe the most appropriate leadership characteristics in terms of leadership style and interpersonal forms of power; and how these characteristics impact organizational performance.

-Based on your research, analyze the organizational stressors (e.g., task demands, role demands, physical demands, and interpersonal demands) to determine their likely impact on organizational performance as well as how those stressors could be addressed.

-Analyze critical elements for effective group and work team performance to determine the steps you would take to develop an effective team or work group within the company you researched.
-Identify potential sources of conflict within the group or work team. Evaluate the five (5) conflict management styles (e.g., competing, collaborating, compromising, avoiding, accommodating) and explain which style of conflict management is most appropriate for the potential sources of conflict described above.

-Determine potential barriers to communication, how these barriers may impact group and work team performance, and two (2) recommendations for addressing them.

-Use at least three (3) quality references. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not quality as academic resources.

>The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
>Analyze the issues related to workplace stress, including responses, consequences, and preventative management of stress.
>Analyze the communication process within organizations through traditional communication methods and technology.
>Evaluate the critical elements of groups and works teams, including group behavior, development, and decision making.
>Examine traditional, contemporary, and emerging leadership theories and their related impact on organizational performance.
>Analyze the causes of conflict, consequences, and resolutions to group conflict within organizations.
>Use technology and information resources to research issues in organizational behavior and leadership.
>Write clearly and concisely about organizational behavior using proper writing mechanics.

Cutting Faced With the Different

Here are the instructions I get each week for research paper, please consider them while writing the paper. Also a paper is pasted in the end for reference after all the questions prof asked so far.

for your proposal please give me your topic here. What was it that you found to be a problem and why do you think so? Please tell me in 3 sentences what this problem is and how you think you can either solve it, educate others on it, provide more information to world about it etc.... This will become your Statement of the Problem (Step 2) in your appendix for the DRP proposal. Below is Step 2.

Step 2. Statement of the Problem. The DRP research statement of the problem is a three part statement: an introductory sentence, a problem sentence and a transition/closing sentence.

Introductory Sentence: The first sentence introduces the topic of the research problem that is of primary interest to the DRP student.

?Organizational Behavior touts itself as a field that extracts its contents from various social sciences.?

The Problem Sentence: The second sentence presents the structure from which the research question will be derived.

?A review of academic and professional journals reveals no studies illustrating the Organizational Behavior/Social Science linkage.?

The Transition/Closing Sentence: The third sentence is a transition or closing sentence.

?Universities use Organizational Behavior text?s interdisciplinary approach to educate business professionals about behaviors occurring within organizations, and the Organizational Behavior/Social Science relationship.?

Anyone, with or without expertise in this intended research area of interest can immediately understand where the DRP research effort is headed and why. This provides a basis for how the DRP student will relate the DRP research conclusion back to the statement of the problem and either their primary research question or hypothesis as the research moves forward.

Post this statement of the Problem here.
for your proposal please provide me with the context of your problem. What is the history behind your problem? Why is it a problem and for whom is it a problem? How did the probelm begin, where is this problem located? What are the consequences and or positive aspects if any of this problem? This is from Step 1 of your DRP proposal in the appendix section of the syllabus. This should be around 3 pages long.

Step 1. Context of the Problem. -- sets up the research statement with background, purpose and perhaps some support from the literature or acceptable literature alternatives. It is here that the DRP problem or issue is discussed and gives a transitory explanation of what the completed research work-product will most likely contain.
for your proposal please provide me with your research questions. These questions are going to guide your research. They are going to be the questions from which the answers will help you solve, educate others about or further explore your problem. You should have around 5 or 6 reserach problems. All of them should be guiding not yes or no questions but rather ones that when asked and answered will help you figure out a solution to your problem. This is Step 3 of your DRP proposal in the appendix section of the syllabus.

Step 3. Research Question/Hypothesis and
The research question or hypothesis is derived from the statement of the problem. This provides a clear basis for the research to be done. The research question/hypothesis can be broken into applicable manageable subquestions or subhypotheses.

Research Questions

The purpose of this research is to determine how universities use Organizational Behavior?s interdisciplinary approach to educate business professionals about behaviors within organizations, and the Organizational Behavior/Social Science relationship? To answer this question, the following subquestions will be addressed:

1. What is Organizational Behavior, it?s core body of knowledge and interdisciplinary approach? (Qualitative)

2. What Social Science concepts influence the Organization Behavior field?s core body of knowledge and the correlation between them? (Quantitative)

3. How are business professionals educated about behaviors occurring in organizations? (Qualitative)
for your proposal provide me with your Significance of the Study. This section should be around 3-4 pages long and it should describe to me why you care so much about this problem? Why should I care about this problem? Why should the world care about this problem? This is where your passion can come out and where you try to persude the world that this problem is worthy of your time and energy and the time and energy of those who are going to read it. Put your heart into it but back up what you say with references.... always.
This is step 4 of your DRP proposal found in the appendix section of your syllabus.

Step 4. Significance of the Study. The Significance of the Study section is the researcher?s opportunity to explain why it is a significant research problem under study in theory and/or practice. The following example of a declaration of significance may be helpful:

Significance of the Study

This case study is important because it recognizes the value and benefits of conducting e-business on the WWW.

The study will help clarify the nature of warranted change and how a significant segment of the Corporate structure communicates strategically in business and the professions. This research is also of importance because it will add to the growing base of knowledge about e-business and the WWW Global market place. A third consideration of the significance is that much more can be learned about what companies can do to be successful and to circumvent initial failure in the first place. From a qualitative and naturalistic-ethnographical setting it is expected much will be learned including management and the need for effective strategic communication.

To the extent this study reveals how e-business can be successful, Corporate management may or may not need to be concerned with whether or not organizational policy changes are necessary, or whether the phenomena is a matter of environmental business changes of the day, then the study will have contributed to a better understanding that is unique to the larger WWW e-business community.
for your proposal please provide me with your Research Design and Methodology Section. This is the meat and potatoes, the heart, the main point of why you are here and why you are doing what you are doing. This is the road map, the path you are taking to tell me how you are going to do what you are going to do. While you will see that quantitative and triagulation methods are talked about in the appendix section of the syllabus I would like you to only use QUALITATIVE methodology. I would also like you to use 5 methodologies in your research design and methodology section.
1. interviews
2. surveys
3. focus groups
4. internal data
5. observations

You must use all 5 and talk about how each of these will be conducted, where, how, with whom, and why? Why will it help you answer your research questions and why and how will it help you solve, further educate etc... the world about your problem.

This section should be around 5- 6 pages long. This is Step 5 in your DRP proposal found in your appendix section of the syllabus.

Step 5. Research Design and Methodology. There are three kinds of DRP research design -- qualitative, quantitative and triangulation. The first sentence of the section explains which kind of design the student will use.

Qualitative research focuses on understanding phenomena, rather than predicting as in the application of traditional quantitative or statistical research. Triangulation is the integration of both qualitative and quantitative (mixed-method) research designs, combining both into a single research strategy to increase the quality of results.

The methodology section describes the procedures the DRP will follow (content analyses, face-to-face interviews, questionnaires, quantitative analyses, etc.), describes the information and/or data that the student will collect, and describes how the student will develop conclusions to address the purpose of the study.

Premises of the Qualitative and Quantitative Research

Qualitative Quantitative

Research Definition A formal systematic, realistic and consistent subjective strategy for obtaining information about a targeted research micro group or individual situation that can be used to describe life experiences and give them meaning. A formal systematic, realistic and consistent objective strategy for obtaining information about a targeted research macro population. A method used to describe, test relationships, and examine cause and effect relationships.

Research Goal The realistic goal is to clearly identify a primary research question to answer and gain an understanding and insight by exploring the depth, richness, and complexity inherent in phenomenon. The realistic goal is to clearly identify the primary research hypothesis, test relationships, find facts, describe and examine cause and effect relations.
Research Objectives A prioritized arrangement of specific key researchable and measurable research questions and subquestions; or specific key measurable research hypothesis and subhypotheses, respectively.

Research Strategy The creation of a unique, appropriate, timely design, techniques and activities appropriate for the research objective(s) and goal(s) that are consistent and synergistic. Because credibility, reality, reliability and validity weigh heavily upon the research outcome, it is important for the researcher to ?do the right thing and do things right.?
Note: See Leedy and Ormrod (2001) pp. 101 ? 103, Comparing Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches.
for your proposal: provide me with your organization of the study. In this section you will tell me what will happen next. You only need to say this:

Chapter 2 will be the Literature Review
Chapter 3 will discuss research question number 1
Chapter 4 will discuss research question number 2
Chapter 5 will discuss research question number 3

etc.... depending on how many research questions you have.

Chapter ? will be the conclusion. This is step 6 of your DRP proposal in the appendix section of your syllabus.

Step 6. Organization of the Study. This section is the researcher?s opportunity to present the research chapters and sections in brief, describing how the total research effort will be presented. In particular, it means each research chapter is presented in four to five sentences indicating what actions the researcher will perform in the research process.

-----------------REFERENCE PAPER----------------

Employee Satisfaction is Key to Employers Retaining Valued Employees

Your name here

Strayer University Memphis, TN

Instructor: Dr. Lisa Joerg

Research and Communication- BUS 531

March 14, 2005

Context of the Problem
Today the unemployment rate is at a record low. What is at a record high is employee turnover and dissatisfaction. As the employment market becomes more competitive and employees are greater prepared for the employment search, it is the employers dilemma to recruit and maintain employees. There are four major areas that contribute to this issue of the employees? expectations, the employers recruiting efforts, the employees? satisfaction level, and the employers? retention efforts.
Historically employers have not considered employee satisfaction as a problem, because people would take a job and work until they retire. That was the way of society, find a decent paying job to support your family and work until you retire. As the world and technology have evolved, employers have realized that personnel are a company?s greatest assets; subsequently, the need to retain highly trained and motivated employees has increased.
The root of this problem begins with the employee. Today?s employee has greater expectations of the employer compared to employees of the past. There was time when the workforce only expected to be paid for their work; however, as education and resources to prepare for the workforce have become accessible to a broader population of the workforce and as jobs have become more specialized employees who are educated in specific skill set have a greater expectation of employers. For example there is currently a nursing shortage in the United States. Some surveys have projected the possibility of a 1-16 nurse to patient ratio by 2010; with the knowledge of the nursing shortage nurses have greater expectations of employers. The job market is open and nurses have options, therefore employers must be competitive in the recruitment and retention of these employees. Naturally, employers are increasing efforts to retain nurses and to recruit new nursing personnel. Numerous factors have influenced the nursing shortage: changes in the nation?s reimbursement system; modifications in nursing care delivery; technological advances; increases in elderly and chronically ill patients requiring complex care; shifts in health care settings; an inadequate supply of nursing school enrollees; and greater career choices for women (Jones,1992).
Hospitals have responded to the turnover of staff-nurses by employing mostly short-term measures to recruit and retain nurses. These short-term solutions, while necessary to provide the complex care required by the consumer, have been costly. Recent reports also indicate that hospital revenues are being lost when staff shortages require bed closures (Jones, 1992).
The nursing shortage is an excellent example of employee driven, employer retention procedures. As a result of this shortage the nursing industry has become a prime profession. Nursing salaries have increased benefits range from healthy sign on bonuses to flexible shifts and higher differential pay for night nurses, because the industry has changed the recruiting and retention efforts for this specific job type, the industry is beginning to grow.
This is an example of how personnel shortage can directly affect a corporation?s revenue. Fewer nurses mean fewer beds, which equals a lower bottom line. As a result of this type of problem, employers have re-considered recruitment efforts. Employers have realized the need to hire the best candidates on the front end; this reduces the likelihood of job separation. Depending on the level of the position within the corporation, recruiting packages includes: sign on bonuses, benefit packages, car allowances, moving expenses and special request of the candidates.
After the recruiting process, the employer has to maintain the satisfaction of the employee, to discourage job separation. Many employers utilize employee satisfaction surveys to determine employee satisfaction. The most effective satisfaction areas have been: working conditions, working hours and salary.
Once the employee has been recruited and is currently satisfied the employer has to retain the employee. Effective methods of retention have been: promotion, annual pay increases, bonuses, and service-related benefits, such as increased vacation hours by number of years of service. Some employers recognize employees? birthdays and special events.
This study will to identify new methods of employee satisfaction and retention. This is important to the employment industry in several ways. Finding solutions to these problems will reduce the cost of employee turnover; and increase the stability of the company and its employees.
This research proposal will investigate situations like the nursing shortage. The author will focus on reasons why employees are satisfied and dissatisfied with their employer. In addition, how the employment industry can recruit and retain highly trained and motivated employees for greater than ten years.
Statement of the Problem
In today?s competitive job market, employee satisfaction is a key to the retention of employees. The job market has become so diverse that employers are experiencing high turnover of valuable personnel. The expense of turnover can affect a company?s revenue; therefore, employers recognize the need to maintain happy, secure employees. This paper will address the topic of how employers can recruit qualified personnel, satisfy employees and retain them for greater than 10 years. This paper will concentrate on illustrating ways to increase employee satisfaction, and retention of employees for more than 10 years.
Research Questions
As employees investigate prospective employers and compare opportunities prior to decision-making several requirements come to mind. First and foremost is the salary and benefits package, beyond this is the employees? need for security and to feel challenged in the position. Surveys have shown employees thrive in an environment where they have a since of ownership and control. To obtain the information needed to assess these areas of the topic the author will ask and answer the following research questions:
1. How important of a role do the organization?s culture, philosophy and mission play in retaining employees?
Corporate culture has become an important factor in employee decision-making. The author intends to look at the culture of the corporation itself. What is the structure and cultural design? Is this employer a strict and unrelenting company? Is the managerial structure to lenient? Secondly, what is the company?s employee cultural make up? In our diverse society, many cultures of people come to work together everyday. The paper will determine if this is a factor in employee satisfaction.
2. With the current generation?s diversity in the workplace, does this create an empowering environment?
The paper will examine how the many different culture of people working together daily affects the workplace and morale.
3. As our country/world continues to evolve, how do we define blue collar or white-collar workers?
The author will determine if workplace satisfaction changes between the blue collar and white-collar industry.
4. What makes an organization a great place to work?
The author will explore how employers can create work environments to satisfy and retain employees.
5. Where are the good employees?
The researcher will outline the recruiting efforts to help employers find highly trained and motivated employees on the front end.
6. What is employee satisfaction?
Employee satisfaction has several pieces, the paper will focus on interpersonal and organization influenced employee satisfaction.
Significance of the Study
Every child in America has one thing in common, the desire to succeed. Although the socio-economic environments of our children may be very different, every American child is taught to strive for something better to achieve the American dream. A very poor child may be encouraged to be the first person to be employed in his/her family. A child in a lower-middle class family may be encouraged to be first to attend college. A child in a well-to-do family may be encouraged to become a doctor or lawyer. Yet another wealthier child is raised to take over the family business and grow it in ways the generations before could not. Nevertheless, we all have the same desire to achieve a goal in life, to live the best life we can.
The foundation of this dream begins with work. The type of work or career we choose is the foundation of every other life decision. Better jobs equal better pay, which equals a better quality of life. The first determining factor of reaching each employee?s individual American dream is based on his or her employment. Because employment is such a key component in a person?s quality of life, it is the most important factor to many.
This proposal is vital in the sense that there is a direct relationship between employee satisfaction and quality of life. Weston (1999) states, although a myriad of factors may contribute to judgments of quality of life, the achievement of a sense of well-being (or happiness or life satisfaction) is a central component. As Weston (1999) pointed out a basic assumption underlying research into quality of life is that human beings are motivated to seek a sense of well-being and to avoid distress. Research has shown the work we do directly affects our sense of well-being. There are many levels of satisfaction for employees; however the primary factor is salary. According to Weston, employment status and occupational circumstances such as ?blue-collar? verses ?white-collar? are commonly used indices of socio-economic status which carry implications for numerous aspects of life, including financial circumstances, values, interests, social networks, sex-role patterns, socialization of children, adoption of health risk behaviors, and health status(1999). Information like this leads us to believe that a person?s profession drives almost every aspect of life, and how well that individual perceives his/her success.
This proposal aims to tackle the issue of what it takes to maintain a satisfactory employment status and what is needed to remain satisfied until employee?s goals are met. This author will present that one?s personal satisfaction could be correlated to ones satisfaction at work. One example of this is in employees who work in stressful situations an example of a stressful situation is an unrealistic workload. Thompson states that an unrealistic workload had the opposite effect. An unrealistic workload, will demoralize committed staff, wear them out, and ultimately drive them away. Overloaded staffs generally produce less work ? and often work of lower standard - than staff members who have a demanding but realistic workload (2004).
Unfortunately, in addition to poor performance at work, many employees carry their stress home to their families. Stress at work has been cited in cases of child and spousal abuse as well as addictive behaviors such as alcoholism (Weston, 1999). In addition, work related stress is a health and safety issue (Thompson, 2004). Stress is a known cause of hypertension, anxiety, and cardiac problems (Thompson, 2004). Employers need to evaluate the working environment and insure that it is as stress free as possible, for the safety of the individual employee and the company as a whole.
The other scenario here is the happy or satisfied employee. Studies have shown employees who are satisfied at work are more productive both personally and professionally (Dalton, 2004). Naturally employers want happy employees and are finding innovative ways to improve morale. One example of this is the Higher Ground Project Dalton sites, the Mount Carmel Health Systems Higher Ground program. ?This program is nurturing the calling side of what we do and reconnecting people with the reason they came into health care?(p.24) says Julie Snyder who runs the initiative. Through the program, more than 700 mangers have gone on week-long retreats where Snyder, who runs the initiative, and her team talk about values and discuss the benefits of leading by inspiration rather than through intimidation. Higher Ground also uses an intranet site for educational, inspirational, and community-building purposes. Since the implementation of the program the staff retention rate has gone from 47% to 77%.
Another popular method of employee satisfaction is job ownership or mastery. Studies (Barron, 2004) have shown that employees who have some control over their jobs are more productive and feel more valued.
An employer can create a positive, stress-free working environment for employees by evaluating their attitude and behavior. Levering (2004) notes the following: The main variable is the attitude and behavior of the management rather than the type of organization. How the management relates to its employees is what makes the difference. Levering notes factors that are required for employee satisfaction: sharing information broadly, as well as sharing profit information and other corporate data with all employees. Other points include accessibility of executives to meet with all levels of employees and not self-limiting interaction to just management. Company wide willingness to answer hard questions, leaders must respond to hard questions from employees. Delivering on promises, if the management makes a commitment to the employees it must see it through. Organization must show recognition and appreciation. Demonstrating personal concern employers should show concern for employee?s personal lives and acknowledge significant events such as marriage, illness or death of a family member.
Creating a great place to work does not have to be an expensive endeavor for the company; in fact, it can start with simple measures such as initiatives to improve communication. Employers who make the effort to satisfy employees find themselves in a win-win situation. The employees are more productive and more likely to remain employed. This reduces the cost of turnover, which has been estimated to cost from $1280 to $50,000 depending on the profession (Jones,1992). Reducing turnover can increase revenue for the company. In addition to the company benefiting, the employee benefits as well. Happy employees have better home lives and fewer health problems than their unhappy counterparts.
This author will prove that not only does employee satisfaction improve the working environment and help employers retain employees for more than 10 years; employee satisfaction also has direct correlation to the family structure and its success.
Objectives of Study
The primary objective of this proposal is to educate the reader on ways to recognize a satisfied employee. Satisfied employees provide better customer service and have better attitudes at work. They may go above and beyond their required duties to provide excellence in their profession. The author will also illustrate ways to increase employee satisfaction and retention time to beyond 10 years. The paper will site specific measures employers can use to improve employee satisfaction and retain them. Educate all managers on what it takes to make their organization a great place to work. This author will use the model provided by the Higher Ground program to demonstrate ways to education management in employee satisfaction and personal satisfaction. The author will also, at this time illustrate ways to keep the workplace stress free for both employees and managers.
In addition, the paper will determine if diversity in generations has any affect on workplace environment and employee satisfaction, by assessing employee?s satisfaction in relationship to generational time lines. This author will discuss the diversity of the workplace as it pertains to the cultures and nationalities of employees, and determine if there is a relationship between these factors and employee satisfaction. With the results of this research it is anticipated that changes will be created for greater employee retention. The author will introduce innovative ideas and strategies for employee retention. The author will examine leadership development in organization and measure is success in employee retention. This part of the paper will examine the role executives play in employee satisfaction. The author will determine how employers can develop strong psychological contracts with employees. A psychological contract is most effective retention tool and employer can have, we will express how employers can build and maintain strong psychological contracts with their employees.
Research Design and Methodology
The research design and methodology of the paper will be a qualitative style of research. The author will use four methods of research, observations, interviews, survey forms and focus groups. The hope is to combine these methods and research findings to demonstrate the thesis of the paper and create innovative new ways to approach future research.
During observations this author will spend ten hours observing various employees in their work environment and rate their level of satisfaction. Employers will also be interviewed regarding the impact of their workplace satisfaction on their home life and personal activities, often times during observation those being observed can change behavior for the observer, we will choose our candidates at random and notify them after the observations are completed. The observation participants will include managers who have been employed for greater than 10 years and employees who have no management titles. Past research has shown that obvious observation can have a negative affect on employees and their performance; we will not interfere with the workplace and will observe as covertly as possible.
The researcher will conduct ten interviews. The writer will interview five people who have been with their employer for 10 years or more and 5 people who have been with their employer for 10 years or less. The interviews will be conducted with 5 members of management and 5 members of non-management. The writer will discuss the employee?s current satisfaction rating. This researcher will ask the employee what it will take to retain them for 10 years or more. This researcher will also interview the employee on work-related family issues. Each interview will last one hour, we will collect information from each candidate regarding the corporate structure and culture and how they are affected by it.
Surveys will be the most effective tool in our research. Past research has shown surveys to be a primary tool in improving workplace satisfaction. Greengard (2004) found that surveys connect employee satisfaction with organizational goals. Greengard also notes surveys can help an organization achieve higher retention rates, lower absenteeism, and improve productivity and customer service. Surveys have had such a strong impact on our topic the author believes they will have a strong impact on the research as well. The researcher plans to distribute 20 surveys per week until 120 surveys are obtained. The surveys will include questions to determine the satisfaction of employees. The surveys will also ask to rate employee satisfaction with personal satisfaction. This researcher will use the survey to gain insight into how employers can retain employees and use the ideas to create innovative measures employers can use. The surveys will be the basis for information regarding retention; it will only be provided to employees who have been employed for two years or more. The surveys will be 25 questions in length and should take no more than 10 minutes to complete. The researcher will allow the surveyed person to return the survey via mail, however we prefer to return and collect the survey.
Focus groups will be conducted during the research project. Each focus group will include five participants and the facilitator. Focus groups will discuss employment challenges, growing autonomy, trust in the company leadership and organization mobility for employees. Focus groups will meet for one hour and will discuss on topic at a time, the topic will be introduced and the group will be given 10 minutes to discuss the topic. The final phase of focus groups will be to brainstorm and pull the main ideas from the discussion; the facilitator will use these main ideas as a part of the research.
In an optimistic eye of a recovering economy ?what is a good job?? and is it satisfying to all involved. Overall satisfaction of employees operates in a rippling effect, in that on the front line they continue the vision of their employer, and facilitate the desired growth. One then has to ponder if the ripple is a calming flow into the area of encouragement, or a shock wave effect that can destroy an organizations tone.
Berg states ?education is a major contributor to employee dissatisfaction.?(p. 651, 1981) The continual rise in educational requirement for job represents a bias that contributes to a malfunctioning labor market. He goes on to say that not educational achievement, but other personality characteristics and environmental condition are what leads to employee satisfaction.
The future chapters will examine the independent factors to employee satisfaction to include past work experience, educational background and career choices. Future more, it is important to note that the assessment of the satisfaction of people in different occupations attach different weight to job features. Such as gender also is a variable in job satisfaction in that men and women of same occupations view satisfaction differently. Moreover, it is imperative that employers counteract escalating employee turnover and dissatisfaction with witty and ingenious retention strategies that will encourage their employees to remain with the organization at least ten years.

Barron, T. (2004, April). The link between leadership development retention, American
Society for Training and Development, 58(4),58-64. Retrieved January 17, 2005, from Business Source Premier
Berg, I. (1981, Jan.). Education and jobs, American Journal of Sociology, 87,651-683.
Retrieved February 2, 2005, from Business Source Premier
Dalton, A. (2004, Nov.). Happy workers, Hospitals and Health Networks, 78(11), 24-25.
Retrieved January 31, 2005, from Business Source Premier
Jones, C. (1992, Jan.). Calculating and updating nursing turnover cost, Nursing
Economic, 10 (1), 39-45. Retrieved January 31, 2005, from Business Source Premier
Korn, D. (2004, April). Entrepreneurship through homeownership, Black Enterprise,
34(9), 61-62. Retrieved January 17, 2005, from Business Source Premier
Levering, R. (2004, Aug.) Creating a great place to work: Why it is important and how
it is done, Corrections Today, 66(5), 86-89. Retrieved February 2, 2005, from Business Source Premier
Lommel, J. (2004, Aug.). Turning around turn over, Correction Today, 66(5)54-58.
Retrieved January 17, 2005, from Business Source Premier
McGinn, D. (2004, May). Quitting time, Newsweek, 143(21) 42-43. Retrieved January
17, 2005, from Business Source Premier
Michel, C. (2004, Sep.) We?re all recruiters: how to win the war for talent, United States
Naval Institute, 130(9) 96. Retrieved January 17, 2005, from Business Source Premier
Thompson, N. (2004, Nov.). All stressed out, community care, 1550, 34-35. Retrieved
January 17, 2005, from Business Source Premier
Weston, R. (1999, Autumn). Factors contributing to personal wellbeing, Family Matters
Issue 52. . Retrieved February 2, 2005, from Business Source Premier.
Williams, J. (2004, July). In the midst of difficulty lies opportunity, Nursing
Management, 11(4) 17-20. Retrieved January 17, 2005, from Business Source Premier

Assignment 3: Leadership, Teambuilding, and Communication

Use the Internet to research a company for which you would like to work.
Write a six to eight (6-8) page paper in which you:

1. Examine traditional, contemporary, and emerging leadership theories and interpersonal forms of
power. Create a profile of the ideal leader for the company you researched in which you describe
the most appropriate leadership characteristics in terms of leadership style and interpersonal
forms of power; and how these characteristics impact organizational performance.

2. Based on your research, analyze the organizational stressors (e.g., task demands, role demands,
physical demands, and interpersonal demands) to determine their likely impact on organizational
performance as well as how those stressors could be addressed.

3. Analyze critical elements for effective group and work team performance to determine the steps
you would take to develop an effective team or work group within the company you researched.

4. Identify potential sources of conflict within the group or work team. Evaluate the five (5) conflict
management styles (e.g., competing, collaborating, compromising, avoiding, accommodating)
and explain which style of conflict management is most appropriate for the potential sources of
conflict described above.

5. Determine potential barriers to communication, how these barriers may impact group and work
team performance, and two (2) recommendations for addressing them.

6. Use at least three (3) quality references. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not quality as
academic resources.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
Address Each Question "Not in Essay Format" Use Questions in Paper.
? Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all
sides; references must follow APA or school-specific format.
? Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student?s name, the professor?s
name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not include
the required page length.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
? Analyze the issues related to workplace stress, including responses, consequences, and
preventative management of stress.
? Analyze the communication process within organizations through traditional communication
methods and technology.
? Evaluate the critical elements of groups and works teams, including group behavior,
development, and decision making.
? Examine traditional, contemporary, and emerging leadership theories and their related impact on
organizational performance.
? Analyze the causes of conflict, consequences, and resolutions to group conflict within
? Use technology and information resources to research issues in organizational behavior and
? Write clearly and concisely about organizational behavior using proper writing mechanics.

Research a company at which you would like to work (not your current employer) and write a paper in which you:
1. Create a brief job description for a position within the company you research that you would like to fill.
2. Discuss ways that goal setting could be used to motivate your performance after you fill the position.
3. Analyze your own reactions to stressful situations and discuss the steps you could take to manage the stress associated with your new position.
4. Imagining yourself in the position you have described, discuss how you would address nonverbal and cultural barriers to communication.
5. Include three (3) external peer-reviewed sources to support your position.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
? Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
? Explain the variety of motivational theories and job design considerations.
? Determine how workplace stress contributes to individual performance.
? Assess how the communication process impacts an organization.
? Use technology and information resources to research issues in organizational behavior.
? Write clearly and concisely about organizational behavior using proper writing mechanics.

Drp) What Is Wrong With

I am doing Research and Strategic communication course in MIS. I have to complete a minimum of a 20-page research proposal consistent with standards of the university?s Directed Research Project (DRP). My current proposal title is "what is wrong with Gas Prices Today", please suggest the better title if possible. I am also pasting a sample paper below for reference how a paper should look like. Topics should be coverd in the similar way. Below the sample paper I am also adding every week (so far) questions ask on research paper, please go through them.

Employee Satisfaction is Key to Employers Retaining Valued Employees

Your name here

Strayer University Memphis, TN

Instructor: Dr. Lisa Joerg

Research and Communication- BUS 531

March 14, 2005

Context of the Problem
Today the unemployment rate is at a record low. What is at a record high is employee turnover and dissatisfaction. As the employment market becomes more competitive and employees are greater prepared for the employment search, it is the employers dilemma to recruit and maintain employees. There are four major areas that contribute to this issue of the employees? expectations, the employers recruiting efforts, the employees? satisfaction level, and the employers? retention efforts.
Historically employers have not considered employee satisfaction as a problem, because people would take a job and work until they retire. That was the way of society, find a decent paying job to support your family and work until you retire. As the world and technology have evolved, employers have realized that personnel are a company?s greatest assets; subsequently, the need to retain highly trained and motivated employees has increased.
The root of this problem begins with the employee. Today?s employee has greater expectations of the employer compared to employees of the past. There was time when the workforce only expected to be paid for their work; however, as education and resources to prepare for the workforce have become accessible to a broader population of the workforce and as jobs have become more specialized employees who are educated in specific skill set have a greater expectation of employers. For example there is currently a nursing shortage in the United States. Some surveys have projected the possibility of a 1-16 nurse to patient ratio by 2010; with the knowledge of the nursing shortage nurses have greater expectations of employers. The job market is open and nurses have options, therefore employers must be competitive in the recruitment and retention of these employees. Naturally, employers are increasing efforts to retain nurses and to recruit new nursing personnel. Numerous factors have influenced the nursing shortage: changes in the nation?s reimbursement system; modifications in nursing care delivery; technological advances; increases in elderly and chronically ill patients requiring complex care; shifts in health care settings; an inadequate supply of nursing school enrollees; and greater career choices for women (Jones,1992).
Hospitals have responded to the turnover of staff-nurses by employing mostly short-term measures to recruit and retain nurses. These short-term solutions, while necessary to provide the complex care required by the consumer, have been costly. Recent reports also indicate that hospital revenues are being lost when staff shortages require bed closures (Jones, 1992).
The nursing shortage is an excellent example of employee driven, employer retention procedures. As a result of this shortage the nursing industry has become a prime profession. Nursing salaries have increased benefits range from healthy sign on bonuses to flexible shifts and higher differential pay for night nurses, because the industry has changed the recruiting and retention efforts for this specific job type, the industry is beginning to grow.
This is an example of how personnel shortage can directly affect a corporation?s revenue. Fewer nurses mean fewer beds, which equals a lower bottom line. As a result of this type of problem, employers have re-considered recruitment efforts. Employers have realized the need to hire the best candidates on the front end; this reduces the likelihood of job separation. Depending on the level of the position within the corporation, recruiting packages includes: sign on bonuses, benefit packages, car allowances, moving expenses and special request of the candidates.
After the recruiting process, the employer has to maintain the satisfaction of the employee, to discourage job separation. Many employers utilize employee satisfaction surveys to determine employee satisfaction. The most effective satisfaction areas have been: working conditions, working hours and salary.
Once the employee has been recruited and is currently satisfied the employer has to retain the employee. Effective methods of retention have been: promotion, annual pay increases, bonuses, and service-related benefits, such as increased vacation hours by number of years of service. Some employers recognize employees? birthdays and special events.
This study will to identify new methods of employee satisfaction and retention. This is important to the employment industry in several ways. Finding solutions to these problems will reduce the cost of employee turnover; and increase the stability of the company and its employees.
This research proposal will investigate situations like the nursing shortage. The author will focus on reasons why employees are satisfied and dissatisfied with their employer. In addition, how the employment industry can recruit and retain highly trained and motivated employees for greater than ten years.
Statement of the Problem
In today?s competitive job market, employee satisfaction is a key to the retention of employees. The job market has become so diverse that employers are experiencing high turnover of valuable personnel. The expense of turnover can affect a company?s revenue; therefore, employers recognize the need to maintain happy, secure employees. This paper will address the topic of how employers can recruit qualified personnel, satisfy employees and retain them for greater than 10 years. This paper will concentrate on illustrating ways to increase employee satisfaction, and retention of employees for more than 10 years.
Research Questions
As employees investigate prospective employers and compare opportunities prior to decision-making several requirements come to mind. First and foremost is the salary and benefits package, beyond this is the employees? need for security and to feel challenged in the position. Surveys have shown employees thrive in an environment where they have a since of ownership and control. To obtain the information needed to assess these areas of the topic the author will ask and answer the following research questions:
1. How important of a role do the organization?s culture, philosophy and mission play in retaining employees?
Corporate culture has become an important factor in employee decision-making. The author intends to look at the culture of the corporation itself. What is the structure and cultural design? Is this employer a strict and unrelenting company? Is the managerial structure to lenient? Secondly, what is the company?s employee cultural make up? In our diverse society, many cultures of people come to work together everyday. The paper will determine if this is a factor in employee satisfaction.
2. With the current generation?s diversity in the workplace, does this create an empowering environment?
The paper will examine how the many different culture of people working together daily affects the workplace and morale.
3. As our country/world continues to evolve, how do we define blue collar or white-collar workers?
The author will determine if workplace satisfaction changes between the blue collar and white-collar industry.
4. What makes an organization a great place to work?
The author will explore how employers can create work environments to satisfy and retain employees.
5. Where are the good employees?
The researcher will outline the recruiting efforts to help employers find highly trained and motivated employees on the front end.
6. What is employee satisfaction?
Employee satisfaction has several pieces, the paper will focus on interpersonal and organization influenced employee satisfaction.
Significance of the Study
Every child in America has one thing in common, the desire to succeed. Although the socio-economic environments of our children may be very different, every American child is taught to strive for something better to achieve the American dream. A very poor child may be encouraged to be the first person to be employed in his/her family. A child in a lower-middle class family may be encouraged to be first to attend college. A child in a well-to-do family may be encouraged to become a doctor or lawyer. Yet another wealthier child is raised to take over the family business and grow it in ways the generations before could not. Nevertheless, we all have the same desire to achieve a goal in life, to live the best life we can.
The foundation of this dream begins with work. The type of work or career we choose is the foundation of every other life decision. Better jobs equal better pay, which equals a better quality of life. The first determining factor of reaching each employee?s individual American dream is based on his or her employment. Because employment is such a key component in a person?s quality of life, it is the most important factor to many.
This proposal is vital in the sense that there is a direct relationship between employee satisfaction and quality of life. Weston (1999) states, although a myriad of factors may contribute to judgments of quality of life, the achievement of a sense of well-being (or happiness or life satisfaction) is a central component. As Weston (1999) pointed out a basic assumption underlying research into quality of life is that human beings are motivated to seek a sense of well-being and to avoid distress. Research has shown the work we do directly affects our sense of well-being. There are many levels of satisfaction for employees; however the primary factor is salary. According to Weston, employment status and occupational circumstances such as ?blue-collar? verses ?white-collar? are commonly used indices of socio-economic status which carry implications for numerous aspects of life, including financial circumstances, values, interests, social networks, sex-role patterns, socialization of children, adoption of health risk behaviors, and health status(1999). Information like this leads us to believe that a person?s profession drives almost every aspect of life, and how well that individual perceives his/her success.
This proposal aims to tackle the issue of what it takes to maintain a satisfactory employment status and what is needed to remain satisfied until employee?s goals are met. This author will present that one?s personal satisfaction could be correlated to ones satisfaction at work. One example of this is in employees who work in stressful situations an example of a stressful situation is an unrealistic workload. Thompson states that an unrealistic workload had the opposite effect. An unrealistic workload, will demoralize committed staff, wear them out, and ultimately drive them away. Overloaded staffs generally produce less work ? and often work of lower standard - than staff members who have a demanding but realistic workload (2004).
Unfortunately, in addition to poor performance at work, many employees carry their stress home to their families. Stress at work has been cited in cases of child and spousal abuse as well as addictive behaviors such as alcoholism (Weston, 1999). In addition, work related stress is a health and safety issue (Thompson, 2004). Stress is a known cause of hypertension, anxiety, and cardiac problems (Thompson, 2004). Employers need to evaluate the working environment and insure that it is as stress free as possible, for the safety of the individual employee and the company as a whole.
The other scenario here is the happy or satisfied employee. Studies have shown employees who are satisfied at work are more productive both personally and professionally (Dalton, 2004). Naturally employers want happy employees and are finding innovative ways to improve morale. One example of this is the Higher Ground Project Dalton sites, the Mount Carmel Health Systems Higher Ground program. ?This program is nurturing the calling side of what we do and reconnecting people with the reason they came into health care?(p.24) says Julie Snyder who runs the initiative. Through the program, more than 700 mangers have gone on week-long retreats where Snyder, who runs the initiative, and her team talk about values and discuss the benefits of leading by inspiration rather than through intimidation. Higher Ground also uses an intranet site for educational, inspirational, and community-building purposes. Since the implementation of the program the staff retention rate has gone from 47% to 77%.
Another popular method of employee satisfaction is job ownership or mastery. Studies (Barron, 2004) have shown that employees who have some control over their jobs are more productive and feel more valued.
An employer can create a positive, stress-free working environment for employees by evaluating their attitude and behavior. Levering (2004) notes the following: The main variable is the attitude and behavior of the management rather than the type of organization. How the management relates to its employees is what makes the difference. Levering notes factors that are required for employee satisfaction: sharing information broadly, as well as sharing profit information and other corporate data with all employees. Other points include accessibility of executives to meet with all levels of employees and not self-limiting interaction to just management. Company wide willingness to answer hard questions, leaders must respond to hard questions from employees. Delivering on promises, if the management makes a commitment to the employees it must see it through. Organization must show recognition and appreciation. Demonstrating personal concern employers should show concern for employee?s personal lives and acknowledge significant events such as marriage, illness or death of a family member.
Creating a great place to work does not have to be an expensive endeavor for the company; in fact, it can start with simple measures such as initiatives to improve communication. Employers who make the effort to satisfy employees find themselves in a win-win situation. The employees are more productive and more likely to remain employed. This reduces the cost of turnover, which has been estimated to cost from $1280 to $50,000 depending on the profession (Jones,1992). Reducing turnover can increase revenue for the company. In addition to the company benefiting, the employee benefits as well. Happy employees have better home lives and fewer health problems than their unhappy counterparts.
This author will prove that not only does employee satisfaction improve the working environment and help employers retain employees for more than 10 years; employee satisfaction also has direct correlation to the family structure and its success.
Objectives of Study
The primary objective of this proposal is to educate the reader on ways to recognize a satisfied employee. Satisfied employees provide better customer service and have better attitudes at work. They may go above and beyond their required duties to provide excellence in their profession. The author will also illustrate ways to increase employee satisfaction and retention time to beyond 10 years. The paper will site specific measures employers can use to improve employee satisfaction and retain them. Educate all managers on what it takes to make their organization a great place to work. This author will use the model provided by the Higher Ground program to demonstrate ways to education management in employee satisfaction and personal satisfaction. The author will also, at this time illustrate ways to keep the workplace stress free for both employees and managers.
In addition, the paper will determine if diversity in generations has any affect on workplace environment and employee satisfaction, by assessing employee?s satisfaction in relationship to generational time lines. This author will discuss the diversity of the workplace as it pertains to the cultures and nationalities of employees, and determine if there is a relationship between these factors and employee satisfaction. With the results of this research it is anticipated that changes will be created for greater employee retention. The author will introduce innovative ideas and strategies for employee retention. The author will examine leadership development in organization and measure is success in employee retention. This part of the paper will examine the role executives play in employee satisfaction. The author will determine how employers can develop strong psychological contracts with employees. A psychological contract is most effective retention tool and employer can have, we will express how employers can build and maintain strong psychological contracts with their employees.
Research Design and Methodology
The research design and methodology of the paper will be a qualitative style of research. The author will use four methods of research, observations, interviews, survey forms and focus groups. The hope is to combine these methods and research findings to demonstrate the thesis of the paper and create innovative new ways to approach future research.
During observations this author will spend ten hours observing various employees in their work environment and rate their level of satisfaction. Employers will also be interviewed regarding the impact of their workplace satisfaction on their home life and personal activities, often times during observation those being observed can change behavior for the observer, we will choose our candidates at random and notify them after the observations are completed. The observation participants will include managers who have been employed for greater than 10 years and employees who have no management titles. Past research has shown that obvious observation can have a negative affect on employees and their performance; we will not interfere with the workplace and will observe as covertly as possible.
The researcher will conduct ten interviews. The writer will interview five people who have been with their employer for 10 years or more and 5 people who have been with their employer for 10 years or less. The interviews will be conducted with 5 members of management and 5 members of non-management. The writer will discuss the employee?s current satisfaction rating. This researcher will ask the employee what it will take to retain them for 10 years or more. This researcher will also interview the employee on work-related family issues. Each interview will last one hour, we will collect information from each candidate regarding the corporate structure and culture and how they are affected by it.
Surveys will be the most effective tool in our research. Past research has shown surveys to be a primary tool in improving workplace satisfaction. Greengard (2004) found that surveys connect employee satisfaction with organizational goals. Greengard also notes surveys can help an organization achieve higher retention rates, lower absenteeism, and improve productivity and customer service. Surveys have had such a strong impact on our topic the author believes they will have a strong impact on the research as well. The researcher plans to distribute 20 surveys per week until 120 surveys are obtained. The surveys will include questions to determine the satisfaction of employees. The surveys will also ask to rate employee satisfaction with personal satisfaction. This researcher will use the survey to gain insight into how employers can retain employees and use the ideas to create innovative measures employers can use. The surveys will be the basis for information regarding retention; it will only be provided to employees who have been employed for two years or more. The surveys will be 25 questions in length and should take no more than 10 minutes to complete. The researcher will allow the surveyed person to return the survey via mail, however we prefer to return and collect the survey.
Focus groups will be conducted during the research project. Each focus group will include five participants and the facilitator. Focus groups will discuss employment challenges, growing autonomy, trust in the company leadership and organization mobility for employees. Focus groups will meet for one hour and will discuss on topic at a time, the topic will be introduced and the group will be given 10 minutes to discuss the topic. The final phase of focus groups will be to brainstorm and pull the main ideas from the discussion; the facilitator will use these main ideas as a part of the research.
In an optimistic eye of a recovering economy ?what is a good job?? and is it satisfying to all involved. Overall satisfaction of employees operates in a rippling effect, in that on the front line they continue the vision of their employer, and facilitate the desired growth. One then has to ponder if the ripple is a calming flow into the area of encouragement, or a shock wave effect that can destroy an organizations tone.
Berg states ?education is a major contributor to employee dissatisfaction.?(p. 651, 1981) The continual rise in educational requirement for job represents a bias that contributes to a malfunctioning labor market. He goes on to say that not educational achievement, but other personality characteristics and environmental condition are what leads to employee satisfaction.
The future chapters will examine the independent factors to employee satisfaction to include past work experience, educational background and career choices. Future more, it is important to note that the assessment of the satisfaction of people in different occupations attach different weight to job features. Such as gender also is a variable in job satisfaction in that men and women of same occupations view satisfaction differently. Moreover, it is imperative that employers counteract escalating employee turnover and dissatisfaction with witty and ingenious retention strategies that will encourage their employees to remain with the organization at least ten years.

Barron, T. (2004, April). The link between leadership development retention, American
Society for Training and Development, 58(4),58-64. Retrieved January 17, 2005, from Business Source Premier
Berg, I. (1981, Jan.). Education and jobs, American Journal of Sociology, 87,651-683.
Retrieved February 2, 2005, from Business Source Premier
Dalton, A. (2004, Nov.). Happy workers, Hospitals and Health Networks, 78(11), 24-25.
Retrieved January 31, 2005, from Business Source Premier
Jones, C. (1992, Jan.). Calculating and updating nursing turnover cost, Nursing
Economic, 10 (1), 39-45. Retrieved January 31, 2005, from Business Source Premier
Korn, D. (2004, April). Entrepreneurship through homeownership, Black Enterprise,
34(9), 61-62. Retrieved January 17, 2005, from Business Source Premier
Levering, R. (2004, Aug.) Creating a great place to work: Why it is important and how
it is done, Corrections Today, 66(5), 86-89. Retrieved February 2, 2005, from Business Source Premier
Lommel, J. (2004, Aug.). Turning around turn over, Correction Today, 66(5)54-58.
Retrieved January 17, 2005, from Business Source Premier
McGinn, D. (2004, May). Quitting time, Newsweek, 143(21) 42-43. Retrieved January
17, 2005, from Business Source Premier
Michel, C. (2004, Sep.) We?re all recruiters: how to win the war for talent, United States
Naval Institute, 130(9) 96. Retrieved January 17, 2005, from Business Source Premier
Thompson, N. (2004, Nov.). All stressed out, community care, 1550, 34-35. Retrieved
January 17, 2005, from Business Source Premier
Weston, R. (1999, Autumn). Factors contributing to personal wellbeing, Family Matters
Issue 52. . Retrieved February 2, 2005, from Business Source Premier.
Williams, J. (2004, July). In the midst of difficulty lies opportunity, Nursing
Management, 11(4) 17-20. Retrieved January 17, 2005, from Business Source Premier

questions from weeks so far:

for your proposal please give me your topic here. What was it that you found to be a problem and why do you think so? Please tell me in 3 sentences what this problem is and how you think you can either solve it, educate others on it, provide more information to world about it etc.... This will become your Statement of the Problem (Step 2) in your appendix for the DRP proposal. Below is Step 2.

Step 2. Statement of the Problem. The DRP research statement of the problem is a three part statement: an introductory sentence, a problem sentence and a transition/closing sentence.

Introductory Sentence: The first sentence introduces the topic of the research problem that is of primary interest to the DRP student.

?Organizational Behavior touts itself as a field that extracts its contents from various social sciences.?

The Problem Sentence: The second sentence presents the structure from which the research question will be derived.

?A review of academic and professional journals reveals no studies illustrating the Organizational Behavior/Social Science linkage.?

The Transition/Closing Sentence: The third sentence is a transition or closing sentence.

?Universities use Organizational Behavior text?s interdisciplinary approach to educate business professionals about behaviors occurring within organizations, and the Organizational Behavior/Social Science relationship.?

Anyone, with or without expertise in this intended research area of interest can immediately understand where the DRP research effort is headed and why. This provides a basis for how the DRP student will relate the DRP research conclusion back to the statement of the problem and either their primary research question or hypothesis as the research moves forward.

Post this statement of the Problem here.
for your proposal please provide me with the context of your problem. What is the history behind your problem? Why is it a problem and for whom is it a problem? How did the probelm begin, where is this problem located? What are the consequences and or positive aspects if any of this problem? This is from Step 1 of your DRP proposal in the appendix section of the syllabus. This should be around 3 pages long.

Step 1. Context of the Problem. -- sets up the research statement with background, purpose and perhaps some support from the literature or acceptable literature alternatives. It is here that the DRP problem or issue is discussed and gives a transitory explanation of what the completed research work-product will most likely contain.

post here your context of the problem.
for your proposal please provide me with your research questions. These questions are going to guide your research. They are going to be the questions from which the answers will help you solve, educate others about or further explore your problem. You should have around 5 or 6 reserach problems. All of them should be guiding not yes or no questions but rather ones that when asked and answered will help you figure out a solution to your problem. This is Step 3 of your DRP proposal in the appendix section of the syllabus.

Step 3. Research Question/Hypothesis and
The research question or hypothesis is derived from the statement of the problem. This provides a clear basis for the research to be done. The research question/hypothesis can be broken into applicable manageable subquestions or subhypotheses.

Research Questions

The purpose of this research is to determine how universities use Organizational Behavior?s interdisciplinary approach to educate business professionals about behaviors within organizations, and the Organizational Behavior/Social Science relationship? To answer this question, the following subquestions will be addressed:

1. What is Organizational Behavior, it?s core body of knowledge and interdisciplinary approach? (Qualitative)

2. What Social Science concepts influence the Organization Behavior field?s core body of knowledge and the correlation between them? (Quantitative)

3. How are business professionals educated about behaviors occurring in organizations? (Qualitative)

Please provide me with your research questions here.
for your proposal provide me with your Significance of the Study. This section should be around 3-4 pages long and it should describe to me why you care so much about this problem? Why should I care about this problem? Why should the world care about this problem? This is where your passion can come out and where you try to persude the world that this problem is worthy of your time and energy and the time and energy of those who are going to read it. Put your heart into it but back up what you say with references.... always.
This is step 4 of your DRP proposal found in the appendix section of your syllabus.

Step 4. Significance of the Study. The Significance of the Study section is the researcher?s opportunity to explain why it is a significant research problem under study in theory and/or practice. The following example of a declaration of significance may be helpful:

Significance of the Study

This case study is important because it recognizes the value and benefits of conducting e-business on the WWW.

The study will help clarify the nature of warranted change and how a significant segment of the Corporate structure communicates strategically in business and the professions. This research is also of importance because it will add to the growing base of knowledge about e-business and the WWW Global market place. A third consideration of the significance is that much more can be learned about what companies can do to be successful and to circumvent initial failure in the first place. From a qualitative and naturalistic-ethnographical setting it is expected much will be learned including management and the need for effective strategic communication.

To the extent this study reveals how e-business can be successful, Corporate management may or may not need to be concerned with whether or not organizational policy changes are necessary, or whether the phenomena is a matter of environmental business changes of the day, then the study will have contributed to a better understanding that is unique to the larger WWW e-business community.
for your proposal please provide me with your Research Design and Methodology Section. This is the meat and potatoes, the heart, the main point of why you are here and why you are doing what you are doing. This is the road map, the path you are taking to tell me how you are going to do what you are going to do. While you will see that quantitative and triagulation methods are talked about in the appendix section of the syllabus I would like you to only use QUALITATIVE methodology. I would also like you to use 5 methodologies in your research design and methodology section.
1. interviews
2. surveys
3. focus groups
4. internal data
5. observations

You must use all 5 and talk about how each of these will be conducted, where, how, with whom, and why? Why will it help you answer your research questions and why and how will it help you solve, further educate etc... the world about your problem.

This section should be around 5- 6 pages long. This is Step 5 in your DRP proposal found in your appendix section of the syllabus.

Step 5. Research Design and Methodology. There are three kinds of DRP research design -- qualitative, quantitative and triangulation. The first sentence of the section explains which kind of design the student will use.

Qualitative research focuses on understanding phenomena, rather than predicting as in the application of traditional quantitative or statistical research. Triangulation is the integration of both qualitative and quantitative (mixed-method) research designs, combining both into a single research strategy to increase the quality of results.

The methodology section describes the procedures the DRP will follow (content analyses, face-to-face interviews, questionnaires, quantitative analyses, etc.), describes the information and/or data that the student will collect, and describes how the student will develop conclusions to address the purpose of the study.

Premises of the Qualitative and Quantitative Research

Qualitative Quantitative

Research Definition A formal systematic, realistic and consistent subjective strategy for obtaining information about a targeted research micro group or individual situation that can be used to describe life experiences and give them meaning. A formal systematic, realistic and consistent objective strategy for obtaining information about a targeted research macro population. A method used to describe, test relationships, and examine cause and effect relationships.

Research Goal The realistic goal is to clearly identify a primary research question to answer and gain an understanding and insight by exploring the depth, richness, and complexity inherent in phenomenon. The realistic goal is to clearly identify the primary research hypothesis, test relationships, find facts, describe and examine cause and effect relations.
Research Objectives A prioritized arrangement of specific key researchable and measurable research questions and subquestions; or specific key measurable research hypothesis and subhypotheses, respectively.

Research Strategy The creation of a unique, appropriate, timely design, techniques and activities appropriate for the research objective(s) and goal(s) that are consistent and synergistic. Because credibility, reality, reliability and validity weigh heavily upon the research outcome, it is important for the researcher to ?do the right thing and do things right.?
Note: See Leedy and Ormrod (2001) pp. 101 ? 103, Comparing Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches.

Workplace wellness is a way to boost productivity and reduce health care costs.

Example Articles:

The sources and effects of stress that workers face at work areas and jobsites, and how these stresses can manifest themselves in worker attitudes and behavior.

Workplace Stress

I want to request Gail for this assignment. I will send the articles to The review must give a very brief review and the rest must synthesize. The instructor wants you to support everything said with other scholars that agree with you. He stresses synthesizing and support for your opinion. Please call me to explain better if needed. (706)627-2847 I will be sending four other orders. look out for them Gail.

1. The purpose of this 4-8 page paper is a formal concept analysis of one concept found in a nursing theory, adapting the methodology of Walker and Avant (2010, p. 157-179). The book is not needed to succeed with this assignment.

2. Any nursing theory may be used to find a concept for analysis. Only one concept is analyzed.

3. As part of the concept analysis, a limited and focused review of scholarly literature is conducted, using a minimum of 5 scholarly sources related to the selected concept. A formal literature review can be extensive as a writer endeavors to discuss and critique all the relevan litarature about a specific topic or area of knowledge. In this assignment, the level of effor is not required. What is expected is an integrated discussion of al least five articles on the concept selected for this assignment. In this integrated discussion, themes, ideas, or facts about the concept found in the reviewed fare presented in an organized fashion. Scholarly ciritisism of how the various aurthors arrived at those themes is uncluded. This critique relates the writers insights on such matters as the validity and reliability of trhe methods used by the different aurthors to learn about the concept and the strengths and weaknesses of those aurthors conclusions. Note: Research articles about the concept are the best kind of article for a literature review.

4. The steps in a concept analysis include: (1) selection of a concept used in a nursing theory (2) identification of the aims or purposes of the analysis (3) a review of selected scholarly literature on the concept (4) identification of possible use of the selected concept (5) determination of defining attributes (6) identification of model cases (7) identification of alternate cases (8) identification of antecedents and consequences. (9) defenition of empirical referents.

The paper concludes with a synthesis of the students knowledge about the concept. The scholarly literaure is incorporated throughout the analysis.

Criteria for Content
1. Introduction includes statements on the process of concept analysis, identifies the nursing concept and nursing theory from which it was obtained, and relates the main topics of the paper.
2. A substantive discussion of each of the following elements is present. All elements arwe supported by scholarly literature.

a. One aim or purpose of the analysis
b. A review of scholarly literature
c. two possible uses of the concept
d. three defining attributes
e. Two model cases
f. Two of the following alternative cases: borderline, related, contrary, invented, or illegitimate
g. One antecedent and one consequence
h. Two empirical referents

3. Concluding statements present the writers new knowledge on the concept acquired as a result of writing this paper.

Criteria for format and special instructions

1. Title page, body of paper, and reference page must be in APA format (6th ed).
2. A minimum of 5 scholarly sources on the concept are required
3. The paper excludes the title pate and reference page must be a minimum of 4 pages and no longer than 8 pages.
4. Ideas and information from professional sources must be cited correctly
5. grammar, spelling, punctuation, and citation are consistent with the writing style specifid in the 6th ed.

Possible concepts include

1. Noise
2. adaptation
3. stress
4. boundary lines
5. modeling
6. actual caring occasion
7. behavioral system
8. meaningfulness
9. open system
10. self care deficit- interested in this one or the stress one.
11 Activites of living.

Paper headings

1. Introduction
2. Aims or Purpose
3. Literature Review
4. Uses
5. Defining attributes
6. Model cases
7. Alternative cases
8. Antecedents and Consequences
9. Empirical Referents
10. Conclusion
11. Paper specifications

This topic is really about Human Relations, workplace violence: worker to worker, bullying in the workplace.
Must be 15 pages
Some references are provided:
Workplace violence research institute
Also see additional attachments


? ER issues in preventing workplace violence (i.e., by type of industry or by type of violence or by type of victim or perpetrator). You might think about studying a workplace that experienced a violent episode. What did they do to ?recover?? How were employees, managers, and stockholders affected?
*ER issues in preventing workplace violence: worker on worker type of violence focusing on workplace bullying.
Issues to focus on: discipline and taking actions to prevent bullying in the workplace, and protecting employees.

Issues in preventing workplace bullying:
1. identify and report bullying
2. prevention
3. training
4. taking or not taking actions
5. impact plus risks for employees/employer

After you choose your topic, you?ll need to refine the scope of the paper and identify the key questions to investigate.

Refining the scope of the paper

The critical problems and possible solutions for employers
--What are the major factors promoting workplace violence

--What are the best practices for preventing bullying

Outlining your paper first helps to identify whether all the important facets have been addressed and whether you have it organized efficiently. A good outline serves as the ?bones? for your paper. Without these bones, the paper will collapse.

Example: The overview outline might be:

The thesis Statement might be something like this: The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate that bullying is a form of workplace violence that has a tremendous potential to deeply impact both employers? and employees in many different aspects. Also this paper will identify issues in preventing this behavior in the workplace, and what?s being done at corporate and legal levels to stop bullying in the workplace

Introduction: Workplace violence can come in all forms, but bullying is one form of psychological violence that?s not often given much importance by employers and employees, the law and unions??etc. Bullying can be aggressive (physical confrontation) or subtle which can make it difficult to detect.
Workplace bullying is the deliberate, hurtful, negative, repeated mistreatment of one or more employees driven by a desire to control. Some of the forms it takes are constant and unfair criticism, teasing, yelling, insulting, malicious gossiping, and aggressive behavior.
Workplace bullying is inappropriate and unacceptable behavior, but it is not prohibited by any federal or state law, unlike illegal discrimination and harassment covered by Title VII of the Civil Rights Act and under state fair employment laws.

Definition: Provide a psychological description plus behavior traits of bullies. Also provide an HR definition.
The Workplace Violence Research Institute similarly defines the phenomenon
in broad ?abuse-related? terms:
Any act against an employee that creates a hostile work environment and
negatively affects the employee, either physically or psychologically.

What causes people to bully in the workplace? Work stress or personality/character flaws or something else? Is there something in the work environment that can trigger bullying in the workplace?

If bullying is done in a way that it?s targeting a protected group under Title VII, can they file a claim against the employer/person ?

Relevance: Employees are the biggest and most important asset of the employer and they try to do as much possible to keep employees happy in an effort to retain them by providing a safe and stress free environment where they can creative, innovative and productive. In addition to labor Laws, Employees need to establish rules and guidelines in the workplace to prevent such behaviors and protect potential victims. Bullying is a huge financial risk for employers and it costs money: absenteeism, illness, unproductive employees etc?..

Key Issues/constituents? major concerns** about the topic: Risks to employer
Legal and financial risks, employee mental health/suicide or extreme violence(cite example of suicide of extreme violence

employee?s concerns: Safety, stress, etc?.
employer?s: cost and legal liability

government?s/Legal: Occupational Health and safety Legislation: Employers must ensure the health and safety of all staff and so therefore have a responsibility to prevent and mange bullying

union?s: Part of Collective bargaining agreement is to make sure that workers are in a safe work environment.
Grievance of victims

advocacy group?s: Where do they operate and what do they do to help workers.
Do they reach out to workers or would it be part of some sort of wellness program at work. (The Workplace Bullying Institute)

Best practices for solving the key problems/issues: how to prevent and stop workplace bullying


Reference List

** There are a couple ways to organize this section. One is to state the first issue and give all the constituents? views about it then move on to issue #2 and do the same. An alternative might be to discuss all the issues of a particular constituent group first then move on to all the issues of a second constituent group. There may be other, equally effective ways to structure this section. How the material is organized depends, in part, on the information you obtain through the research.

Checklist for Writing Papers

Administrative Preparation

? The paper is posted by Tuesday, April 5, 2011, at noon (EST). It needs to be posted in your assignment folder.

? The body of the paper must be at least 15 pages long, but may not exceed 18 pages. The paper must also include a Title Page and a References section (these are not included in the 15-18 page total.) You should not include an abstract. Points will be deducted for a paper that does not adhere to this length.

? When formatting your paper you will use
o 1 Inch Margins (Top, Right, Left, Bottom)
o 12 pt. Times Roman or Courier Font
o Double Space
o Indented Paragraphs
o Numbered Pages

? Proper APA format must be used in all aspects of your paper. You will be evaluated on this.

Conceptual Goal

? The topic is related to this class. (If it is not, a zero score can be awarded.)

? The purpose of the paper is clearly stated. (Explicitly say ?The purpose of this paper is to __________.?) This is also known as your thesis statement.

? The focus and scope are clearly and reasonably defined. (State the key questions you are planning to answer.)

Organization (Outlining before writing helps to detect problems and makes the experience of writing a paper so much more pleasant.)

? The Introduction:

o Tells the reader the purpose, scope, and agenda of the paper.
o Indicates the relevance of the topic.
o Catches the reader's interest.

? The Body

o Contains substantial content and represents a significant literature review. In other words, the material extends substantially beyond the course readings.
o Discusses issues thoroughly.
o Examines all the major constituent groups? perspectives.
o Defines special terms.
o Supports points well with logic, data, and/or examples.
o Includes conclusions that demonstrate integrative, critical thinking.

? The Conclusion

o Shows the purpose has been achieved and recaps the key thoughts.
o Gives psychological closure.

Delivery (Having someone else read a draft helps to detect errors.)

? Citations are given for non-original material, using APA format for the in-text citation as well as the reference list.
? Technical aspects of writing (i.e., grammar, sentence structure, and spelling) are correct.
? Academic style (i.e., appropriate diction, clarity, smooth transitions, and an audience-oriented approach) is demonstrated.

Reference List

? The references conform to APA format.

Workplace Violence

This research project is on Workplace Violence. I will emailing 5 articles and faxing copies of examples to (954.337.9237) and also a start of the work. This assignment may not be completed, as I will be working on it for next semester also. This paper will also be based on a survey (faxed)
Abstract- purpose of the research project
Research problem statement
background of the problem
Scope of the problem
Purpose of the study
DEVELOPMENT of a METHODOLOGY or plan of implementation and selection of appropriate tools for evaluation of the data.

This acceptable draft for the Project Report due will be for review in final draft form

THANK YOU [email protected]
There are faxes for this order.

Stress What Does Stress Actually

Defines physical & psychological dimensions of stress. Problems of high levels of college student stress. Grades. College life & stress. Health problems. How stress manifests itself in work, school, bar settings. Need for intervention strategies to reduce stress. Various techniques such as elimination of stressor & relaxation techniques. Strengths and weakness of our current understanding of this area. Up to date and unique, is essential. Use 1 or two recent studies. 1" margins all around, double spaced, 12 font size.

Could you please write a consultation plan essay on stress management caused by staff conflict in organization. The essay should include two parts.

Diagnosis and Assessment
? define the problem and verify its significance
? select a measurement procedure
? interpret and analyze your data

Implementation and Intervention
? anticipated positive and negative effects
? probable responses
? planned solutions

Individual Graded Assignment ? Workplace Violence
As the nurse manager, you must address a recent incident involving workplace violence that occurred on your unit and share it with your leadership group.

Incident of violence between nurses (Nurse-to-nurse). From that scenario, develop workplace violence assessment and recommendation report that will be presented at the next leadership meeting.

Provide the following in your report:

1. Purpose/background ? include information about the purpose of the report, situation involved, current culture and climate of the organization, and any factors (internal and external) that may have contributed to the situation.
2. Major findings and implications ? identify who was impacted/affected by the situation (directly and indirectly) and any patient and staff safety considerations.
3. Corrective actions and recommendation plan ? what preliminary corrective actions do you intend to take to address the situation and what is your recommendation plan to mitigate future incidences from occurring? Be sure to consider leadership considerations, organizational structure and supports, policies and any interdepartmental relationship and communication considerations.
4. Monitoring/Evaluating ? how will you monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the plan?
5. Presentation and Style of report ? be sure the report addresses the key components and integrates any charts or graphs that can be used to convey information.

APA style.

8 pages including abstract.

This is a portfolio paper on a real life experience. I picked Stress Management for my topic. I am a Team Leader on my job. You can only use use books or textbooks on my topic. Can not use the internet. The introduction of the paper is to tell about your learning experience, so use first person pronouns because you are talking about the experience. The body of the paper should be scholarly. Therefore , revert to third person pronouns in order to keep the scholarly focus on the paper. The conclusion should remain in third person as you summarize your main points. Must have an abstract page and an introductory paragraph with a succinct thesis statement. Must include with re-statement of the thesis and a concluding paragraph. Must include citations after every sentence you cite. The topic of Stress Management is a study of stress and other related health topics and their effects upon human behavior. Examine stress, its effects and how to deal with it will be studied from a conceptual and application basis. Related topics include job-related stress and burnout, smoking, obesity, hypertension, cancer, and diabetes. Being a team leader in a manufacturing plant can sometimes be stressful. If you can center my paper around my job.

Stress Analysis Management

identify major stress elements in the life(1. work, 2. kids, 3.
going to school and work,)

identify stress trigers, reaction to stress, how to deal with stress, and what stress management techniques are avalable

1.Explore your efforts toward a health behavior which is Stress Management.
Why is this behavior important to engage in?

2. What are your motivations toward this behavior (consider intrinsic and extrinsic motivation)?

3. What are positive and negative influences toward achieving this behavior? How do they affect efforts towards this behavior?

4. What are some motivational strategies that you can engage in to increase your effectiveness toward this behavior?

Answer all parts of the writing prompt. In addition to your summary of the information I want your original thought.

You must use at least two reputable sources such as journals or books. Use the book What is Psychology? By Pastorino and Doyle Portillo

You may use websites, however they must be by .org, .gov, or .edu not .com or .net

The paper must conform to APA standard and the citations have to be APA format.

Police Officials and Stress

This paper will be on Stress in Law Enforcement a minimum of 1500 words, written, and formatted according to APA guidelines.? Proper content, spelling, grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure are expected.? You must dedicate a portion of your paper to the Saint Leo University Core Value of Responsible Stewardship.? A minimum of five (5) references are required (Wikipedia is NOT an acceptable reference for academic assignments).? IMPORTANT: The Research Paper you submit for this class CANNOT be the same in whole or part as any assignment that you have previously submitted while attending Saint Leo University.The paper will be graded on the following:1. Thoroughness. How extensively does the paper develop the issue? Does the student show depth and understanding of the subject, or is the analysis superficial? Does the paper clearly identify its focus and logically analyze and discuss the topic?2. Scholarly quality. Does the assignment meet acceptable college level standards with respect to form and substance? Are the ideas presented in a clear, concise manner? Are there numerous typographical, spelling, or grammatical errors? (Each such error deducts points off the grade.)

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper in which you address psychological testing that can be implemented in the workplace. Include the following:

? Discuss three types of psychological testing used in the workplace and differentiate between those used for pre-employment or retention.
? Discuss validity and reliability issues surrounding the use of psychological testing.
? Discuss ethical issues involved in psychological testing.

Include at least three references.
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Times New Roman, font 12, double -spaced, headers/bold at the beginning of each parag. when starting a new one, the citing of a quote will need to look as follows; (author, date, parag. or pg. number). do not skimp on this and please put quotation marks around the referenced information used. Use the downloaded files to do paper , reference author is: Spector, P. E. (2008). Industrial and organizational psychology: Research and practice (5th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.

3 Pages

Managing Workplace Stress Workplace Stress

Words: 934
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Please answer the following questions: 1. What is workplace stress and how does stress impacts how people communicate? 3.What speciific skills or tool can be used to manage to…

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12 Pages
Research Paper

Workplace Stress All Stressed Out

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Topic is Workplace Stress This is for a class Management and Supervision is in College of Business and Management of some university. Part of Syllabus: Texts and Supporting Resources (three items and…

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5 Pages

Workplace Stress Define Workplace Stress:

Words: 2181
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Topic of the paper is "Stress in the workplace; What is it? How do you cope with it?" Suggestions: 1. Define workplace stress. 2. Find great managers of…

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6 Pages
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Motivation Stress and Communication

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Research a company at which you would like to work (not your current employer) and write a six to eight (6-8) page paper in which you: 1.…

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20 Pages

Job Stress

Words: 6333
Length: 20 Pages
Type: Essay

My thesis is on Job Stress however, my instructor suggested that the paper should start off by talking about stress in the USA within the past 20 year; followed…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

High Performance Workplaces High-Performance Workplaces:

Words: 705
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

describe the charactheristic of high performance workplaces and organizations, discuss how performance workplace and organizations differ from traditional organization in terms of operational effectiviness,workplace stress,and organizational dynamics,compile strategies for…

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6 Pages

Leadership Team Building and Communication

Words: 1951
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Use the Internet to research a company for which you would like to work. (A project management or portfolio management company) Write a six to eight (6-8) page paper in…

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18 Pages
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Cutting Faced With the Different

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Here are the instructions I get each week for research paper, please consider them while writing the paper. Also a paper is pasted in the end for reference after…

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Leadership Team Building and Communication

Words: 2326
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Assignment 3: Leadership, Teambuilding, and Communication Use the Internet to research a company for which you would like to work. Write a six to eight (6-8) page paper in which…

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5 Pages
Research Paper

Work Situation Standard Chartered Bank in America

Words: 1708
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Research a company at which you would like to work (not your current employer) and write a paper in which you: 1. Create a brief job…

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Drp) What Is Wrong With

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I am doing Research and Strategic communication course in MIS. I have to complete a minimum of a 20-page research proposal consistent with standards of the university?s Directed Research…

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Wellness Programs in Recent Years

Words: 2020
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Workplace wellness is a way to boost productivity and reduce health care costs. Example Articles:

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4 Pages

Sources Effects Stress Workers Face Work Areas Jobsites Stresses Manifest Worker Attitudes Behavior

Words: 1221
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

The sources and effects of stress that workers face at work areas and jobsites, and how these stresses can manifest themselves in worker attitudes and behavior.

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2 Pages
Research Paper

Workplace Stress

Words: 657
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

I want to request Gail for this assignment. I will send the articles to The review must give a very brief review and the rest must synthesize. The…

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6 Pages

Stress: Concept Analysis Concepts Are the Fundamental

Words: 2110
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

1. The purpose of this 4-8 page paper is a formal concept analysis of one concept found in a nursing theory, adapting the methodology of Walker and Avant (2010,…

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15 Pages
Research Paper

Workplace Violence (Bullying) Workplace Violence Can Be

Words: 4127
Length: 15 Pages
Type: Research Paper

This topic is really about Human Relations, workplace violence: worker to worker, bullying in the workplace. Must be 15 pages Some references are provided: Workplace violence research institute Also see additional attachments Topic…

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6 Pages

Workplace Violence

Words: 1987
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

This research project is on Workplace Violence. I will emailing 5 articles and faxing copies of examples to (954.337.9237) and also a start of the work. This…

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12 Pages
Research Paper

Stress What Does Stress Actually

Words: 5243
Length: 12 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Defines physical & psychological dimensions of stress. Problems of high levels of college student stress. Grades. College life & stress. Health problems. How stress manifests itself in work,…

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2 Pages

Stress Management Produced by Staff Conflict in

Words: 563
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Could you please write a consultation plan essay on stress management caused by staff conflict in organization. The essay should include two parts. Diagnosis and Assessment ? define the problem and verify…

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8 Pages
Research Paper

Workplace Violence Major Findings and Implications Corrective

Words: 2557
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Individual Graded Assignment ? Workplace Violence Scenario: As the nurse manager, you must address a recent incident involving workplace violence that occurred on your unit and share it with your leadership…

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10 Pages

Stress Management This Portfolio Project

Words: 2588
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Essay

This is a portfolio paper on a real life experience. I picked Stress Management for my topic. I am a Team Leader on my job. You can only use…

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3 Pages
Research Paper

Stress Analysis Management

Words: 868
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

identify major stress elements in the life(1. work, 2. kids, 3. going to school and work,) identify stress trigers, reaction to stress, how to deal with stress, and…

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Stress Management for a Healthy Behavior Explore

Words: 1057
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

1.Explore your efforts toward a health behavior which is Stress Management. Why is this behavior important to engage in? 2. What are your motivations toward this behavior (consider intrinsic and…

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5 Pages
Research Paper

Police Officials and Stress

Words: 1736
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

This paper will be on Stress in Law Enforcement a minimum of 1500 words, written, and formatted according to APA guidelines.? Proper content, spelling, grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure…

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4 Pages

Workplace Are Job Knowledge Tests, Cognitive Ability

Words: 1575
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper in which you address psychological testing that can be implemented in the workplace. Include the following: ? Discuss three types of psychological testing used…

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